Who could vote for Biden today over any Republican? (Poll)

Who could you vote for in 2024?

  • No one

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Not Joe Biden

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Not Donald Trump

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • The Republican nominee except Trump

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • The Democrat nominee except Joe Biden

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't be surprised if he died before the election. Trump is 78 years old, he's obese and he's on statins - high cholesterol. Not surprising given his diet.

His recent rally appearances have been unhinged, and he seems to be overwhelmed and confused. As we age, our physical ability to deal with stress decreases exponentially. Trump's recent outbursts and attacks on his "persecutors" are escalating signs that he's both intellectually and emotionally overwhelmed.

The recent revelations:
  1. Trump owes $35 million in personal income taxes on more than $1 billion in personal income, from more than 100 foreign entities and bank accounts from around the world;
  2. Trump has amended his personal tax filings for 2021 and 2022 to reflect this additional $1 billion in CASH he received from around the world - all while claiming Joe Biden was accepting bribes, without providing any evidence whatsoever of such claims.
  3. While Trump was raking in all of this cash, the CIA reported dozens of its agents around the world were being murdered or were missing.
Looks to me like Trump figured that since he was stealing documents from the White House and selling out his country, Biden must be doing it too. At the very least, his cascading indictments throughout the month of July gave good cover to the amended tax filing which pretty much slipped by the MSM, and certainly slipped by the American people.

These revelations aren't the smoking gun Democrats have been looking for. They're a fucking nuclear explosion which will blow Trump and Trumpism right out of the water. Trump's $1+ billion tax filing, coupled with 40 empty Top Secret files found in the Mar-a-Lago search, and a lot of dead and missing agents. This is just the flash from the explosion.

The shock wave and destruction which follows it that flash, haven't even begun to impact American politics.
Thanks for showing the forum what delusional dumbass you are.
1. You still don't get it on abortion. Women don't want ANY government involvement over their personal health decisions. Where before they wanted "reasonable limits", that's not where women are at today.

Women don't trust REPUBLICANS on this issue, because Republicans have always lied and said "we don't want to ban abortion, we just want to return the matter to the states" and then the moment Roe was overturned, Republicans said "Now we need a national ban".

2. Law and Order. The political party which refuses to hold Donald Trump criminally responsible for his corrupt and lawless behaviour, in the face of overwhelming evidence, all while falsely claiming the sitting President is in the pay of foreign governments is not going to win ANY election on a law and order platform.

4. Trump didn't oppose Chinese expansionism when he was in office the first time. In fact, Trump reduced foreign aid, and failed to appoint American Ambassadors in any "shithole" country, reducing the American involvement and presence in Africa, ceded the region to Xi and Putin who swooped in with both mililtary threats (Putin), and infrastructure initiatives (Xi) to expand influence and alliances throughout Asia and Africa.

As for the rest of his promises, he didn't do ANY of those things the first time he was in office. His border policies at the Southern Border lead to the highest number of illegal border crossings since 2001, which caused him to declaring a National Emergency at the Southern Border, and dismantle the US Immigration system both at the Southern Border, and at US embassies throughout the Third world.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. You keep voting for Republicans and they keep crashing the economy and destroying the middle class.

If Republican policies worked, they'd be running on their record, instead spending all of their time demonizing Democrats and calling them criminals.
1. Agreed, pols need to say that abortions are regulated by the states and then butt out.

2. The Banana Republic show trials are underway. Lets see how they play out after the appeal process finishes.

3. Here are Trump's "Promises Kept", its a more truthful list than your bullshit typing.
Yet amazingly of the two men, Trump is the only one who was seen partying with pedophiles.

And he's the only who was sued by a former victim of Epstein and his procurers, for beating and raping her, when she was 13. One of Epstein's "handlers" provided a witness affidavit confirming her story.

Trump has publically admitting to walking into the Miss Teen USA pageant dressing room while the girls were changing. As owner of the pageant, he's allowed to do that. Several of the pageants contestants have confirmed the story, and talked about how traumatizing this was.

1. Agreed, pols need to say that abortions are regulated by the states and then butt out.

2. The Banana Republic show trials are underway. Lets see how they play out after the appeal process finishes.

3. Here are Trump's "Promises Kept", its a more truthful list than your bullshit typing.

The banana republic show trials are over. All of Durhams charged were tossed by the juries in less time than it takes to order coffee.

Hannity.com???? Are you fucking serious?
I saw Biden speaking at a fab plant today.
First he joked about having the nuclear codes to "blow up the world"
Then he tried to read the teleprompter, without success

Here is an old flub just to keep the OP legit

I dare democrat posters to confirm they will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.
If Joe runs he's got my vote.
Being a Republican I'll vote for him at least 5 times.
I like Desantis, except his 6-week ban on abortions is disqualifying. The dems would rally women to beat him.
So it looks like I'm all in for Nikki, unless Trump is the eventual GOP nominee.
He didn't pass that law, so why don't you get off his ass about it? The people's representatives in Florida passed the law. What about all those people in California who want the right to abort their children up until the baby's head is crowning at birth?
You obviously have no clue how bad the US fiscal situation is.
Keep whining and pinching those pennies.
Clearly a good time for you to step up and donate far more to the Democrats.
You obviously have no clue how bad the US fiscal situation is.
Keep whining and pinching those pennies.
The whining is because you whine and refuse to send the Feds a much larger amount of your money.
I saw Biden speaking at a fab plant today.
First he joked about having the nuclear codes to "blow up the world"
Then he tried to read the teleprompter, without success

Here is an old flub just to keep the OP legit

I dare democrat posters to confirm they will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.
I would vote for almost any Democrat over Trump, even Biden (who I think has done a decent job so far).
Some Americans truly enjoy the Biden inflation. I have no clue why.
No one enjoys inflation but it is not the only thing in life, at least not mine, and Biden has done better than most give him credit for:
The banana republic show trials are over. All of Durhams charged were tossed by the juries in less time than it takes to order coffee.

Hannity.com???? Are you fucking serious?
1. The Banana Republic show trials are just starting.
Letitia James bullshit property values
Fani Willis in GA questioning the electio0n results
Smith J6 charges
Smith mishandling classified documents

2. Durham proved that the dems weaponized the DOJ & FBI (aka Waffen SS)

3. Hannity listed Trump's many accomplishments. His list is a million times more accurate than your lies.
The whining is because you whine and refuse to send the Feds a much larger amount of your money.
I pay what the IRS says I owe.
The problem is that the DC clowns ran up the Debt to $33T and that interest payment is busting the Budget.
SS & Medicare are going bankrupt and need to be fixed, the DC clowns stole the surplus, now its time to pay the fuck up.
Revenue is $4T while spending is $7T. We'll see what happens going forward.
1. I would gladly take mean tweets over senility.
2. Good luck getting 38 states to replace the Electoral College.
3. Your proposal to fix the Budget Deficit is moronic. The EC will never be replaced. So you have no fix for the Budget Deficit.
4. Mostly agree, Trump did get the vaccines out in record time with "Warp Speed". Biden's presidency is a disaster, fiscally and because of open borders and his war on energy.


1. Which is worse? The President who doesn't know what's happening, so some Chief of Staff is running things, or some guy who's show he can't act like an adult?

2. Yeah, the US's problem. It takes civil war to make proper change.....

3. "moronic"? Well, here ends this conversation.

1. Which is worse? The President who doesn't know what's happening, so some Chief of Staff is running things, or some guy who's show he can't act like an adult?
2. Yeah, the US's problem. It takes civil war to make proper change.....
3. "moronic"? Well, here ends this conversation.
1. The clueless president is much worse. He can make terrible horrible decisions and no one can overrule him.

2. What part of "The EC will NEVER change don't you understand?" Period.

3. Sorry, but that's the truth. See #2 above.

What country are you from?
1. The clueless president is much worse. He can make terrible horrible decisions and no one can overrule him.

2. What part of "The EC will NEVER change don't you understand?" Period.

3. Sorry, but that's the truth. See #2 above.

What country are you from?

3. Conversation over.

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