Who are the 47% who pay no federal taxes?

Romney dont care about poor people. Or middle class people for that matter. Unless you are the 1%, your screwed. Good luck republicans.
The rich have loopholes allowing them to legally get out of paying maximum taxes. This is not their fault it is the fault of the code. The lower class gets a majority if not all of their taxes back in the tax return. This is also not their fault it is the fault of the code.

Here is the amazing part...both sides benefit from a broken code, yet the upper class complains that the lower class is abusing a system they didn't come up with. Nothing worse than a whiney rich person complaining they didn't get their percieved share.

Not true. IN fact middle class people working buying homes, settling in the best neighborhood they can afford, taking care of their responsibilities are THE MOST outspoken when it comes to social safety nets and the abuse thereof. Why? Because WE are the ones who take it in the shorts while those sucking off the taxpayer tit keep their hand stuck out while politicians demand more of our hard earned money to fill those hands.
The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.

rw, with all due respect, the 47% is a FALLACY. Only 18% pay no payroll tax, even if one gets a full refund, there is no interest paid, and the government benefits:

of the 18% who paid neither income taxes or payroll taxes ,

Romney campaign suffers another setback - Video on NBCNews.com
I'm not. I pay a ton in Federal (and State) income taxes, despite having four little deductions, plus home owners deduction and chartiable deductions, yet I find Romney's comment as arrogant as anything that comes out of your mouth!

If Obama wasn't such a failed President, a divider, socialist and an ideological fool, I might consider him.

I know we pay federal taxes .. See it every year when we do our taxes ... Says it right on that little line.Only reason I dont have to write out a check for that is because hubby claims 0 all year. Plus we pay tons of taxes for the state of Georgia .. He works in the state of Fla but live here in Georgia so he has to pay taxes on ajob he works in FLA but the Fla residents dont have state taxes so they get more money. I really want to move across the border to save that money but the housing is in crapper we would not be able to sell anyway. Maybe we will rent it out but then we probably have to pay taxes on that too..

We pay tax tags for our cars every year which I think is outrageous in the state of Georgia. Just for my 2007 Sienna alone we pay almost 500.00 dollars a year for the tag. We pay city and county tax , Sale taxes , The list just goes on and on. How many people dont pay anything for the school or roads because they DONT own a house.. You get penalizatize for owning a house while the others reap the awards but you lefties say PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Where is their fare share. I dont care if they pay 12.00 a year .. that is is 1.00 a month .. Neighbor across the street has no kids in school but has to pay school taxes .. But the poor they get all kind of hand outs .. They get free food, cheap housing , they get help on their utilities but they sure are wearing name brand clothes and driving BMWs. ( this is in the so called projects in our town)
These are the same people in front of me in the store buying beer , and cigarettes.. they are not to poor for that.. Oh and they are the ones yelling the loudest about the rich not paying enough .. yeah so they can get more free Obama money.

It sounds to me that you are witnessing fraud. Fraud is a crime, and as a responsibile citizen of the US, you are compelled to report such fraud. Have you reported the crime that you see happening? or are you bitching just to bitch, with no intention of doing anything about it?
I have called the authorities on my neighbors before when we seen them selling drugs. the cops come and then they leave again. About a year ago we heard gun shots. called the cops , nothing that I know of gets done because they are still there. I dont know if they get fined or anything.. Also its not fraud to buy cig and beer even if they are getting welfare and food stamps. .. They are not buying the cigs with the food stamps that I know of.. Who knows where they get the money for all the name brand stuff and their BMW.. I have my theories but I dont know for sure. I do know they do sell drugs sometimes because I witnessed it and I called the cops , and like I said they did nothing and the cops never got back to me..
The rich have loopholes allowing them to legally get out of paying maximum taxes. This is not their fault it is the fault of the code. The lower class gets a majority if not all of their taxes back in the tax return. This is also not their fault it is the fault of the code.

Here is the amazing part...both sides benefit from a broken code, yet the upper class complains that the lower class is abusing a system they didn't come up with. Nothing worse than a whiney rich person complaining they didn't get their percieved share.

You are aware that the "loopholes" are created by law on purpose, correct? You realize that using them is legal, correct? You realize that the reason 47% pay no income tax is a loophole, correct? You realize that the Fair Tax would do away with the current system and implement a fair and equitable tax across all classes, correct?
If he were to become president....yes, it would be his fault

Not only does he take advantage of the code, but he wants it rewritten to be more in his favor

Every fucking wealthy person 'takes advantage' of the code... they pay individuals to lessen their tax bill.... and you say nothing. You say nothing when your own fucking politicians cheat and lie on their tax returns... quite the opposite, you 'mattel doll dems' (pull the string and they'll chatter the standard responses)... you chatter the standard responses.

You're a bunch of fucking borg without a brain between you.

Your rant has nothing to do with the fact that Romney pays a pathetically low tax rate and will do everything in his power to keep it that way

The rich Democrats you rant about may pay the same rates, but are willing to vote to change the disparity

And yet Romney probably pays 5,000 times more in tax dollars than you do. Why do you feel entitled to even more of his money? Forget the rate he pays and consider the actual dollars paid. Envy much!
Tax expenditures are, quite simply, spending programs implemented through the tax code. These programs give people and businesses special tax credits, deductions, exclusions, exemptions, deferrals, and preferential rates in support of various government policies. Some of these programs help people save for retirement, buy a home, or pay for college; others encourage companies to invest in green energy technologies or build nuclear power plants; they even subsidize corporations that drill for oil or purchase real estate; and much more.
There is no way a flat tax could survive longer than twenty minutes. Tax loopholes is the process the politicians use to repay for campaign contributions. Still I think a couple of times in our income tax history a loophole was passed to help the common folk, but I can't verify that.

Ever hear of the Bush tax cuts? It wasn't just for the rich. That's a myth pushed by the media to the sheeple. Quit drinking the koolaid. The reason 47% pay no income tax is due in large part to Reagan and Bush. Look it up.
Speaking of income taxes, is Romney going to show America the rest of his tax returns? How do we know that he is not one of those that does not pay income taxes?
My best friend is one of those Romney victims, he lost a leg at Buna New Guinea in 1942, but he worked for forty years and now draws VA compensation and Social Security. I often wonder who did more for the country Romney or my victim friend?

That person is NOT to whom Romney refers. Not even close.

He's one of that 47%, that evil 47%. If we start eliminating certain types of victims it will no longer be 47%. So to whom is Romney referring, and what is the real percantage?
I know we pay federal taxes .. See it every year when we do our taxes ... Says it right on that little line.Only reason I dont have to write out a check for that is because hubby claims 0 all year. Plus we pay tons of taxes for the state of Georgia .. He works in the state of Fla but live here in Georgia so he has to pay taxes on ajob he works in FLA but the Fla residents dont have state taxes so they get more money. I really want to move across the border to save that money but the housing is in crapper we would not be able to sell anyway. Maybe we will rent it out but then we probably have to pay taxes on that too..

We pay tax tags for our cars every year which I think is outrageous in the state of Georgia. Just for my 2007 Sienna alone we pay almost 500.00 dollars a year for the tag. We pay city and county tax , Sale taxes , The list just goes on and on. How many people dont pay anything for the school or roads because they DONT own a house.. You get penalizatize for owning a house while the others reap the awards but you lefties say PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Where is their fare share. I dont care if they pay 12.00 a year .. that is is 1.00 a month .. Neighbor across the street has no kids in school but has to pay school taxes .. But the poor they get all kind of hand outs .. They get free food, cheap housing , they get help on their utilities but they sure are wearing name brand clothes and driving BMWs. ( this is in the so called projects in our town)
These are the same people in front of me in the store buying beer , and cigarettes.. they are not to poor for that.. Oh and they are the ones yelling the loudest about the rich not paying enough .. yeah so they can get more free Obama money.

It sounds to me that you are witnessing fraud. Fraud is a crime, and as a responsibile citizen of the US, you are compelled to report such fraud. Have you reported the crime that you see happening? or are you bitching just to bitch, with no intention of doing anything about it?
I have called the authorities on my neighbors before when we seen them selling drugs. the cops come and then they leave again. About a year ago we heard gun shots. called the cops , nothing that I know of gets done because they are still there. I dont know if they get fined or anything.. Also its not fraud to buy cig and beer even if they are getting welfare and food stamps. .. They are not buying the cigs with the food stamps that I know of.. Who knows where they get the money for all the name brand stuff and their BMW.. I have my theories but I dont know for sure. I do know they do sell drugs sometimes because I witnessed it and I called the cops , and like I said they did nothing and the cops never got back to me..

So your problem is not with poor people but with criminals defrauding the system.
The bottom line when all is said and done is that no matter what the reason or situation, the country can not have nearly half it's population being supported by the rest. It's unsustainable. All day long, back and forth, who comprises it, who needs it, who doesn't deserve it, who pays taxes, who doesn't....

The whole point being missed is as plain as the nose of one's face. It can't continue.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

I know I heard on the news somewhere that the reason that they don't have that liability is because of the tax policy of the ...................................previous Administration! :lol:
The rich have loopholes allowing them to legally get out of paying maximum taxes. This is not their fault it is the fault of the code. The lower class gets a majority if not all of their taxes back in the tax return. This is also not their fault it is the fault of the code.

Here is the amazing part...both sides benefit from a broken code, yet the upper class complains that the lower class is abusing a system they didn't come up with. Nothing worse than a whiney rich person complaining they didn't get their percieved share.

You are aware that the "loopholes" are created by law on purpose, correct? You realize that using them is legal, correct? You realize that the reason 47% pay no income tax is a loophole, correct? You realize that the Fair Tax would do away with the current system and implement a fair and equitable tax across all classes, correct?

that is my point exactly, it is legal on both sides. So as long as it is legal, as Romney says, they are just following the law. What is good for the goose and all.

I also agree that the fix is to end all loopholes for everyone, and not just the lower class.
The rich have loopholes allowing them to legally get out of paying maximum taxes. This is not their fault it is the fault of the code. The lower class gets a majority if not all of their taxes back in the tax return. This is also not their fault it is the fault of the code.

Here is the amazing part...both sides benefit from a broken code, yet the upper class complains that the lower class is abusing a system they didn't come up with. Nothing worse than a whiney rich person complaining they didn't get their percieved share.

Not true. IN fact middle class people working buying homes, settling in the best neighborhood they can afford, taking care of their responsibilities are THE MOST outspoken when it comes to social safety nets and the abuse thereof. Why? Because WE are the ones who take it in the shorts while those sucking off the taxpayer tit keep their hand stuck out while politicians demand more of our hard earned money to fill those hands.

My question to you is...why such an uproar over the millions the lower class gets in tax loopholes, and not so much so over the billions the upper class gets in loopholes? Surely the billions would pay down the debt faster than the millions.

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