Who actually lives life the way Christ told us to


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Christ taught that we had to sell everything we had, give the money to the poor, and follow him, abandoning everything we have, including our family, not even stopping to bury them if they are dead.

How many of us actually live that way?

Apparently, most Christians make compromises with Christ's actual teachings.

We don't really turn the other cheek when people hit us on the face.

We don't really go two miles when someone presses us to go one mile.

When someone sues us for our coat, we don't give our shirt as well.

What's going on?

Even our priests and ministers don't live this way.

And when you ask them to explain why we are not following the literal teachings of Christ, they will have all kinds of answers why Christ's words are only "symbolic".

Can someone, preferably a good Christian, explain this to me?

I'm not really interested in hearing snark from atheists and non-believers, so I will put you on ignore if you do that.

This is a serious question and I want serious answers.
-Breaking bread with the poor?
-Loving your neighbor?
-Caring for the poor?
-Taking them from the cold?
-Preaching love and non-judgement of the neighbor?

Not many conservatives do this.
I bet Blackroot doesn't do anything of the sort..
-Breaking bread with the poor?
-Loving your neighbor?
-Caring for the poor?
-Taking them from the cold?
-Preaching love and non-judgement of the neighbor?

Not many conservatives do this.
You are making this political, but I am asking a religious question.

Matthew, do you do any of these things?

I know I don't, I'm not a very good Christian.

I try to obey the Ten Commandments, but I've not been very good even at that.

I cuss too much, take the Lord's name in vain, and I insult people and try to make them feel bad about themselves.

Most of my worst sins are committed on this political forum, and I fear I've gone too far many times.

If I was honest with myself, I would call myself the worst kind of sinner, because I am full of pride, and pride is the worst sin there is, and no other sin comes even close to how bad pride is.

Also, I almost never pray, and I think that not praying is a lot worse than people realize.
-Breaking bread with the poor?
-Loving your neighbor?
-Caring for the poor?
-Taking them from the cold?
-Preaching love and non-judgement of the neighbor?

Not many conservatives do this.

  • Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
  • People who reject the idea that “government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality” give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.
  • Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.
It appears that despite the common objections to the studies, there is at least some truth to the notion that conservatives give more to charity, while liberals see the government as a source of 'charity.'

Do Conservatives Really Give More to Charity Than Liberals? A Powerful Anecdote Fuels Debate.
My marriage is over and my children are all grown, so now I have no one to look after but myself.

Do I spend the rest of my working life saving up for retirement, as conventional wisdom says I should do?

Or I should take this opportunity to devote my life to service to God?

And if I did devote my life to service to God, what form would that take?

I don't want to be a priest, and probably, they would not want a divorced man to join the priesthood.

My son recommended I be a deacon, but I don't feel the call to do that either.

I don't really pray enough to join a religious order as a brother.

I'm a lawyer, so if I was going to serve God, maybe I should use my law skills in some way useful to God.

I know there are refugee programs, and I have some experience with that area of law.

But right now, I'm up in the air of what I should do.

I still need to pay the bills to keep the heat and lights on.

I could just get a regular job and give money to charity.

I don't know.
-Breaking bread with the poor?
-Loving your neighbor?
-Caring for the poor?
-Taking them from the cold?
-Preaching love and non-judgement of the neighbor?

Not many conservatives do this.
You are making this political, but I am asking a religious question.

Matthew, do you do any of these things?

I know I don't, I'm not a very good Christian.

I try to obey the Ten Commandments, but I've not been very good even at that.

I cuss too much, take the Lord's name in vain, and I insult people and try to make them feel bad about themselves.

Most of my worst sins are committed on this political forum, and I fear I've gone too far many times.

If I was honest with myself, I would call myself the worst kind of sinner, because I am full of pride, and pride is the worst sin there is, and no other sin comes even close to how bad pride is.

Also, I almost never pray, and I think that not praying is a lot worse than people realize.
The religious involves the political, social, economic, private lives of the Christian.

Don't pretend that they don't, blackrook, because if you do, we know you are not a Christian.

However, your self analysis seems sincere.

Pray often for guidance and study your scriptures carefully. Lean on the Lord.
My life to this point has been devoted to raising my children, but they are all grown, and so that part of my life is over. I need new meaning.

Saving up for retirement, retiring, and dying seems to me to be a monumental waste of time, a misuse of the gifts God gave me.

I need to do more than that.

My law career does not fulfill me. I am representing businesses fighting over money, and I don't care one whit about the outcome. My clients don't need me, I could be replaced with any warm body with a law degree. I am working in construction defect, which is probably the least challenging area of law there is, you literally don't need to know anything to do what I do, except maybe the different parts of a toilet or a sink.

I know I should be praying more, going to church more, obeying the Ten Commandments more, but I have become callous and indifferent in my soul, and I have neglected to do any of these things.
My marriage is over and my children are all grown, so now I have no one to look after but myself.

Do I spend the rest of my working life saving up for retirement, as conventional wisdom says I should do?

Or I should take this opportunity to devote my life to service to God?

And if I did devote my life to service to God, what form would that take?

I don't want to be a priest, and probably, they would not want a divorced man to join the priesthood.

My son recommended I be a deacon, but I don't feel the call to do that either.

I don't really pray enough to join a religious order as a brother.

I'm a lawyer, so if I was going to serve God, maybe I should use my law skills in some way useful to God.

I know there are refugee programs, and I have some experience with that area of law.

But right now, I'm up in the air of what I should do.

I still need to pay the bills to keep the heat and lights on.

I could just get a regular job and give money to charity.

I don't know.
I have a cousin that is a Minister and he does something every year that I am in awe of. He and a few members of his church fly to Africa to set up wells for remote villages. You certainly wouldn't need to go all the way to Africa as there are millions of people here that are desperate, but that is what he does and he says it's been the most rewarding experience of his life.
Do people support jail for a punishment of breaking the law?
Dude, most Christians don't act like Christians. Hell, Christians waged war for two thousand Years.
Crazy shit..
Jesus Christ the man, is an inspiration in my life.

I don't live the life he told us 100% ...but I certainly love him and adore him and am inspired by him all the way.

HE is always on my mind.:huddle:
Speaking of, do any Christians here feel like Jesus was the superior of his father? You know, because god of the OT was violent and jealous. I know some do.
Do people support jail for a punishment of breaking the law?
Dude, most Christians don't act like Christians. Hell, Christians waged war for two thousand Years.
Crazy shit..
Do people support jail for a punishment of breaking the law
I guess that is pretty much interpretation..
OP- Why? Because Jesus was God and could live a perfect life- WE can never- not even close; thats why Jesus CAME. To die in our place. In this life sin still reigns. Free will= sin. ALL humans sin- Christian or not but Christians will sin less and less as they yield to the Holy Spirit (Sanctification). And a Christian's sins are forgiven. ALL of them; however we still are accountable to God at the Bema Seat Judgement- a judgement of rewards but not salvation.
OP- Why? Because Jesus was God and could live a perfect life- WE can never- not even close; thats why Jesus CAME. To die in our place. In this life sin still reigns. Free will= sin. ALL humans sin- Christian or not but Christians will sin less and less as they yield to the Holy Spirit (Sanctification). And a Christian's sins are forgiven. ALL of them; however we still are accountable to God at the Bema Seat Judgement- a judgement of rewards but not salvation.
Do you really mean all sins? Is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit forgiven?
Jesus told his followers to chop their dicks off if they were aroused by women. Me, I like my cock (I actually love it and thank the real God and my parents for giving me a big one), and do not like liars like Jesus. Sorry folks! Middle East cults are so faggy.

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