White supremacist apprehended in White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
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May 23 2021

Hate Hoax in White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Hate hoaxes are even more prevalent than we know, because they frequently happen in a school setting, where the liberals in charge are likely to shield them from exposure. For example, educrats at a high school in White Bear Lake, just north of St Paul, were not eager to reveal that an Instagram account churning out hate speech has been traced to a black girl.
The College Fix reports:
The school district had only referred to her as a “young person” and originally said that the incident appeared to be a “hoax” but walked back from that statement.
But the police reports, obtained by The College Fix through a public records act request, state that the student who created the account is a member of the Black Excellence Club.
At first, she denied to the police that she had created the account. But then she admitted it.
Police could not confirm that she is also the one who sent the racist messages, which included telling a group of black girls to “Die ******,” among other things. However, using tech forensics, police determined that the messages were sent from the girl’s home IP address, according to police reports.
Despite apparently lying to the police and wasting their time (and therefore our money; the FBI was brought in),
The girl will not face any criminal charges for the hate-crime hoax.
There rarely are. That’s why we have so many hate hoaxes. As she is a minor, her identity has been withheld — unless she’s Precious Boahen:
Precious Boahen has been identified by media outlets as making an accusation that the account was created by a white conservative student at the high school named Avery Severson.
Avery has been trying to establish a Turning Point USA group at the school, but administrators won’t allow it, whereas of course they allow black supremacist groups like the Black Excellence Club.

Given the level of racist violence that prevails in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, the false accusation might have gotten her killed.

On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

When thiers no racism present ...make some for the cause ...
Not really

May 23 2021

Hate Hoax in White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Hate hoaxes are even more prevalent than we know, because they frequently happen in a school setting, where the liberals in charge are likely to shield them from exposure. For example, educrats at a high school in White Bear Lake, just north of St Paul, were not eager to reveal that an Instagram account churning out hate speech has been traced to a black girl.
This is a textbook Marxist Strategy for inciting racial unrest and division in nations with very little racism.

The US is under attack by Socialist Revolutionaries allied with the Democrat Party and a Progressive MSM.

I'm hoping at some point (soon) the freedom loving Americans will get tired of this shit and start fighting back.

I might look like a scrawny little chic...but daddy was a Jarhead.

I can be a scrappy little bitch when the commie-shit hits the fan.
Not really

May 23 2021

Hate Hoax in White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Hate hoaxes are even more prevalent than we know, because they frequently happen in a school setting, where the liberals in charge are likely to shield them from exposure. For example, educrats at a high school in White Bear Lake, just north of St Paul, were not eager to reveal that an Instagram account churning out hate speech has been traced to a black girl.
This is a textbook Marxist Strategy for inciting racial unrest and division in nations with very little racism.

The US is under attack by Socialist Revolutionaries allied with the Democrat Party and a Progressive MSM.

I'm hoping at some point (soon) the freedom loving Americans will get tired of this shit and start fighting back.

I might look like a scrawny little chic...but daddy was a Jarhead.

I can be a scrappy little bitch when the commie-shit hits the fan.

I think we got 10 million just waiting for the fusa to implode...and start voting from the rooftops
Keep it local baby keep the faith

Not really

May 23 2021

Hate Hoax in White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Hate hoaxes are even more prevalent than we know, because they frequently happen in a school setting, where the liberals in charge are likely to shield them from exposure. For example, educrats at a high school in White Bear Lake, just north of St Paul, were not eager to reveal that an Instagram account churning out hate speech has been traced to a black girl.
This is a textbook Marxist Strategy for inciting racial unrest and division in nations with very little racism.

The US is under attack by Socialist Revolutionaries allied with the Democrat Party and a Progressive MSM.

I'm hoping at some point (soon) the freedom loving Americans will get tired of this shit and start fighting back.

I might look like a scrawny little chic...but daddy was a Jarhead.

I can be a scrappy little bitch when the commie-shit hits the fan.

I think we got 10 million just waiting for the fusa to implode...and start voting from the rooftops
Keep it local baby keep the faith

View attachment 509675
Consider this, Yank...Imagine if the democrats actually succeeded in totally defunding cops.
The good guys could go 'commie hunting' with not a worry about any legal ramifications.
Every time Antifa or BLM hit the streets, the good guys could go hunting without a license.
It might take a few years to totally clean house in all fifty states but it would be so worth it.
Nope.... it's going to be extremely messy ....millions are going to die through starvation, roving bands , local armed leftwingers, establishment law and military assets still intact,shit just happening over scroungable food and resources ...if you're in the Pacific northwest or the south or anywhere in the USA for that matter find out if thier are any leftwing groups near you that are armed

Groups like the John brown guys or Redneck Rebellion

Think South Africa , the former Yugoslavia, with a dash of Rwanda

It's coming

it's almost like it's on autopilot
No stopping it
This is a textbook Marxist Strategy for inciting racial unrest and division in nations with very little racism.

The US is under attack by Socialist Revolutionaries allied with the Democrat Party and a Progressive MSM.

I'm hoping at some point (soon) the freedom loving Americans will get tired of this shit and start fighting back.

I might look like a scrawny little chic...but daddy was a Jarhead.

I can be a scrappy little bitch when the commie-shit hits the fan.

Do you think she knows anything at all about Marxist Strategy?

You want another drunken Joe McCarthy era of vicious accusations and ignorance?

Daddy was a jarhead? Shame on you.
Do you think she knows anything at all about Marxist Strategy?

You want another drunken Joe McCarthy era of vicious accusations and ignorance?

Daddy was a jarhead? Shame on you.
Most of Joe McCarthy's detractors never actually denied the validity of his List of commie pricks.

They basically claimed the Constitution guaranteed commie pricks the right to be commie pricks.

And rightly so therefore the Constitution needs to be amended to criminalize all forms of Marxism.

Because according to history; espousing Marxism is worse than shouting fire in a crowded theater.

Therefore the actual "vicious accusations and ignorance" wasn't Joe McCarthy. It's the radical Socialist hate-mongers like; Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Senile Joe Biden.

You obviously haven't been paying attention because Joe McCarthy has long been vindicated by six decades of bombardment by Marxist indoctrination and propaganda throughout US politics, mass media and institutions of education.

So much so that the Democrat Party now openly embraces Socialism, its politics, policies, ideology, and its textbook Marxist tactics to corrupt elections, promote civil unrest and racial division, and Critical Theory to discredit the American Dream, its founding fathers, and history of success.
Do you think she knows anything at all about Marxist Strategy?

You want another drunken Joe McCarthy era of vicious accusations and ignorance?

Daddy was a jarhead? Shame on you.
There is not much to know. It is Communism.
There is not much to know. It is Communism.

You are a very ignorant person.. and hateful as well to accuse Americans of being Communists because you don't want social security or police departments, fire departments, public schools, libraries..
Where do you get that idea? You are a nitwit.

What companies does the government OWN beyond the VA Hospital system?

You Trumpies NEVER stop squealing "Communists". Damn, you are so fucking ignorant. Do you think the Swedes, Norwegians, Swiss, Danes are Communists?
What companies does the government OWN beyond the VA Hospital system?

You Trumpies NEVER stop squealing "Communists". Damn, you are so fucking ignorant. Do you think the Swedes, Norwegians, Swiss, Danes are Communists?
The companies own the government. You aren't getting any smarter.
The Democrat party is being consumed by their need to accuse everything conservative of being racist. This young Black girl is just the latest dope to suffer from Jussie Smollett syndrome. And since our defective justice system never punished Jussie, she figured she has nothing to worry about.
You want another drunken Joe McCarthy era of vicious accusations and ignorance?
McCarthy was right. His attack on communism in the US government was justified. But when you attack communism, you attack Jews because communism is a Jewish movement. From Marx thru the Bolsheviks thru the Weather Underground to CRT. That's why McCarthy has been demonized by Jewish Hollywood and the Jewish press.

Further so called McCarthyism had nothing on Facebook, Twitter, or Attorney General Mary Garlic

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