Who cost Hillary the election???


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
I honestly Think that lot of people didn't wanna vote for both, also The FBI and Russia gave the orange a little push.
Donald J Trump cost her the election. He worked non-stop for 1.5 years while she hid out and rested lol, from what? 50 years of vacation time?
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Two reasons for her loss.

President Trump is largely to blame, however, not for the reason HRC voters proclaim. Then candidate Trump destroyed her in debate after debate before tens of millions of Americans, who, with access to You Tube, could then go back and watch the encounters again and again. Verbally, aesthetically, philosophically--our POTUS won a campaign of one-upmanship, start to finish.

Second reason: The American people had had enough of the democrat platform known as the American cultural revolution. Americans' collective disgust of the radical Left's attempts to redefine nearly every aspect of reality annihilated HRC's chances from the get-go. Historically, Americans by majority are traditionalists on almost every issue. Former President Obama, HRC and the radical wing of the American Left had pushed the American people too far out on the frontier of the bizarre, the anti-American, the just plain hideously weird. This culture redefinition cost them everything--and yet--and yet the democrat party is still pushing the rad-Left abominations of the cultural revolution. Could even cost them their party.
People are tired of this shit.

It's been going on for 50 years.

All both sides do is tell you how the other is fucking you.

I have a theory; probably 95% of "the people" have already moved on and probably did so on about the ninth of November, 2016. But by crikey that other 5% are as butthurt as can be.

Hillary didn't "lose" it; what won it for Trump was that Hillary figured dumb American workers were irrelevant. I suspect the American workers just voted for their own interests; THEIR Economy.

The reasons why Mrs. Clinton include the fact that she had nothing positive to say. The broad spent a billion freaking dollars on Hate Ads against Mr. Trump.

Further, she wrote off the Honky Working Class, calling them repeatedly "the basket of deplorables clinging to their bibles and firearms."

A very sizable part of the public with absolutely no reason to vote for you.

In addition, Donald J Trump is the most qualified candidate of any party to run in the history of the country. Long before he ever got the idea to descend the escalator- his name was synonymous with Success. Travel, airlines, pro football,neck ties, steaks , vodka, professional wrestling, casinos, real estate development, reality TV, higher education. An impression resume, put Mrs. Clinton's experience on the Bimbo Eruption Team to shame. Really, Clinton's only "Qualification" for office was that she presumably had relations with Slick Willy. The Dems might as well have nominated Monica Lewinsky.
Who cost Hillary the election???


I disagree. Mrs. Clinton was pretty toasty drunk during the campaign, she was counting on her handlers to get her in there.

They are the ones who failed, not Mrs. C personally.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

The biggest thing was the system.

Trump got -2.8 million
Obama got + 5 million and +9.5 million
Dubya got -500,000 and +3 million
Clinton got +8 million and +5.8 million

Not since Jimmy Carter has a Democrat got less than +5 million to get elected.

In that time Republicans have failed TWICE (that's half their presidents) to gain the popular vote, and Dubya managed to win with only 3 million.

In fact if you do the math, the Republicans have a massive advantage, especially with smaller states.

Wyoming is the smallest, staunch Republican.
Vermont is next. Staunch Democrat.
North Dakota, staunch Republican
Alaska, staunch Republican.
South Dakota, staunch Republican.
Delaware, staunch Democrat.
Montana, staunch Republican

These are the states of less than 1 million as of 2010.

2 Democrat, 5 Republican.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

The biggest thing was the system.

Trump got -2.8 million
Obama got + 5 million and +9.5 million
Dubya got -500,000 and +3 million
Clinton got +8 million and +5.8 million

Not since Jimmy Carter has a Democrat got less than +5 million to get elected.

In that time Republicans have failed TWICE (that's half their presidents) to gain the popular vote, and Dubya managed to win with only 3 million.

In fact if you do the math, the Republicans have a massive advantage, especially with smaller states.

Wyoming is the smallest, staunch Republican.
Vermont is next. Staunch Democrat.
North Dakota, staunch Republican
Alaska, staunch Republican.
South Dakota, staunch Republican.
Delaware, staunch Democrat.
Montana, staunch Republican

These are the states of less than 1 million as of 2010.

2 Democrat, 5 Republican.

Those states are some of the least populated AKA least amount of Electorates......and it is the Electoral vote count that determines the Presidency.

So tell me, did anything or anyone influence your vote??
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Hillary Clinton.
She didn't campaign in states she thought she had wrapped up.

I know of nobody who thought Trump was a better candidate; only those who didn't want Hillary as President.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Hillary Clinton.
She didn't campaign in states she thought she had wrapped up.

I know of nobody who thought Trump was a better candidate; only those who didn't want Hillary as President.

Was your vote influenced in any way???

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