Whites Must Do Their Part to End Racism

The discussion is not about reparations. The thread title says this, now all you want to do is play the same stupid childish fucked up crap you racist motherfuckers always do. I don't think whites owe, I think this is a matter between the United States government and black people. So drop that dumb ass race baited white racist bullshit argument about whites owing and go start working in the white community to end racism. Start with yourself..
I'm not a racist. Not even close. I grew up in a liberal college town in Massachusetts with close friends that were black and Hispanic. I didn't view them any differently than any of my white friends.
That's me, IM2. Now why don't we talk about YOUR inherent racist attitude? You race bait more than almost anyone on this site. It's your go to!
Blacks must do their part to end racism. For example, if a black person is a racist, he should stop that thinking and/or behavior immediately.

Being a racist is no more acceptable from a black person than it is from a white person.

That’s just a fact.
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.

You know, this is a very good question. Interestingly, I came to this site to talk about guns but I've been thinking the past few days that I should talk more about racism so the timing is perfect.

You're right that it makes no sense to talk to white people about racism. There's nothing any white person can do, or at least nothing I can think of, that would end the racism in your heart. You're a racist, through and through. What can I do about that? Nothing.
You would think one of you high IQ whites would have a solution. Because in reality there are whites who are trying, but whites like you get in the way. So instead of blocking progress help make progress happen.

We are the government. You have no excuse.

This is not about what blacks can prove. It is if whites can prove that they really want to reduce racism to irrelevance and save this country from destruction.

Actually there are false equivalences. I see them posted here every day..

The subject is whites doing their part. This means whites working in their community to erase or reduce racism to irrelevance. So if whites are working in the white community to end it, your claim makes no sense. Again, this is about what whites need to do in white communities. Not whites going into black communities telling blacks what they need to do.
OK. I'm white and have a high IQ and I have a solution. My solution has multiple parts:

  1. You look into your own heart and quit being a racist.
  2. End the liberal-only, leftist-only, black caucus in Congress and have Congress serve all Americans in their districts and the nation rather than focusing on racism.
  3. The only individual in America having his own legal national holiday is Reverend Martin Luther King but so many racists, black and white, dishonor his memory advocating that we treat people according to the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. Let's go back to what the great Martin Luther King taught: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
  4. Judging by the content of one's character means that absolutely all affirmative action must immediately end.
  5. From the minute that affirmative action is ended then anyone who is not hired because of their race, or didn't get a job where the person hired was selected based on race, should receive reparations from the company or organization that hired on race, in the amount of projected lifetime earnings had they been properly hired. On the other hand, if you make the racism-in-hiring claim and lose, then you must pay the legal and court costs of the ones you sued.
  6. Crime comes from hate. All crimes are hate crimes. In the Uvalde shooting, an idiot talking head on Fox said that the shooter started by killing a loved one. He didn't love his grandmother, he hated her. When you hurt someone you either hate that person or you hate that race or you hate people in general. Since all crimes are hate crimes, drop the redundant, useless, special category. Thoughts are not crimes.
  7. On the other hand, if a person stages a fake race-based attack or event and reports it to the police or makes any false statement to police or government official about such a staged event, that should be a felony punishable by a minimum of 10 years in federal prison and a maximum of 20 years for repeat offenders. In addition, the perpetrator must pay all damages, including punitive damages, and without any bankruptcy protection, to anyone harmed by the false report and is not eligible for any government or welfare aid until the debt is paid - in other words, get a job and pay it off or suffer serious consequences.
  8. Remove all local, state, and federal funding for any child-care, pre-k, kindergarten, school, college, university, or any other place or program of education that teaches that any one race is superior to any other race or that all members of any race did or supported any illegal, immoral, or otherwise offensive actions. Teaching about what individuals did, is always acceptable and children or students have the right to rebut, counter, add to, any such discussions so that the discussions portray the breadth of inhumane behavior in history or current events and not just limited to approved examples.
  9. Establish a national language so that all Americans can communicate with each other and with the government. They, of course, can speak whatever they choose whenever they choose but they will fail if they don't communicate at work and with the government in a language of success. One key of a national language is that it promotes assimilation and not segregation. When immigrants come to The United States because they want the American dream and want to be part of our culture then they need to speak the language of the American Dream. If they want to be part of the country they left then they can go back. Segregation divides America by race. Assimilation brings us all together.
Do you agree that if we take all these steps we will go a long way to end racism? It will take a couple of generations to get the desired results because of the damage done by the current school programs that teach black people they can't succeed and that it's white people's fault, and teach white people that black people can't accomplish anything without government and it's white people's fault. But, just like the racist teachings going on today, if we teach children honestly, that any body can succeed if they work hard enough, then by the second generation, racism would be all but eliminated from this country.

There will always be individual racists - like you for example. But then people like you would be exceptions and would really have to keep your racism mostly to yourself because you would be an outcast.
OK. I'm white and have a high IQ and I have a solution. My solution has multiple parts:

  1. You look into your own heart and quit being a racist.
  2. End the liberal-only, leftist-only, black caucus in Congress and have Congress serve all Americans in their districts and the nation rather than focusing on racism.
  3. The only individual in America having his own legal national holiday is Reverend Martin Luther King but so many racists, black and white, dishonor his memory advocating that we treat people according to the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. Let's go back to what the great Martin Luther King taught: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
  4. Judging by the content of one's character means that absolutely all affirmative action must immediately end.
  5. From the minute that affirmative action is ended then anyone who is not hired because of their race, or didn't get a job where the person hired was selected based on race, should receive reparations from the company or organization that hired on race, in the amount of projected lifetime earnings had they been properly hired. On the other hand, if you make the racism-in-hiring claim and lose, then you must pay the legal and court costs of the ones you sued.
  6. Crime comes from hate. All crimes are hate crimes. In the Uvalde shooting, an idiot talking head on Fox said that the shooter started by killing a loved one. He didn't love his grandmother, he hated her. When you hurt someone you either hate that person or you hate that race or you hate people in general. Since all crimes are hate crimes, drop the redundant, useless, special category. Thoughts are not crimes.
  7. On the other hand, if a person stages a fake race-based attack or event and reports it to the police or makes any false statement to police or government official about such a staged event, that should be a felony punishable by a minimum of 10 years in federal prison and a maximum of 20 years for repeat offenders. In addition, the perpetrator must pay all damages, including punitive damages, and without any bankruptcy protection, to anyone harmed by the false report and is not eligible for any government or welfare aid until the debt is paid - in other words, get a job and pay it off or suffer serious consequences.
  8. Remove all local, state, and federal funding for any child-care, pre-k, kindergarten, school, college, university, or any other place or program of education that teaches that any one race is superior to any other race or that all members of any race did or supported any illegal, immoral, or otherwise offensive actions. Teaching about what individuals did, is always acceptable and children or students have the right to rebut, counter, add to, any such discussions so that the discussions portray the breadth of inhumane behavior in history or current events and not just limited to approved examples.
  9. Establish a national language so that all Americans can communicate with each other and with the government. They, of course, can speak whatever they choose whenever they choose but they will fail if they don't communicate at work and with the government in a language of success. One key of a national language is that it promotes assimilation and not segregation. When immigrants come to The United States because they want the American dream and want to be part of our culture then they need to speak the language of the American Dream. If they want to be part of the country they left then they can go back. Segregation divides America by race. Assimilation brings us all together.
Do you agree that if we take all these steps we will go a long way to end racism? It will take a couple of generations to get the desired results because of the damage done by the current school programs that teach black people they can't succeed and that it's white people's fault, and teach white people that black people can't accomplish anything without government and it's white people's fault. But, just like the racist teachings going on today, if we teach children honestly, that any body can succeed if they work hard enough, then by the second generation, racism would be all but eliminated from this country.

There will always be individual racists - like you for example. But then people like you would be exceptions and would really have to keep your racism mostly to yourself because you would be an outcast.
Actually you can't be too bright because this thread is about what whites can do to end racism in the white community not 50 excuses. And keep King out of this because you still deny that whites have been given what you think affirmative action is for nearly 246 years.

Congress has been the congressional white caucus for most of American history.

I don't have to look into my heart to end anything. Calling out white racism is the opposite of racism. You just don't want to face some inconvenient truths. Start with facing them and then you will see what needs to be done in the white community instead of lying to yourself and misusing one sentence from Dr. King.
The government is the system it is the only system that can be tangibly adjusted to direct any abstract cultural systems. The government is inherently flawed, because it was designed in a different era of technology and sophistication, and it cannot meet the demands of a tremendously more diverse society that the nation has evolved to.

Asking people to be nicer to each other is not going to work, because the government representation system guides the politicians to denigrate their opponents in an effort to populate the three branches with politically aligned personnel. The citizens see this chaos and it trickles down causing the social disorder we endure.
Huh? Kamala, is that you? What a useless word salad. It is not the job of the government to direct "abstract cultural systems". It is the job of the government to build infrastructure, defend our shores, secure our borders, and

Name a single part of the government that doesn't work because of technology and that the Constitution doesn't already provide the proper solution? The United States Constitution is not perfect but having built-in means for changing it makes it the most perfect document created by man - given that the Bible is the word of God and not man-made. The Constitution works, or would work if followed, as well today as it did in 1789.

There are absolutely many cases where government goes astray today but each and every one of those, without exception, happens when government ignores the Constitution and acts outside of the Constitution.
How about instead of monetary reparations, blacks receive free college tuition and low or no interest home loans? If they can’t graduate, they don’t want to succeed. Nobody should be allowed unlimited tuition though, one shot. This way only seriously interested students will apply. Same with loans, if the don’t pay them back, you can’t blame racism. Keep in mind that not all whites graduate or get loans. There really is no rational way to give money to people. Who gets it?
How about blacks choose their own future and make their own choices? Your proposal is racist and unconstitutional. Black women can choose to not have sex with men who will not be responsible fathers should they become pregnant. Black fathers and mothers have the choice to teach their children personal responsibility and that the way to get ahead is to work hard.

Many black parents do teach these things to their children and those children get ahead. Many white parents don't teach these things to their children and those white children fail. It's not based on race, it's based on personal responsibility of the parents and on parenting of the children.

The differences in success and failure rates between black children and white children is not the result of their race - at least not directly. It is the result of the racist policies of the Democratic Party that have the explicit goal of destroying black families, impoverishing black children, and building a dependency among black communities on the government and those Democratic programs and handouts - the Democratic plantation, as it is often, and accurately, called.

That they are the victims of a very intentional, explicit, plan to harm them does not leave the black community blameless for their situation. Black political and, supposed, religious leaders teach young black people that they cannot do anything on their own and even that doesn't excuse those parents. In the end, every person must make their own choices and, unfortunately, many in the black community choose to take Johnson's Great-Society handouts rather than live a life of honor and success.

There is no doubt the black community is being harmed by those Democrats who hate them, by their own community, political, and religious leaders who love power and money more than they love black children, but it is up to individual young black people, men and women of parenting age, to choose behaviors that lead to success.

Government handouts such as you suggest are the cause of the problems for black people, not the solution.
How many times are you going to repeat this? I won't be voting republiKKKlan.

Because your financial plan requires racial divide. Rather than trying to build a future for you and your family, you're betting on reparations so you don't vote Republican; you must vote Democrat. It's not because of the KKK and you know that for certain. It is the Democrats that created the KKK, that were the KKK. It's the Democrats, right up to Joe Biden, who supported KKK leader Senator Byrd.

When one KKK member tried to run as a Republican, the Republicans turned on him completely. There is absolutely no truth in your statement about Republicans being KKK and you know this yourself; you know it absolutely. You just don't care about real racism - that racism of the left. You don't care about real harm millions of black homes, families and children. As it is for many black political leaders, you don't care at all about black people, you care only about how you can line your own wallet.
Because your financial plan requires racial divide. Rather than trying to build a future for you and your family, you're betting on reparations so you don't vote Republican; you must vote Democrat. It's not because of the KKK and you know that for certain. It is the Democrats that created the KKK, that were the KKK. It's the Democrats, right up to Joe Biden, who supported KKK leader Senator Byrd.

When one KKK member tried to run as a Republican, the Republicans turned on him completely. There is absolutely no truth in your statement about Republicans being KKK and you know this yourself; you know it absolutely. You just don't care about real racism - that racism of the left. You don't care about real harm millions of black homes, families and children. As it is for many black political leaders, you don't care at all about black people, you care only about how you can line your own wallet.
Very interesting AP article fact checking this claim about Biden and Byrd.

Huh? Kamala, is that you? What a useless word salad.
You made enough sense of it to respond
It is not the job of the government to direct "abstract cultural systems". It is the job of the government to build infrastructure, defend our shores, secure our borders, and . . .
That would be nice, but several examples of war, and civil rights laws, tend to refute that, along with your secure the border claim.

1925 KKKrally_Washington DC.jpg

Name a single part of the government that doesn't work because of technology and that the Constitution doesn't already provide the proper solution?
The government fails to dissipate the quest to populate the three branches of government with ideologically aligned personnel (partisan legislators, crony bureaucrats, and activist judges). The inadequate deployment of the incomplete Three-part Separation Theory prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, but it does not prevent oligarchy. It may slow it down, but it does not prevent the approach to oligarchy.
US4CC.meme.Biden_Dude_JH - GVMNT_is_AFU.png

The United States Constitution is not perfect but having built-in means for changing it makes it the most perfect document created by man - given that the Bible is the word of God and not man-made.
There is one situation that amendments cannot fix. Did you know the founders abandoned their commissions to amend the Articles of Confederation?
US4CC.meme.AOC_JH - Amendments_will_not_work.png

The Constitution works, or would work if followed, as well today as it did in 1789.
US4CC.meme.State_Dept - Kabul_Evac.png

There are absolutely many cases where government goes astray today but each and every one of those, without exception, happens when government ignores the Constitution and acts outside of the Constitution.
US4CC.meme.Smart_Guy - violating_constitution.png
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Actually you can't be too bright because this thread is about what whites can do to end racism in the white community not 50 excuses. And keep King out of this because you still deny that whites have been given what you think affirmative action is for nearly 246 years.

Congress has been the congressional white caucus for most of American history.

I don't have to look into my heart to end anything. Calling out white racism is the opposite of racism. You just don't want to face some inconvenient truths. Start with facing them and then you will see what needs to be done in the white community instead of lying to yourself and misusing one sentence from Dr. King.
You talked about affirmative action since 1776, off topic
Actually you can't be too bright because this thread is about what whites can do to end racism in the white community not 50 excuses. And keep King out of this because you still deny that whites have been given what you think affirmative action is for nearly 246 years.

Congress has been the congressional white caucus for most of American history.

I don't have to look into my heart to end anything. Calling out white racism is the opposite of racism. You just don't want to face some inconvenient truths. Start with facing them and then you will see what needs to be done in the white community instead of lying to yourself and misusing one sentence from Dr. King.
You are racist for calling white people racist just because they piss you off.
How about blacks choose their own future and make their own choices? Your proposal is racist and unconstitutional. Black women can choose to not have sex with men who will not be responsible fathers should they become pregnant. Black fathers and mothers have the choice to teach their children personal responsibility and that the way to get ahead is to work hard.

Many black parents do teach these things to their children and those children get ahead. Many white parents don't teach these things to their children and those white children fail. It's not based on race, it's based on personal responsibility of the parents and on parenting of the children.

The differences in success and failure rates between black children and white children is not the result of their race - at least not directly. It is the result of the racist policies of the Democratic Party that have the explicit goal of destroying black families, impoverishing black children, and building a dependency among black communities on the government and those Democratic programs and handouts - the Democratic plantation, as it is often, and accurately, called.

That they are the victims of a very intentional, explicit, plan to harm them does not leave the black community blameless for their situation. Black political and, supposed, religious leaders teach young black people that they cannot do anything on their own and even that doesn't excuse those parents. In the end, every person must make their own choices and, unfortunately, many in the black community choose to take Johnson's Great-Society handouts rather than live a life of honor and success.

There is no doubt the black community is being harmed by those Democrats who hate them, by their own community, political, and religious leaders who love power and money more than they love black children, but it is up to individual young black people, men and women of parenting age, to choose behaviors that lead to success.

Government handouts such as you suggest are the cause of the problems for black people, not the solution.
How about you go back and study history so that you learn just how much whites have been given by the government. Because everything you say here is wrong.
Because your financial plan requires racial divide. Rather than trying to build a future for you and your family, you're betting on reparations so you don't vote Republican; you must vote Democrat. It's not because of the KKK and you know that for certain. It is the Democrats that created the KKK, that were the KKK. It's the Democrats, right up to Joe Biden, who supported KKK leader Senator Byrd.

When one KKK member tried to run as a Republican, the Republicans turned on him completely. There is absolutely no truth in your statement about Republicans being KKK and you know this yourself; you know it absolutely. You just don't care about real racism - that racism of the left. You don't care about real harm millions of black homes, families and children. As it is for many black political leaders, you don't care at all about black people, you care only about how you can line your own wallet.
No it doesn't. Did the 3.4 billion a native american tribe get in 2008 for the Dawes Act of 1887 cause a racial divide? Were any of them alive in 1887? Were any whites at that time alive in 1887? You are full of garbage. Son, we had an AG named Kobach with ties to white supremacy. He tried running for senator. He was the republican nominee for governor. He's trying to run for governor again. You have all kinds of national republicans like that. So just quit lying.

White ..., don't tell me what I don't care about. Your white ass doesn't get to define black issue or the blacks I want to represent me. You have posted racist crap like most of the other republicans here but you steady try telling me how the democrats are the racists. It is republican policies that will harm black people. Get the racist belief out of your mind that blacks are dumb and only vote for democrats because they talk us into it. We see the policies, we see what your leaders propose.

I will not be voting republican any time soon. Not until the party purges itself of white supremacists.
No it doesn't. Did the 3.4 billion a native american tribe get in 2008 for the Dawes Act of 1887 cause a racial divide? Were any of them alive in 1887? Were any whites at that time alive in 1887? You are full of garbage. Son, we had an AG named Kobach with ties to white supremacy. He tried running for senator. He was the republican nominee for governor. He's trying to run for governor again. You have all kinds of national republicans like that. So just quit lying.

White ..., don't tell me what I don't care about. Your white ass doesn't get to define black issue or the blacks I want to represent me. You have posted racist crap like most of the other republicans here but you steady try telling me how the democrats are the racists. It is republican policies that will harm black people. Get the racist belief out of your mind that blacks are dumb and only vote for democrats because they talk us into it. We see the policies, we see what your leaders propose.

I will not be voting republican any time soon. Not until the party purges itself of white supremacists.
You know what I find constantly amusing, IM2? The claim that the GOP is full of "white supremacists"! It's ludicrous. The number of white supremacists in the US is actually miniscule but you'd never know it listening to the left! You guys see white sheet wearing Klansmen behind every tree. Millions of them ready to start burning crosses and lynching. (eye roll)
No it doesn't. Did the 3.4 billion a native american tribe get in 2008 for the Dawes Act of 1887 cause a racial divide? Were any of them alive in 1887? Were any whites at that time alive in 1887? You are full of garbage. Son, we had an AG named Kobach with ties to white supremacy. He tried running for senator. He was the republican nominee for governor. He's trying to run for governor again. You have all kinds of national republicans like that. So just quit lying.

White ..., don't tell me what I don't care about. Your white ass doesn't get to define black issue or the blacks I want to represent me. You have posted racist crap like most of the other republicans here but you steady try telling me how the democrats are the racists. It is republican policies that will harm black people. Get the racist belief out of your mind that blacks are dumb and only vote for democrats because they talk us into it. We see the policies, we see what your leaders propose.

I will not be voting republican any time soon. Not until the party purges itself of white supremacists.
And of course you're not going to vote Republican! They're not going to give you a pay out simply for being black.
Seems that for some reason, I can't post in a thread I started.

The question is asked why am I asking whites to help solve the race problem.

"Why do you keep turning to white people for solutions to America's racial problems?"

Whites created the problem and continue perpetuating it. So why do some whites think we are responsible for cleaning up a mess they made?

Reparations have been paid to other groups who have been harmed by government policy so the right wing opposition to reparations is simply based on a distorted racist belief. Whites are responsible for ending racism in the white community. Once that ends or is reduced to irrelevance the barriers and obstacles created by whites who have racist beliefs will be eliminated and groups of color will be able to reach their potential. You don't start a fire in your house the tell your neighbors how they need to put the fire out.

Sack up. Don’t ask anybody to do anything for you. Do it yourself. That’s the only viable answer. Let’s say it again:

As a pasty white guy, I am guilty of no racism. End of that story. My ancestors in this land weren’t either. In fact, my ancestors in another land were even less responsible for any racism in this land by simple definition. Hey. They had an alibi. They weren’t even here.

So don’t worry about what white people can do for you as a blacks person. Instead, just proceed to do what your able to do. Take advantage of the groundwork that got laid since the end of the civil war and the end of Jim Crow and since the spectacular changes and strides made since 1964.

And if those answers are not to your liking, then maybe don’t ask the question. Because the answer doesn’t change simlly because you may not like it. The past is gone. Today is not the past. And there is effectively no official racist discrimination left in our land, today. There may still be racists. But that’s a very different question.
Sack up. Don’t ask anybody to do anything for you. Do it yourself. That’s the only viable answer. Let’s say it again:

As a pasty white guy, I am guilty of no racism. End of that story. My ancestors in this land weren’t either. In fact, my ancestors in another land were even less responsible for any racism in this land by simple definition. Hey. They had an alibi. They weren’t even here.

So don’t worry about what white people can do for you as a blacks person. Instead, just proceed to do what your able to do. Take advantage of the groundwork that got laid since the end of the civil war and the end of Jim Crow and since the spectacular changes and strides made since 1964.

And if those answers are not to your liking, then maybe don’t ask the question. Because the answer doesn’t change simlly because you may not like it. The past is gone. Today is not the past. And there is effectively no official racist discrimination left in our land, today. There may still be racists. But that’s a very different question.

Okay, I'm going to put this in a metaphor that even you can understand.

Suppose you are in line, in the hot sun, waiting to buy refreshment. And people keep cutting in line ahead of you. And what should have been a ten minute wait in queue ends up being an hour, and when you finally get to the counter, they are all out of the good stuff. Would this piss you off?

So imagine black people, who have been in this line called American prosperity, and then the Irish cut in line ahead of them. Then the Italians. Then the Germans. Then the Poles... and if that isn't bad enough, then the Asians and Mexicans are cutting in line ahead of you, too.
Okay, I'm going to put this in a metaphor that even you can understand.

Suppose you are in line, in the hot sun, waiting to buy refreshment. And people keep cutting in line ahead of you. And what should have been a ten minute wait in queue ends up being an hour, and when you finally get to the counter, they are all out of the good stuff. Would this piss you off?

So imagine black people, who have been in this line called American prosperity, and then the Irish cut in line ahead of them. Then the Italians. Then the Germans. Then the Poles... and if that isn't bad enough, then the Asians and Mexicans are cutting in line ahead of you, too.
You think there is a "queue" to be rewarded with prosperity, Joe? That it's given according to seniority? One of your more misguided posts.

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