who is the great whore in Revelation?

Daniel and Revelation are related and connected

I am not an expert on last days stuff... I mean, even Jesus said that only the Father knows when the End will come... not the Son... which is odd because normally there is no separation... (so called) btwn the Two

Actually Jesus teaches--the Father is greater than i--There is no equality, They are one in purpose-The living to do his Fathers will. as the followers do as well-John 5:30--Matt 7:21.
Daniel and Revelation are related and connected

I am not an expert on last days stuff... I mean, even Jesus said that only the Father knows when the End will come... not the Son... which is odd because normally there is no separation... (so called) btwn the Two

Daniel is about Antiochus IV Epiphanes ( God Manifest) who defiled the Temple with the Abomination of Desolation and tried to Hellenize the Jews.

Revelation is a letter to the first generation of Christians.
That really has nothing to do with prophecy in Daniel

That's what the book of Daniel is about? Why do you think the Temple had to be rededicated?

You have to be really ignorant to be JW. I feel sorry for you.
Daniel is about Antiochus IV Epiphanes ( God Manifest) who defiled the Temple with the Abomination of Desolation and tried to Hellenize the Jews.

Revelation is a letter to the first generation of Christians.
Then please show us Gods kingdom in full control and all the wonderful promises found in Exekial and Isaiah about what That kingdom will do. It promises--No resident will ever say i am sick( Isaiah 33:24)--Show us these things please on this earth that have been fulfilled. By the promise of Gods kingdom arrival in Revelation. You cannot, because it has not occurred yet.
Rev 21:4--and DEATH will be no more--Please show us this wonderful promise.
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Then please show us Gods kingdom in full control and all the wonderful promises found in Exekial and Isaiah about what That kingdom will do. It promises--No resident will ever say i am sick( Isaiah 33:24)--Show us these things please on this earth that have been fulfilled. By the promise of Gods kingdom arrival in Revelation. You cannot, because it has not occurred yet.
Rev 21:4--And DEATH will be no more--Show us this occurrence.
Then please show us Gods kingdom in full control and all the wonderful promises found in Exekial and Isaiah about what That kingdom will do. It promises--No resident will ever say i am sick( Isaiah 33:24)--Show us these things please on this earth that have been fulfilled. By the promise of Gods kingdom arrival in Revelation. You cannot, because it has not occurred yet.
Rev 21:4--and DEATH will be no more--Please show us this wonderful promise.

Isaiah isn't about Jesus..
Isaiah isn't about Jesus..
Certain passages are about what Gods kingdom rule will accomplish. Every supposed scholar on the planet will tell you the same. And the passage in Revelation about death being no more proves 100% it has NOT occurred as of yet. It is coming soon.
That's what the book of Daniel is about? Why do you think the Temple had to be rededicated?

You have to be really ignorant to be JW. I feel sorry for you.
Daniel did have fullfillment in those days. The greater fullfillment is coming as a thief in the night, when they least expect it. This is when-1Thess 5:3
Daniel did have fullfillment in those days. The greater fullfillment is coming as a thief in the night, when they least expect it. This is when-1Thess 5:3

1Thess 5:3 is written for the first generation of Christians who feared that those who had passed away would be left behind.
1Thess 5:3 is written for the first generation of Christians who feared that those who had passed away would be left behind.
The same for Daniel-a small fulfillment occurred back then but the larger fulfillment is still to come. Like the 2 verses i shared which have not occurred yet. Is someone teaching you these things or are they just your own thoughts?
The same for Daniel-a small fulfillment occurred back then but the larger fulfillment is still to come. Like the 2 verses i shared which have not occurred yet. Is someone teaching you these things or are they just your own thoughts?

What fulfillment in Daniel? Have you even read it? JW have their own Bible, don't they?

Daniel was about Antiochus IV and the Maccabean Revolt.
Rev 21:4--And DEATH will be no more--Show us this occurrence.

Revelation 21:4 4'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Because of Jesus sacrifice, we are promised that there will be no weeping in heaven, and death and destruction will be swallowed up in victory.
What fulfillment in Daniel? Have you even read it? JW have their own Bible, don't they?

Daniel was about Antiochus IV and the Maccabean Revolt.
Rev 12 certainly has not happened yet. 12:4 assures of it-- There was a smaller fulfillment back then, but the larger fulfillment has not yet occurred.
Revelation 21:4 4'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Because of Jesus sacrifice, we are promised that there will be no weeping in heaven, and death and destruction will be swallowed up in victory.
Jesus only promised the little flock( Luke 12:32) heaven. These are spoken of at Rev 14:3= 144,000 to his bride, to rule as kings and priests on thrones beside him for the thousand tears. Rev 1:6-- Rev 20:6--- As for -the other sheep( great crowd. It just says they will stand before the throne--At that point Gods throne( kingdom rule in full power over all creation) It wont matter where one is standing it will be before the throne. It will be the only ruling power forever left in existence( Daniel 2:44)--these recieve this promise( there are no other ones but these to get this promise) Matt 5:5--Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. Gods promise to bring them through Har-mageddon- Prov 2:21-22-- Matthew 24:22. ( see always a ot fulfillment and a nt fulfillment on matters of truth. One cannot live on earth forever in this current system. So the greater fulfillment has not occurred yet. It is coming. We are at the end of these last days. The 2 scriptures i shared about sickness and death has not occurred yet.
Rev 12 certainly has not happened yet. 12:4 assures of it-- There was a smaller fulfillment back then, but the larger fulfillment has not yet occurred.

Remember, the sacrifice of Jesus took the sting out of death.

Rev 12 represents the birth of Christianity.
Jesus only promised the little flock( Luke 12:32) heaven. These are spoken of at Rev 14:3= 144,000 to his bride, to rule as kings and priests on thrones beside him for the thousand tears. Rev 1:6-- Rev 20:6--- As for -the other sheep( great crowd. It just says they will stand before the throne--At that point Gods throne( kingdom rule in full power over all creation) It wont matter where one is standing it will be before the throne. It will be the only ruling power forever left in existence( Daniel 2:44)--these recieve this promise( there are no other ones but these to get this promise) Matt 5:5--Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. Gods promise to bring them through Har-mageddon- Prov 2:21-22-- Matthew 24:22. ( see always a ot fulfillment and a nt fulfillment on matters of truth. One cannot live on earth forever in this current system. So the greater fulfillment has not occurred yet. It is coming. We are at the end of these last days. The 2 scriptures i shared about sickness and death has not occurred yet.

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.

Luke wrote from Antioch.. This is a term of endearment.. How do you connect it to the Revelation letter to the churches?

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