Who here favors expanding the Supreme Court?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Long ago during the reign of FDR the nation experienced the Progressive attack on Constitutional law known as the Court Packing Scheme. Many of you probably have never even heard of it in school because schools only cast a favorable light on Progressives such as FDR, but it happened nonetheless. Essentially, SCOTUS had just struck down FDR's New Deal in many regards and he was pissed out of his mind, so he came up with a scheme to add Supreme Court Justices who would pass his legislation. Luckily, no one else wanted to go along with this blatant attempt to subvert the checks and balances set up by the Founders that stood in FDR's way. And Americans were overwhelmingly against the idea as well. This sort of corruption is what later prompted Congress to act to limit the terms of the President, with FDR who had just achieved his third term.

However, FDR is a Progressive god to Progressives today, and they are wanting to follow in his footsteps by trying to do what he tried to do long ago. The difference today is that you have about half the populace ready to follow the DNC no matter what it does or says, as opposed to Americans back in the 1040's who were aghast at the corruption of FDR and his Court Packing Scheme. Mark my words, once back in power they will attempt this because their agenda is so radical, they will need to rewrite the Constitution with the help of their Supreme Court Justice stooges.

So who here agrees with it?

The reasoning in the article was this:

“We can’t go on like this where every time there’s a vacancy, there’s this apocalyptic ideological battle,” he added.

But how would the ideological battle change with more Supreme Court justices? It makes not sense. Essentially, the battles would rage even more as more and more would need to be appointed.

This sort of thing is what we have to look forward to with a Biden win
The courts are now a political toy.

Do whatever you can get away with. Stack the courts. Block appointments. Hold seats open until you have a favorable Presidency. Nuclear option appointments
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Our founders envisioned a Court System that was outside of political pressure.

That is no longer the case. If Democrats can get away with expanding the courts.....that’s the way it is
The courts are now a political toy.

Do whatever you can get away with. Stack the courts. Block appointments. Hold seats open until you have a favorable Presidency. Nuclear option appointments
Agreed. But do you favor the democrats packing the courts to get their way on things?

Yes or no?
Our founders envisioned a Court System that was outside of political pressure.

That is no longer the case. If Democrats can get away with expanding the courts.....that’s the way it is
Understand that originally the Supreme Court was not seen as having the final word as to what is or is not Constitutional. Marbury vs. Madison set a precedent for the courts having the final say on what is Constitutional and what is not. At the time, Thomas Jefferson blew a gasket and demanded that the Supreme Court not be given such power, but he lost the fight.

Since that time they became a political toy to a much higher degree that was not originally intended.
Our founders envisioned a Court System that was outside of political pressure.

That is no longer the case. If Democrats can get away with expanding the courts.....that’s the way it is
No form of gov't can survive when immoral men run it............The Founding Fathers put these checks on gov't power for a reason.......to make it difficult to gain too much power............the courts were a part of those checks.............

Now........political ideology ......not the rule of law gets selected.......instead of a compromise justice that both parties can agree on.............but both parties are corrupt now............

To the Abyss we go.
Our founders envisioned a Court System that was outside of political pressure.

That is no longer the case. If Democrats can get away with expanding the courts.....that’s the way it is
No form of gov't can survive when immoral men run it............The Founding Fathers put these checks on gov't power for a reason.......to make it difficult to gain too much power............the courts were a part of those checks.............

Now........political ideology ......not the rule of law gets selected.......instead of a compromise justice that both parties can agree on.............but both parties are corrupt now............

To the Abyss we go.
The key to reducing corruption is decentralization. The problem is, during the Progressive era they went the opposite direction as the federal government increased in their scope of power to the point of running the states and pretty much everything else on the planet.

And not giving 5 robes the absolute authority on what is Constitutional is also part of this equation.
When the left doesn't get it's way.............it changes the rules to suit it's needs.......if later that bites them in the ass..........fitting symbol of the DNC......they cry fowl even though they did it already.

Politicians should have shock collars attached to their asses so they get shocked every time they tell a lie.............that would be awesome.
When the left doesn't get it's way.............it changes the rules to suit it's needs.......if later that bites them in the ass..........fitting symbol of the DNC......they cry fowl even though they did it already.

Politicians should have shock collars attached to their asses so they get shocked every time they tell a lie.............that would be awesome.
You notice that as the Left screams that Trump is Hitler, the drive to give him and the rest of the federal government continues. The drive for a centralized dictatorship is a common theme among both Marxists and Nazis and communists, etc. They are all different flavors of the same ice cream.
Our founders envisioned a Court System that was outside of political pressure.

That is no longer the case. If Democrats can get away with expanding the courts.....that’s the way it is
No form of gov't can survive when immoral men run it............The Founding Fathers put these checks on gov't power for a reason.......to make it difficult to gain too much power............the courts were a part of those checks.............

Now........political ideology ......not the rule of law gets selected.......instead of a compromise justice that both parties can agree on.............but both parties are corrupt now............

To the Abyss we go.
The key to reducing corruption is decentralization. The problem is, during the Progressive era they went the opposite direction as the federal government increased in their scope of power to the point of running the states and pretty much everything else on the planet.

And not giving 5 robes the absolute authority on what is Constitutional is also part of this equation.
From 1920 to 1934......the Progressive party.....actual party ...........was so hated they had to change the name to liberals and dissolve the party..............

They of course took over the Dems to a degree...........and FDR put Wilson's policies on steroids............

The answer to our problems in this country have always been the original constitution......which the leftist rags hate............FDR hated checks on his power.........was FURIOUS..........HOW DARE YOU.....and his policies are now screwing this country from his grave.
When the left doesn't get it's way.............it changes the rules to suit it's needs.......if later that bites them in the ass..........fitting symbol of the DNC......they cry fowl even though they did it already.

Politicians should have shock collars attached to their asses so they get shocked every time they tell a lie.............that would be awesome.
You notice that as the Left screams that Trump is Hitler, the drive to give him and the rest of the federal government continues. The drive for a centralized dictatorship is a common theme among both Marxists and Nazis and communists, etc. They are all different flavors of the same ice cream.
During this Hyped up Crisis...........Trump could have used much greater power than he has used ..........he has been timid with that power........only now he said enough is enough and used EO's to try and stop Americans from losing everything.............because the Congress was playing BLACK MAIL GAMES AGAIN.............

The Dems ........my way or the highway.......trying to hook up their donors just as the GOP was doing the same...........

The only thing needed........was for the small people to stay afloat.........and Small business which has been crushed to get a life line......in the first bail out...........the bigs came in and used up the cash before it could save enough small business owners.
the Biden Plan.

Now the Biden Plan is to Stack the Courts
Whatever works, that is our new court system
The court system didn't change, jackass.

Obama didn't get to have Justice Garland because the senate didn't confirm him. That is according to the rules laid out in the constitution. The senate exercising their legal prerogative to confirm or deny, and Trump exercising his legal prerogative to nominate justices for empty seats. The fact that you don't like the outcome doesn't mean that the senate broke any rules. The fact that you don't like the judges that he appointed doesn't mean that Trump stacked the courts by nominating them, AS IS HIS FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY! FYI, "stacking the courts" is the term used to refer to what you dishonest hucksters are proposing, which is adding more seats to a bench to ACTUALLY cheat your way to political dominance of the courts.

All you progressives are doing is trying to falsely imply that some rule or law was broken, to justify doing what you always do: Change the rules every time they don't result in your victory.
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