Who are the 47% who pay no federal taxes?

The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.

So we should tax em more and give more tax breaks to companies and big oil and big money? :lol::lol::lol: Republicans are fools. Never wanna pay there fair share.

When you're talking about fair share --- don't you think that about 150MILLION Americans paying NOTHING in Income tax needs to be included in the debate? Don't need to tax anyone more --- just STFU about "fairness".. THAT'S what's required.

What a waste of a Gator....

Thats why Romney won't release his tax records cause he paid his fair share eh? :lol:
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.

Not impressed.. I pay 6 times more INTO Soc sec/Medicare than a worker making $40K. Even with FICA tax --- "the rich" are paying MORE than their "fair share".

You want UNIVERSAL programs and coverage for SS/Medicare -- Everybody has to contribute and NOT WHINE about it.. Raise the salary cap MORE on the FICA tax and you might as well just consider those "great institutions" just another welfare transfer.

Also not impressed with your MANGLED 81% statistic.. There's about 150MILLION Americans not contributing a dime to anything other than their OWN forced GOVT insurance premiums...
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So we should tax em more and give more tax breaks to companies and big oil and big money? :lol::lol::lol: Republicans are fools. Never wanna pay there fair share.

When you're talking about fair share --- don't you think that about 150MILLION Americans paying NOTHING in Income tax needs to be included in the debate? Don't need to tax anyone more --- just STFU about "fairness".. THAT'S what's required.

What a waste of a Gator....

Thats why Romney won't release his tax records cause he paid his fair share eh? :lol:

You been living in the RatzCellar?? We're not talking about Capital gains here. We're talking about 150 MILLION Americans not paying ANY INCOME TAX. And not really paying their "fair share" of FICA either.
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.

Not impressed.. I pay 6 times more INTO Soc sec/Medicare than a worker making $40K. Even with FICA tax --- "the rich" are paying MORE than their "fair share".

You want UNIVERSAL programs and coverage for SS/Medicare -- Everybody has to contribute and NOT WHINE about it.. Raise the salary cap MORE on the FICA tax and you might as well just consider those "great institutions" just another welfare transfer.

Romney pays 13% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

Fuck you, and fuck him.
The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics.
Both Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt thought Capital Gains and Dividends should be taxed at the same rate as a working man's paycheck.

They thought being able to make money WITHOUT ACTUALLY WORKING was benefit enough....
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.

Not impressed.. I pay 6 times more INTO Soc sec/Medicare than a worker making $40K. Even with FICA tax --- "the rich" are paying MORE than their "fair share".

You want UNIVERSAL programs and coverage for SS/Medicare -- Everybody has to contribute and NOT WHINE about it.. Raise the salary cap MORE on the FICA tax and you might as well just consider those "great institutions" just another welfare transfer.

Romney pays 13% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

Fuck you, and fuck him.

Hey Hey Hey --- hit a nerve did I? How many HumVees did YOU -pay for last year? I bought someone a pile of Solyndra salvage, 2 HumVees, and 330 shares of GM stock...

150Million Americans paid for NONE of that...

In alll fairness ---- Fuck you too...
Not impressed.. I pay 6 times more INTO Soc sec/Medicare than a worker making $40K. Even with FICA tax --- "the rich" are paying MORE than their "fair share".

You want UNIVERSAL programs and coverage for SS/Medicare -- Everybody has to contribute and NOT WHINE about it.. Raise the salary cap MORE on the FICA tax and you might as well just consider those "great institutions" just another welfare transfer.

Romney pays 13% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

Fuck you, and fuck him.

Hey Hey Hey --- hit a nerve did I? How many HumVees did YOU -pay for last year? I bought someone a pile of Solyndra salvage, 2 HumVees, and 330 shares of GM stock...

150Million Americans paid for NONE of that...

In alll fairness ---- Fuck you too...

Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 95% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.
Romney pays 13% on his taxes.

I pay 25%.

Fuck you, and fuck him.

Hey Hey Hey --- hit a nerve did I? How many HumVees did YOU -pay for last year? I bought someone a pile of Solyndra salvage, 2 HumVees, and 330 shares of GM stock...

150Million Americans paid for NONE of that...

In alll fairness ---- Fuck you too...

Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 95% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

NO MORON -- The 150 Million Americans PAY NOTHING INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE USA FROM INCOME TAX.... THey mostly pay FICA taxes, but that is EXPECTED OF THEM because it's a UNIVERSAL insurance program. And even there, the rich pay more for essentially the SAME benefit.

You're not even on the same page as this discussion with your mangled 81% number..

When you're talking about fair share --- don't you think that about 150MILLION Americans paying NOTHING in Income tax needs to be included in the debate? Don't need to tax anyone more --- just STFU about "fairness".. THAT'S what's required.

What a waste of a Gator....

Thats why Romney won't release his tax records cause he paid his fair share eh? :lol:

You been living in the RatzCellar?? We're not talking about Capital gains here. We're talking about 150 MILLION Americans not paying ANY INCOME TAX. And not really paying their "fair share" of FICA either.

And that excuses Mitt romney? :eusa_boohoo::lol:
Hey Hey Hey --- hit a nerve did I? How many HumVees did YOU -pay for last year? I bought someone a pile of Solyndra salvage, 2 HumVees, and 330 shares of GM stock...

150Million Americans paid for NONE of that...

In alll fairness ---- Fuck you too...

Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 95% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

NO MORON -- The 150 Million Americans PAY NOTHING INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE USA FROM INCOME TAX.... THey mostly pay FICA taxes, but that is EXPECTED OF THEM because it's a UNIVERSAL insurance program. And even there, the rich pay more for essentially the SAME benefit.

You're not even on the same page as this discussion with your mangled 81% number..


So what?

Money paid into SS and Medicare is a big part of the federal tax revenue.

It's the Big Republican Lie. The rich a tiny tax burden because they don't have to pay income taxes or SS taxes or Medicare taxes. The rich get a free ride and blame the poor for being "dependent."

It's a fucking disgrace.
The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics.
I know we pay federal taxes .. See it every year when we do our taxes ... Says it right on that little line.Only reason I dont have to write out a check for that is because hubby claims 0 all year. Plus we pay tons of taxes for the state of Georgia .. He works in the state of Fla but live here in Georgia so he has to pay taxes on ajob he works in FLA but the Fla residents dont have state taxes so they get more money. I really want to move across the border to save that money but the housing is in crapper we would not be able to sell anyway. Maybe we will rent it out but then we probably have to pay taxes on that too..

We pay tax tags for our cars every year which I think is outrageous in the state of Georgia. Just for my 2007 Sienna alone we pay almost 500.00 dollars a year for the tag. We pay city and county tax , Sale taxes , The list just goes on and on. How many people dont pay anything for the school or roads because they DONT own a house.. You get penalizatize for owning a house while the others reap the awards but you lefties say PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE. Where is their fare share. I dont care if they pay 12.00 a year .. that is is 1.00 a month .. Neighbor across the street has no kids in school but has to pay school taxes .. But the poor they get all kind of hand outs .. They get free food, cheap housing , they get help on their utilities but they sure are wearing name brand clothes and driving BMWs. ( this is in the so called projects in our town)
These are the same people in front of me in the store buying beer , and cigarettes.. they are not to poor for that.. Oh and they are the ones yelling the loudest about the rich not paying enough .. yeah so they can get more free Obama money.

It sounds to me that you are witnessing fraud. Fraud is a crime, and as a responsibile citizen of the US, you are compelled to report such fraud. Have you reported the crime that you see happening? or are you bitching just to bitch, with no intention of doing anything about it?
I have called the authorities on my neighbors before when we seen them selling drugs. the cops come and then they leave again. About a year ago we heard gun shots. called the cops , nothing that I know of gets done because they are still there. I dont know if they get fined or anything.. Also its not fraud to buy cig and beer even if they are getting welfare and food stamps. .. They are not buying the cigs with the food stamps that I know of.. Who knows where they get the money for all the name brand stuff and their BMW.. I have my theories but I dont know for sure. I do know they do sell drugs sometimes because I witnessed it and I called the cops , and like I said they did nothing and the cops never got back to me..
You live in a crappy area. Period.
The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.

This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit

They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

Let's take a closer look at your "typical" family making $26,400 per year with two kids. Your source indicates that they will pay no federal income tax but will pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. This is not the case. A family of four filing jointly earning $26,400 will indeed owe no income tax, but in addition, they will qualify for a $4,132 earned income credit and $2,000 child credit, and receive a refund (tax free) of $6,132. Since the withholding for SS/Medicare would only be $1,492, they have a net federal benefit of $4,640, and have therefore not paid SS/Medicare, and the $4,640 net refund in most cases would subsidize all other taxes paid at any level. They will also most likely qualify for other non-tax related federal assistance. In fact, your family of four will not pay any federal income tax until their earnings exceed $45,750; hardly poverty level. To go a step further, the same family with four children earning the $26,400 will receive a $8,281 refund and a net tax benefit after SS/Medicare of $6,789. That family can earn up to $48,000 and their federal income tax refundable credits will still exceed their SS/Medicare taxes withheld, and will pay no federal income tax until earnings exceed $66,100.

In all the rhetoric about "fair share", the dirty little secret is that over 3/4 of the benefits derived from the "Bush" tax cuts were for the middle class; that amount has increased under the current administration.
The 47 percent: Here's who pays no federal income tax - Economy Watch

Just who are the 47 percent?

The Tax Policy Center researchers found that about half of the group is basically exempt from federal income taxes because they are low income and also may have a large family.

In a blog released not long after its report, the TPC explained that "a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero."

The other half are zeroing out their federal income tax bill with other provisions, such as itemized deductions or the child tax credit. Some are seniors who are living off Social Security.

To be clear, the people in this group are still paying taxes. They are subject to payroll taxes for things like Medicare and Social Security, federal excise taxes on things like gasoline and state and local taxes including sales taxes on items they purchase.

Not everyone who pays no federal income tax is in the lower income brackets. A separate report released last spring by the Internal Revenue Service found more than 35,000 people who made more than $200,000 in 2009 also managed to zero out their tax bills. That report noted that it generally takes a number of different credits and deductions for wealthy people to not pay any federal income taxes.

Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit

They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

Let's take a closer look at your "typical" family making $26,400 per year with two kids. Your source indicates that they will pay no federal income tax but will pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. This is not the case. A family of four filing jointly earning $26,400 will indeed owe no income tax, but in addition, they will qualify for a $4,132 earned income credit and $2,000 child credit, and receive a refund (tax free) of $6,132. Since the withholding for SS/Medicare would only be $1,492, they have a net federal benefit of $4,640, and have therefore not paid SS/Medicare, and the $4,640 net refund in most cases would subsidize all other taxes paid at any level. They will also most likely qualify for other non-tax related federal assistance. In fact, your family of four will not pay any federal income tax until their earnings exceed $45,750; hardly poverty level. To go a step further, the same family with four children earning the $26,400 will receive a $8,281 refund and a net tax benefit after SS/Medicare of $6,789. That family can earn up to $48,000 and their federal income tax refundable credits will still exceed their SS/Medicare taxes withheld, and will pay no federal income tax until earnings exceed $66,100.

In all the rhetoric about "fair share", the dirty little secret is that over 3/4 of the benefits derived from the "Bush" tax cuts were for the middle class; that amount has increased under the current administration.

Damn...it pays to be poor

That is why we probably have so many poor people
Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 95% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

NO MORON -- The 150 Million Americans PAY NOTHING INTO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE USA FROM INCOME TAX.... THey mostly pay FICA taxes, but that is EXPECTED OF THEM because it's a UNIVERSAL insurance program. And even there, the rich pay more for essentially the SAME benefit.

You're not even on the same page as this discussion with your mangled 81% number..


So what?

Money paid into SS and Medicare is a big part of the federal tax revenue.

It's the Big Republican Lie. The rich a tiny tax burden because they don't have to pay income taxes or SS taxes or Medicare taxes. The rich get a free ride and blame the poor for being "dependent."

It's a fucking disgrace.

Social Security doesn't even pay for ITSELF anymore since it went into deficit.. Thanks to your Dear Leader STEALING the FICA premiums so that he could play Robin Hood. The people who are actually PAYING INCOME TAX are SUBSIDIZING ss/medic DEFICITs. Programs that are SUPPOSED TO BE self-sustaining and paid for by premiums.

The RICH CARRY the majority of the burden of funding the General Fund or fix all the fiscal fuck-ups... No free ride you whiner..
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This is part of the Conservative argument that I don't understand

How are you supporting those 47%? They are earning money, they are supporting their own families, they are paying state and local taxes

However, by taking dependent child, mortgage, charity and medical deductions they get their federal rate down to zero

How exactly, are you supporting them?

Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit

They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

C'mon man.. I know you're better than that.. They are getting the DOD, the DoA, the DoEd, the DoEnergy, the IRS, the DoC, the DHS, and ALLL THOSE VITAL SERVICES.. All for fucking FREE....

If you don't think those are "federal benefits" let's both start SHUTTING THEM DOWN..
Thats what needs to happen here anyway....
Are they paying thru federal income tax for federal benefits, federal services, etc?? No.. that means someone else is footing that bill.. which is wrong, especially some of those very people love to scream about equality in treatment on things that concern them... Well, equality in treatment is an all encompassing thing, not just selectively choosing when it is good and when it is good to treat others differently for your benefit

They pay Social Security and Medicare

Which federal benefits are they recieving that you say they are not paying for?

If you have a family of four and make $25,000. What federal benefits are you getting that you don't pay for?

C'mon man.. I know you're better than that.. They are getting the DOD, the DoA, the DoEd, the DoEnergy, the IRS, the DoC, the DHS, and ALLL THOSE VITAL SERVICES.. All for fucking FREE....

If you don't think those are "federal benefits" let's both start SHUTTING THEM DOWN..
Thats what needs to happen here anyway....

That is not what Romney said....

All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement.

If you are working and supporting a family and your deductions bring you into the 0% bracket....How is the government taking care of you?

Mitt thinks they are

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