Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Alert: UNRWA is Shocked!

Islamic terrorists stage an ammunition supply depot near an UNRWA school.

On the morning of Friday, 1 May 2020, the Al-Shajara School of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Homs Palestine refugee camp was hit by shrapnel emanating from an explosion in an ammunition depot outside the camp, causing damage to at least one of its classrooms.
The Cult of Pal-Arabs are relentless in poisoning the minds of those unfortunate enough to be a part of the Cult mentality

Official PA media emphasizes its commitment to terrorists and murderers

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Nov 19, 2019

  • “The cause” of terrorist murderers is “official PA media’s center of focus
  • Head of PA media met with 5 released murderers: “Our Martyrs and heroic prisoners' sacrifices are medals of honor for our people and our Arab nation”
The Palestinian Authority stresses its support for terrorist murderers of Israelis in numerous ways.

One of the significant ways the PA expresses this support to the Palestinian population, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, is - under instructions from PA Chairman Abbas - to highlight the terrorist prisoners and “Martyrs” as heroes in the official media
Muhammad was indoctrinated with hate / self-hate from the earliest age. Fed a steady diet of the glory associated with sacrificing for Hamas, no one told him he was a disposable commodity.

Celebrating a killing, one they committed on the eve of an Islamist “holy gorge-fest”

Palestinian terrorist factions applaud West Bank terror attack

PALESTINIAN HAMAS SUPPORTERS in Gaza celebrate the Ariel terrorist attack, earlier this week (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)

PALESTINIAN HAMAS SUPPORTERS in Gaza celebrate the Ariel terrorist attack, earlier this week
A PA official in Ramallah pointed out that the murder of Sorek came on the eve of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha. He said he did not rule out the possibility that a Hamas cell was behind the attack.

If Hamas has one supreme objective, it is to mutate the essentially ethno-political Palestinian national struggle into a fundamentally religious conflict. Accomplishing this goal entails transforming Palestinian society -- a relatively secular culture, compared to other Muslim societies in the Arab world -- into one that is religiously zealous and politically extreme. Such a project of radicalization is the goal of all violent Islamist groups, from al-Qaeda to Egyptian Islamic Jihad. But Hamas, operating a grassroots campaign in a limited geographical area, is able to execute a strategically planned radicalization campaign that translates existing social preconditions - Israeli occupation, military checkpoints, lack of Palestinian leadership, lawlessness - into an active, violent, and radical response.
Soon to be another piece of disposable fleshbot for the glory of Khaled Mashal’s foreign bank accounts.


In a manner that one would not be amiss in describing as a mental disorder, it's truly a sickness that describes the glorification of wanton murder and celebrating those who commit that act.

About the right age to be fitted with weapons and sent to the "peaceful riots" at the Israeli border.

I think you're going to be creeped out by the Pal-Arab death cultists.

They're celebrating the mental disorder that they breed.

Fatah youth movement accompanies “to his wedding” the “heroic Martyr,” killer of 2, “who carried out the operation of heroism”

Official Fatah Facebook page | Mar 20, 2019

Text and image posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

The image shows terrorist Omar Abu Laila who murdered two Israelis. In the upper left corner is the general Shabiba Fatah Youth Movement logo that shows the PA map of Palestine that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas next to a book, with a circle around it with text within it:
Text on either side of the circle: “The State of Palestine”
Text at bottom of circle: “Fatah – the perpetual revolution”
  1. Israel shall transfer authority as specified in this Agreement from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the Palestinian Authority, hereby established, in accordance with Article V of this Agreement, except for the authority that Israel shall continue to exercise as specified in this Agreement.
If all agreements between Israel and the PLO are null and void, Shtayyeh is out of a job.

But he is on the phone with world leaders - including the leader of Norway, which hosted the Oslo Accords that Abbas just claimed he has ended.

Now, the PLO would claim that Shtayyeh is prime minister of the "State of Palestine," which they claim the Palestinian Authority became in 2013.

But as usual, the Palestinians will make contradictory claims, based on the circumstances and who they are talking to.

In 2016, way after the supposed change of the PA/PNA to the "State of Palestine," Mahmoud Abbas said, “The Palestinian Authority exists and it is here. It will be followed by a Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority is one of our achievements and we won’t give it up."

So even he admits there is no "State of Palestine" and that the PA is the current government.

(full article online)

Kan News reports that the PA refused the medical aid, saying the Abu Dhabi authorities have not coordinated the shipment with them at all, and the manner in which aid is sent is not acceptable to the PA.

"If the UAE wants to normalize with Israel, then it shouldn't be on our backs," a Palestinian source told Kan.

In fact, the aid was coordinated with the UN. The aid was sent through the UN's World Food Program and was facilitated by the UN's Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO.) it included included 16 tons of medical supplies, including 10 ventilators and protective equipment.

For months now, anti-Israel activists have been falsely accusing Israel of withholding COVID-19 aid to Palestinians as a political tool. As is always the case, this is projection on their part: the only side refusing aid for political purposes are the Palestinians. And the Palestinian Authority has been limiting medical aid to Gaza as well.

(full article online)

It seems Mahmoud somehow believes his silly tap dancing will find an audience.

If you think you've seen this movie before, you're right.

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has declared that he is abrogating all agreements with Israel so many times it's a wonder that he could do so again with a straight face. Indeed, he started making these threats as soon as he succeeded PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and has never really stopped during the course of the 15 years of his four-year term as leader of the PA
Well, this is reassuring.

The Fatah Islamic terrorist franchise is identifying that while they will allow the Islamic terrorist gee-had to roll on, it just won’t be the “run amok” kind of gee-had.

Even if coordinated activities are stopped the Palestinians will not allow terror to run amok in their territory, will prevent attacks, senior figure tells Israeli defense entities

I suppose these silly mob riots find a drooling, slack-jawed audience among Pal-Arabs but they tend to portray the Pals as clones of this guy:

If Hamas has one supreme objective, it is to mutate the essentially ethno-political Palestinian national struggle into a fundamentally religious conflict. Accomplishing this goal entails transforming Palestinian society -- a relatively secular culture, compared to other Muslim societies in the Arab world -- into one that is religiously zealous and politically extreme. Such a project of radicalization is the goal of all violent Islamist groups, from al-Qaeda to Egyptian Islamic Jihad. But Hamas, operating a grassroots campaign in a limited geographical area, is able to execute a strategically planned radicalization campaign that translates existing social preconditions - Israeli occupation, military checkpoints, lack of Palestinian leadership, lawlessness - into an active, violent, and radical response.
Accomplishing this goal entails transforming Palestinian society -- a relatively secular culture, compared to other Muslim societies in the Arab world -- into one that is religiously zealous and politically extreme.
Good luck with that.

Palestine originally was a Greek word, not Arabic, referring to Philistines, who were related to Greeks, not Arabs. Philistines have been extinct for thousands of years. Arabs are not palestinians.
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