Whitesplaning Racism

I'd certainly like to understand how whites can explain racism without trying to claim how blacks are racists too even as all we are doing is asking that the racism end. I would like it explained how whites can make claims of black racism without understanding how the way blacks have been treated and continue being treated by whites is not a contributing factor to why there might actually be blacks who don't like whites.

Think we've covered that. The divide here is ideologically DEEPER than racism. You're NOT a typical black person -- YET -- you seem perfectly fine representing the entire race because according to you the entire black race wants RETRIBUTION and PAIN from whites in order to HAVE a reconciliation. You've also railed against individualism and glorified Group Think.. This is a lot of baggage ON TOP of any racism that either of us may have.

You're the oddity. Not us. We're here to learn and patch up the racial divide. THAT scares the FUCK out of you. Because then you wouldn't be an asset to the cause anymore.

I'm very typical. You don't know anybody black. And you don't want racial reconciliation, you are the one scared of it. You make no sense and that's because you're a dumb ass dittohead who actually thinks that if racism ended tomorrow I'd be unhappy because another white man tells you that. But again you live in the south, the place whites believed that blacks were happy as slaves. Where whites thought the "typical" blacks were happy with jim crow and if those northern white troublemakers would just sop filling their heads blacks would still be happy living in the south with no rights. You practice and embrace groupthink then claim you aren't. Everything you say is a lie. I have no baggage, you do. Asking for what is right to fix the damage created by white racism is not about making whites suffer. But your denial of these things makes blacks continue to suffer. So it seems you are fine with blacks suffering just as long was we can find the easiest way out for whites The blacks who are here seem to see things pretty close to the way I do. That doesn't happen for you. There are whites here who reject your racism and the racism of the whites you enable. You are the oddity.

Let me ponder that analysis. Including the part where I "don't know anyone black".. My neighbor gonna chuckle at that one. He's a Tennessee Titan. And he's more bubbah than I am for sure. But to be fair. Lemme sleep on it.

Oh wow you have a black professional football player as a neighbor. Big deal. So do you live in the black community and interact with blacks of every status all day every day? My brother played in the NFL so that doesn't impress me. And when you discuss our conversations to that black football player you are going to lie because that's what you will be doing if you tell your one black friend that I only want reconciliation if whites suffer.

You're a classic flacaltenn. I've been a prime time athlete and have seen whites like you kiss a black athletes ass while not being able to stand blacks.
Serious question

I remember reading that Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and New York as “Hymietown.”

What would you call that?

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion. There are blacks who are jews. .Now would you like to show me what law or policy Jackson authored to deny jews rights or opportunities?
Serious question

I remember reading that Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and New York as “Hymietown.”

What would you call that?

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion. There are blacks who are jews. .Now would you like to show me what law or policy Jackson authored to deny jews rights or opportunities?
I remember reading that Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and New York as “Hymietown.”

What would you call that?

and the above is your reply? So you can't or won't supply an answer. Okay. Have a nice day.
I'd certainly like to understand how whites can explain racism without trying to claim how blacks are racists too even as all we are doing is asking that the racism end. I would like it explained how whites can make claims of black racism without understanding how the way blacks have been treated and continue being treated by whites is not a contributing factor to why there might actually be blacks who don't like whites.

Think we've covered that. The divide here is ideologically DEEPER than racism. You're NOT a typical black person -- YET -- you seem perfectly fine representing the entire race because according to you the entire black race wants RETRIBUTION and PAIN from whites in order to HAVE a reconciliation. You've also railed against individualism and glorified Group Think.. This is a lot of baggage ON TOP of any racism that either of us may have.

You're the oddity. Not us. We're here to learn and patch up the racial divide. THAT scares the FUCK out of you. Because then you wouldn't be an asset to the cause anymore.

I'm very typical. You don't know anybody black. And you don't want racial reconciliation, you are the one scared of it. You make no sense and that's because you're a dumb ass dittohead who actually thinks that if racism ended tomorrow I'd be unhappy because another white man tells you that. But again you live in the south, the place whites believed that blacks were happy as slaves. Where whites thought the "typical" blacks were happy with jim crow and if those northern white troublemakers would just sop filling their heads blacks would still be happy living in the south with no rights. You practice and embrace groupthink then claim you aren't. Everything you say is a lie. I have no baggage, you do. Asking for what is right to fix the damage created by white racism is not about making whites suffer. But your denial of these things makes blacks continue to suffer. So it seems you are fine with blacks suffering just as long was we can find the easiest way out for whites The blacks who are here seem to see things pretty close to the way I do. That doesn't happen for you. There are whites here who reject your racism and the racism of the whites you enable. You are the oddity.

Let me ponder that analysis. Including the part where I "don't know anyone black".. My neighbor gonna chuckle at that one. He's a Tennessee Titan. And he's more bubbah than I am for sure. But to be fair. Lemme sleep on it.

Flacaltenn you can't snipe at person then delete what they post in response..
"Whites do this..." and "Whitey does that..." is racist speech to the core. That's objective reality if ever there were. Any objective reader from any culture or language who read the posts of "IM2" and the definition of racism would recognize the racist terms and speech.
The traits he seems to think only apply to "whites" are, it is a lamentable fact, human.
There is only one race. Accept that or not, it's science.
Every very human has challenges in life and has choices.
Wasn't it Michael Jackson who said, "I don't want to spend my life being a color."?
Serious question

I remember reading that Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and New York as “Hymietown.”

What would you call that?

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion. There are blacks who are jews. .Now would you like to show me what law or policy Jackson authored to deny jews rights or opportunities?
I remember reading that Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and New York as “Hymietown.”

What would you call that?

and the above is your reply? So you can't or won't supply an answer. Okay. Have a nice day.

I did supply an answer.

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion. There are blacks who are jews. Now would you like to show me what law or policy Jackson authored to deny jews rights or opportunities?

What part of that did not answer your question? Seems that you, like the others, do not want address laws or policies made by whites that denied blacks of opportunities for 3/4ths of the time this has been a country. Talk about an agenda.
I did supply an answer.

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion.

Is what Hilter did early on before his power grab, only prejudiced comments against a religion? Do people consider Jews to be a race. Other than converts, how does one become a 'Jew?'

Now do you believe there is a Black gene, genes for race?
Certainly, in Hitler's mind and in general thinking of the epoch, it was racism. Hitler's intentions were clearly for genetic purity, an idea that entirely ignores reality, but, then, racist always do.
"Whites do this..." and "Whitey does that..." is racist speech to the core. That's objective reality if ever there were. Any objective reader from any culture or language who read the posts of "IM2" and the definition of racism would recognize the racist terms and speech.
The traits he seems to think only apply to "whites" are, it is a lamentable fact, human.
There is only one race. Accept that or not, it's science.
Every very human has challenges in life and has choices.
Wasn't it Michael Jackson who said, "I don't want to spend my life being a color."?


a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

3 : racial
prejudice or discrimination

Nothing I have said meets this definition. But what many whites here have and you haven't said a damn thing.

There are no races, that's what science says.

I don't need the standard white lecture about what every human faces. For the challenge whites face now is erasing the damage racist policies and laws they made created. And it seems that many here don't want make the choice to do so.
I did supply an answer.

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion.

Is what Hilter did early on before his power grab, only prejudiced comments against a religion? Do people consider Jews to be a race. Other than converts, how does one become a 'Jew?'

Now do you believe there is a Black gene, genes for race?

How about we look at laws and policies whites made that denied people of color opportunities? For that killed way more and lasted way longer than what Hitler did. Even a war didn't stop that from continuing.
I'd certainly like to understand how whites can explain racism without trying to claim how blacks are racists too even as all we are doing is asking that the racism end. I would like it explained how whites can make claims of black racism without understanding how the way blacks have been treated and continue being treated by whites is not a contributing factor to why there might actually be blacks who don't like whites.

Think we've covered that. The divide here is ideologically DEEPER than racism. You're NOT a typical black person -- YET -- you seem perfectly fine representing the entire race because according to you the entire black race wants RETRIBUTION and PAIN from whites in order to HAVE a reconciliation. You've also railed against individualism and glorified Group Think.. This is a lot of baggage ON TOP of any racism that either of us may have.

You're the oddity. Not us. We're here to learn and patch up the racial divide. THAT scares the FUCK out of you. Because then you wouldn't be an asset to the cause anymore.

I'm very typical. You don't know anybody black. And you don't want racial reconciliation, you are the one scared of it. You make no sense and that's because you're a dumb ass dittohead who actually thinks that if racism ended tomorrow I'd be unhappy because another white man tells you that. But again you live in the south, the place whites believed that blacks were happy as slaves. Where whites thought the "typical" blacks were happy with jim crow and if those northern white troublemakers would just sop filling their heads blacks would still be happy living in the south with no rights. You practice and embrace groupthink then claim you aren't. Everything you say is a lie. I have no baggage, you do. Asking for what is right to fix the damage created by white racism is not about making whites suffer. But your denial of these things makes blacks continue to suffer. So it seems you are fine with blacks suffering just as long was we can find the easiest way out for whites The blacks who are here seem to see things pretty close to the way I do. That doesn't happen for you. There are whites here who reject your racism and the racism of the whites you enable. You are the oddity.

Let me ponder that analysis. Including the part where I "don't know anyone black".. My neighbor gonna chuckle at that one. He's a Tennessee Titan. And he's more bubbah than I am for sure. But to be fair. Lemme sleep on it.

Oh wow you have a black professional football player as a neighbor. Big deal. So do you live in the black community and interact with blacks of every status all day every day? My brother played in the NFL so that doesn't impress me. And when you discuss our conversations to that black football player you are going to lie because that's what you will be doing if you tell your one black friend that I only want reconciliation if whites suffer.

You're a classic flacaltenn. I've been a prime time athlete and have seen whites like you kiss a black athletes ass while not being able to stand blacks.

“Prime time“!

I'd certainly like to understand how whites can explain racism without trying to claim how blacks are racists too even as all we are doing is asking that the racism end. I would like it explained how whites can make claims of black racism without understanding how the way blacks have been treated and continue being treated by whites is not a contributing factor to why there might actually be blacks who don't like whites.

Think we've covered that. The divide here is ideologically DEEPER than racism. You're NOT a typical black person -- YET -- you seem perfectly fine representing the entire race because according to you the entire black race wants RETRIBUTION and PAIN from whites in order to HAVE a reconciliation. You've also railed against individualism and glorified Group Think.. This is a lot of baggage ON TOP of any racism that either of us may have.

You're the oddity. Not us. We're here to learn and patch up the racial divide. THAT scares the FUCK out of you. Because then you wouldn't be an asset to the cause anymore.

I'm very typical. You don't know anybody black. And you don't want racial reconciliation, you are the one scared of it. You make no sense and that's because you're a dumb ass dittohead who actually thinks that if racism ended tomorrow I'd be unhappy because another white man tells you that. But again you live in the south, the place whites believed that blacks were happy as slaves. Where whites thought the "typical" blacks were happy with jim crow and if those northern white troublemakers would just sop filling their heads blacks would still be happy living in the south with no rights. You practice and embrace groupthink then claim you aren't. Everything you say is a lie. I have no baggage, you do. Asking for what is right to fix the damage created by white racism is not about making whites suffer. But your denial of these things makes blacks continue to suffer. So it seems you are fine with blacks suffering just as long was we can find the easiest way out for whites The blacks who are here seem to see things pretty close to the way I do. That doesn't happen for you. There are whites here who reject your racism and the racism of the whites you enable. You are the oddity.

Let me ponder that analysis. Including the part where I "don't know anyone black".. My neighbor gonna chuckle at that one. He's a Tennessee Titan. And he's more bubbah than I am for sure. But to be fair. Lemme sleep on it.

Oh wow you have a black professional football player as a neighbor. Big deal. So do you live in the black community and interact with blacks of every status all day every day? My brother played in the NFL so that doesn't impress me. And when you discuss our conversations to that black football player you are going to lie because that's what you will be doing if you tell your one black friend that I only want reconciliation if whites suffer.

You're a classic flacaltenn. I've been a prime time athlete and have seen whites like you kiss a black athletes ass while not being able to stand blacks.

“Prime time“!


Yep. Something you can never say.
Think we've covered that. The divide here is ideologically DEEPER than racism. You're NOT a typical black person -- YET -- you seem perfectly fine representing the entire race because according to you the entire black race wants RETRIBUTION and PAIN from whites in order to HAVE a reconciliation. You've also railed against individualism and glorified Group Think.. This is a lot of baggage ON TOP of any racism that either of us may have.

You're the oddity. Not us. We're here to learn and patch up the racial divide. THAT scares the FUCK out of you. Because then you wouldn't be an asset to the cause anymore.

I'm very typical. You don't know anybody black. And you don't want racial reconciliation, you are the one scared of it. You make no sense and that's because you're a dumb ass dittohead who actually thinks that if racism ended tomorrow I'd be unhappy because another white man tells you that. But again you live in the south, the place whites believed that blacks were happy as slaves. Where whites thought the "typical" blacks were happy with jim crow and if those northern white troublemakers would just sop filling their heads blacks would still be happy living in the south with no rights. You practice and embrace groupthink then claim you aren't. Everything you say is a lie. I have no baggage, you do. Asking for what is right to fix the damage created by white racism is not about making whites suffer. But your denial of these things makes blacks continue to suffer. So it seems you are fine with blacks suffering just as long was we can find the easiest way out for whites The blacks who are here seem to see things pretty close to the way I do. That doesn't happen for you. There are whites here who reject your racism and the racism of the whites you enable. You are the oddity.

Let me ponder that analysis. Including the part where I "don't know anyone black".. My neighbor gonna chuckle at that one. He's a Tennessee Titan. And he's more bubbah than I am for sure. But to be fair. Lemme sleep on it.

Oh wow you have a black professional football player as a neighbor. Big deal. So do you live in the black community and interact with blacks of every status all day every day? My brother played in the NFL so that doesn't impress me. And when you discuss our conversations to that black football player you are going to lie because that's what you will be doing if you tell your one black friend that I only want reconciliation if whites suffer.

You're a classic flacaltenn. I've been a prime time athlete and have seen whites like you kiss a black athletes ass while not being able to stand blacks.

“Prime time“!


Yep. Something you can never say.


Meaning what, exactly? You were on TV every night between 5 and 10?

Do what all the time? Debunk your racist lies?

You've debunked nothing.

Yeah, I did. Do I have to whitesplain it to you?

You've debunked nothing and no amount of any splaining you do changes that fact..

That is what you liberals do. You make shit up. that's why reality never ever agrees with you. I quite clearly and effectively debunked your racist stupidity. Your lies can't change that fact.

You've debunked nothing. Because you can't.

Keep lying, u understand that that’s how you lefties greet each day.
You've debunked nothing.

Yeah, I did. Do I have to whitesplain it to you?

You've debunked nothing and no amount of any splaining you do changes that fact..

That is what you liberals do. You make shit up. that's why reality never ever agrees with you. I quite clearly and effectively debunked your racist stupidity. Your lies can't change that fact.

You've debunked nothing. Because you can't.
u b blacksplaining n' sheeit

He isn’t explaining anything, he’s just spouting a bunch of racist stupidity.
It is when white women played into the racism. Ask Emmitt Till. So then you step back.

White Women and Racial Complicity

To be a white woman in America is to be precariously power-adjacent: Because of our skin, we carry unquestioned privilege in power systems. Because of our gender, that security has a shelf life—we are included only as long as we are able or willing to perform according to those who control the levers.

It’s a dangerous charade, one so deeply internalized it often goes unexamined. Our history indicates that when white women want agency, we often go to white men—even when they are the source of our exclusion, or even if we have to sell out others along the way. In the wake of the 15th Amendment granting black men the right to vote, suffragists including Carrie Chapman Catt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Laura Clay made their case for the white woman vote by appealing to white supremacy. In January, a new book revealed that Carolyn Bryant, the white woman who accused Emmett Till of touching her in 1955, had lied.

White women in America face a deficit of trust uniquely of our own making.

White Women and Racial Complicity

A Short History of White Women’s Complicity
Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy by Elizabeth Gillespie McRae

In Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy, historian Elizabeth Gillespie McRae makes a strong argument for white women’s vital role in protecting and perpetuating white supremacy and thwarting integration in the US. One hundred years ago, woman began to organize in ways that we would recognize from today’s resistance movements. They developed grassroots campaigns reaching out to other women and encouraging them to organize, to write letters, to publish, to speak up and to vote. They did this, however, in the name of Jim Crow, as a way to shore up white power in the face of legislation that would dismantle it. McRae demonstrates how white women, not just in the South but across the nation, turned their traditional roles as mothers, defenders of family and children, tellers of stories, and activists in schools into a political force that sustained racism, reshaped American conservatism, and continues to influence our politics and culture.

McRae’s goal is to demonstrate that the “fiercest proponents” of massive resistance to desegregation and racial integration in 20th century America were “…the daily grassroots activists who continually reshaped their support for various versions of racial segregation.” These diehard activists were largely white women who used their special roles in social welfare, public education, electoral politics and popular culture to keep the spirit of Jim Crow alive even when its legal basis had been removed by the Supreme Court and the federal government. She divides the book into two parts and a conclusion. Part I is entitled “Massive Support for Racial Segregation, 1920-1941”, Part II is “Massive Resistance to the Black Freedom Struggle, 1942-1974,” and the conclusion is “The New National Face of Segregation: Boston Women Against Busing.”

A Short History of White Women’s Complicity

Check yourself woman. White women owned slaves, white women participated in Jim Crow nationwide. White women lied about black men and they were killed by those who you say oppressed you. You married your oppressors and when he died, you inherited your oppressors money/property if he had any. You married your oppressor and if you got divorced, you got half of what your oppressor had. So step back trying to come me like that lady. Humble yourself and know your history.

Because this is part of it.

Emmett Till's Accuser: I Made It Up



So what exactly does some kid who has been dead over half a century have to do with current events?
The fact that you have to ask this is mind-boggling, but I'll waste my time and answer you anyway...

  1. It shows a history of the callous and cavalier attitudes whites(women even) have towards blacks and their lives in general
  2. It shows a history of whites (women even) lying on blacks that leads to their death

None of this has changed much since then.
It is when white women played into the racism. Ask Emmitt Till. So then you step back.

White Women and Racial Complicity

To be a white woman in America is to be precariously power-adjacent: Because of our skin, we carry unquestioned privilege in power systems. Because of our gender, that security has a shelf life—we are included only as long as we are able or willing to perform according to those who control the levers.

It’s a dangerous charade, one so deeply internalized it often goes unexamined. Our history indicates that when white women want agency, we often go to white men—even when they are the source of our exclusion, or even if we have to sell out others along the way. In the wake of the 15th Amendment granting black men the right to vote, suffragists including Carrie Chapman Catt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Laura Clay made their case for the white woman vote by appealing to white supremacy. In January, a new book revealed that Carolyn Bryant, the white woman who accused Emmett Till of touching her in 1955, had lied.

White women in America face a deficit of trust uniquely of our own making.

White Women and Racial Complicity

A Short History of White Women’s Complicity
Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy by Elizabeth Gillespie McRae

In Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy, historian Elizabeth Gillespie McRae makes a strong argument for white women’s vital role in protecting and perpetuating white supremacy and thwarting integration in the US. One hundred years ago, woman began to organize in ways that we would recognize from today’s resistance movements. They developed grassroots campaigns reaching out to other women and encouraging them to organize, to write letters, to publish, to speak up and to vote. They did this, however, in the name of Jim Crow, as a way to shore up white power in the face of legislation that would dismantle it. McRae demonstrates how white women, not just in the South but across the nation, turned their traditional roles as mothers, defenders of family and children, tellers of stories, and activists in schools into a political force that sustained racism, reshaped American conservatism, and continues to influence our politics and culture.

McRae’s goal is to demonstrate that the “fiercest proponents” of massive resistance to desegregation and racial integration in 20th century America were “…the daily grassroots activists who continually reshaped their support for various versions of racial segregation.” These diehard activists were largely white women who used their special roles in social welfare, public education, electoral politics and popular culture to keep the spirit of Jim Crow alive even when its legal basis had been removed by the Supreme Court and the federal government. She divides the book into two parts and a conclusion. Part I is entitled “Massive Support for Racial Segregation, 1920-1941”, Part II is “Massive Resistance to the Black Freedom Struggle, 1942-1974,” and the conclusion is “The New National Face of Segregation: Boston Women Against Busing.”

A Short History of White Women’s Complicity

Check yourself woman. White women owned slaves, white women participated in Jim Crow nationwide. White women lied about black men and they were killed by those who you say oppressed you. You married your oppressors and when he died, you inherited your oppressors money/property if he had any. You married your oppressor and if you got divorced, you got half of what your oppressor had. So step back trying to come me like that lady. Humble yourself and know your history.

Because this is part of it.

Emmett Till's Accuser: I Made It Up



So what exactly does some kid who has been dead over half a century have to do with current events?
The fact that you have to ask this is mind-boggling, but I'll waste my time and answer you anyway...

  1. It shows a history of the callous and cavalier attitudes whites(women even) have towards blacks and their lives in general
  2. It shows a history of whites (women even) lying on blacks that leads to their death

None of this has changed much since then.

do you really want to go down the fake racism trail as well as callous actions?

murder/rape/robbery assault

you stand on no moral high ground

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