Who is responsible for providing shipments of weapons / bats used against police?

Using bats against the police?!

He was in Family Guy quite a bit. Also made an appearance or two on the Big Bang. Also had a long career in the porno biz. His Batman schtick type cast him, so he never got many other tv roles...

Why hasn't anyone looked into / reported this?


Easy.....someone with ties to the democrat party. The democrat party is financing, training, coordinating and organizing these brown shirt groups through it's allies and cut outs......just like the DNC and hilary hired Christopher Steele through the Perkins/Coie law firm.
Boogaloo! That's WHO!

Boogaloo coming for you!

And Trump gonna do nothing.

No one has ever heard of this group. The ones doing the killing, murdering, looting, rioting, pillaging are blm, antifa and other police haters.
Boogaloo! That's WHO!

Boogaloo coming for you!

And Trump gonna do nothing.
LMFAO! Don't let the last 4 years of leftist violence in the streets fool you.

The instant George Floyd died, BLM stopped pushing "kill the police" rhetoric, the far left went full peace-and-love and Antifa vanished. Now that this rapid transformation has taken place, all of the violence you're seeing at the protests is actually right wing false flag attacks. People at left wing "anti-extremist" think tanks say so, and they even cite several events where there was online chatter from right wingers about wanting to create havoc at the events.

Just look at all the pictures in the article of right wingers protesting. . . HOLDING GUNS! I mean, if you look at people who would demonstrate in FAVOR of the 2nd Amendment, and it doesn't PROVE to you that these people are pure evil, and that anybody who opposes them must therefore be the armies of the RIGHTEOUS, then you're probably a white supremacist yourself!
He was in Family Guy quite a bit. Also made an appearance or two on the Big Bang. Also had a long career in the porno biz. His Batman schtick type cast him, so he never got many other tv roles...

Fucking Adam West (Batman) never did porn. He was a player though, no doubt about it. Fell into my aunt's pond 2am, unannounced - The dude liked his alcohol. Adam West's Crazy Batman Orgy Stories - Official Blog of Adult Empire

He was also very cool, sported his best behavior for my cousin. I met Robin too, and even at my young age of 4-5 I could see he was a major asshole. But how can you blame him, he was probably no more than 20, the hottest 20 in town with girls all over the guy.
He was in Family Guy quite a bit. Also made an appearance or two on the Big Bang. Also had a long career in the porno biz. His Batman schtick type cast him, so he never got many other tv roles...

Fucking Adam West (Batman) never did porn. He was a player though, no doubt about it. Fell into my aunt's pond 2am, unannounced - The dude liked his alcohol. Adam West's Crazy Batman Orgy Stories - Official Blog of Adult Empire

He was also very cool, sported his best behavior for my cousin. I met Robin too, and even at my young age of 4-5 I could see he was a major asshole. But how can you blame him, he was probably no more than 20, the hottest 20 in town with girls all over the guy.

Really? What do you call this? PG-13?

He was in Family Guy quite a bit. Also made an appearance or two on the Big Bang. Also had a long career in the porno biz. His Batman schtick type cast him, so he never got many other tv roles...

Fucking Adam West (Batman) never did porn. He was a player though, no doubt about it. Fell into my aunt's pond 2am, unannounced - The dude liked his alcohol. Adam West's Crazy Batman Orgy Stories - Official Blog of Adult Empire

He was also very cool, sported his best behavior for my cousin. I met Robin too, and even at my young age of 4-5 I could see he was a major asshole. But how can you blame him, he was probably no more than 20, the hottest 20 in town with girls all over the guy.

Really? What do you call this? PG-13?

No kidding, didn't know that or forgot. I know he was starving for roles because he blew his wad with Batman. Other than the one early influence, I'll remember him as a great interview, I think it was with Howard Stern. William Shatner the same.

Best Batman movie:

Best one later wasn't even Batman, the Joker was really well done.
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