Who are the Israelis?

Temple Mount Update | Weekly Torah Portion - Tzav

When the Temple was destroyed what became of the continuous fire? It entered into the souls of the Jewish nation and has been kept burning ever since. The continuous fire is the animating flame that keeps the Jewish people going, generation after generation, no matter the challenges, no matter the obstacles.


Eviatar Banai - Cochav (Live)

Let Your days
As a ring of diamond
No more a shaking leaf
Shining to distances

You are the only star in the skies
And not as it was in the past
Today You are shining
Flowing in the arteries
Shine to distances
Glaring for world's eternity

The Gathering Storm

Haviv is one of the smartest and most thoughtful writers on Israel and the Middle East. He and Bari discussed Israel's uncertain future, what it means for Palestinians, how the current war reflects wider battles in Islam, and why Americans must realize they are living "inside" of history.


Israeli troops' withdrawal from Shifa Hospital leaves vast swath of destruction in Gaza City​


This Muslim Israeli Woman Is the Future of the Middle East

Born and raised in a small Jewish town in Israel’s Negev desert, as one of the only Arab Muslim families, she has a unique lens through which to view the divisions in Israeli society, the complexity of the country’s national identity, and the Middle East more generally. Lucy has long been a vocal critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is equally critical of her fellow Arab Israelis, particularly of Arab violence and the Arab leadership that she says condones it.

A Muslim and a Zionist; an Arab and an Israeli. In short, Lucy Aharaish is an iconoclast.

Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping,
their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking.
Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage,
and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people,
that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great ,
use it for these sacred purposes.".

Narkis - Shaliach (Messanger)

All my life is one big lesson
And if I fail the test don't be upset
You know I've tried everything
I've listened but something didn't get through

Difficult to find a blessing when everything is revealed
Difficult to fly afar when there are weights on the wings
The head is in the ground but the heart is for Heaven's Name

So only know
I've came to announce
Let me tell everything
Let me prove who I am
And You the messenger
Speak to me sound Your voice
When do You come?
Who are You and who am I

There's one simple truth
Never stopped looking for it
Also at nights turning in the bed
Not me but the imagination can't fall asleep
I wanted to reveal but was afraid to know
Wanted to ascend the nearest without touching

The sin of pride,
the sin of thought,
the sin of lust,
the sin of love

I've come to announce....


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