White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform.

Sorry, boot licker there are plenty of black folks who are successful and happy and they didn't have to kiss white asses to get their either and they are still concerned about black folks. You try to attack me personally because you are too much of a coward to speak against the white man about the injustice done to this black woman. Ignorant apes? Can't say that I have ever heard a black man call black folks apes, I guess you see something new everyday.
Poor uncle tom still licking the asshole of it's democrat masters
they both never should of stolen the money.....or did you forget that? It's just one was able to pay the restitution back...so yes, that's certianly something that should be considered in sentencing.
She was able to pay it back because she STOLE SO MUCH MORE
I hope you aren't raising a generation of boot lickers, hopefully we can rid ourselves of sellouts like you.
My kids are raised with respect and the understanding skin tone is not the determining factor in their lives. Something you were never taught, your parents failed you and it shows. You could be better but you choose not to. You only have your one line you keep repeating over and over because you can’t think for yourself. You have everyone’s pity
My kids are raised with respect and the understanding skin tone is not the determining factor in their lives. Something you were never taught, your parents failed you and it shows. You could be better but you choose not to. You only have your one line you keep repeating over and over because you can’t think for yourself. You have everyone’s pity
A. Not true. You clearly judge based on skin color

B. You’d sing a different tune if you wore darker skin.
My kids are raised with respect and the understanding skin tone is not the determining factor in their lives. Something you were never taught, your parents failed you and it shows. You could be better but you choose not to. You only have your one line you keep repeating over and over because you can’t think for yourself. You have everyone’s pity
You are teaching your kids to go along just to get along, probably what you have done your whole life. Turn a blind eye to what is happening around you and pray that nothing happens to you. See fool, I grew up at a time when you couldn't go and sit down and eat when you wanted to, when you went to the movies we sat up in the balcony, so please don't try to tell me a damn thing about skin tone. I asked you earlier to tell me in what facet of American life that race doesn't matter and you keep giving me these weak ass answers about me being unhappy and my life is miserable and blah, blah, blah.
You are teaching your kids to go along just to get along, probably what you have done your whole life. Turn a blind eye to what is happening around you and pray that nothing happens to you. See fool, I grew up at a time when you couldn't go and sit down and eat when you wanted to, when you went to the movies we sat up in the balcony, so please don't try to tell me a damn thing about skin tone. I asked you earlier to tell me in what facet of American life that race doesn't matter and you keep giving me these weak ass answers about me being unhappy and my life is miserable and blah, blah, blah.
I keep telling you the truth. And you didn’t grow up you just got older you’re still a stupid kid

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