White South African farmers to be removed from their land | Daily Mail Online

S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.

Yeah, but it isn't that they are stupid ... They failed put value in how their predecessors accomplished it and see the necessity to understand how it works.

Furthermore, everything that makes it work better on the broad scale ... Is covered in the stench of what they have been taught to hate for decades.
Changing ownership is not enough to expect the same results.

If someone has never driven a car ... Giving them a Ferrari won't make them a better competitive driver ... No matter how many races they have watched.
You are correct ... It isn't working ...The fact the government and people are not interested in the right help isn't going to get them very far either.

It's a mess no doubt.
But the fact that they cant seem to grasp why it worked in the past and or they cant get past their prejudice of the system doesnt bode well for their future.
It seems that all African nations revert to "what do I get out of it now" versus what we as a country get out of it.
The sad thing is? If they thought of country first they would benefit far more in the long run personally.
Cultures are only as strong as the ability of their people to make them so. The reasons for Africa's continual failure is really that simple.
.Corrupt governments are the biggest culprits in these situations. If a government had the best interest of their citizens in mind always, then these crap holes around the world wouldn't exist. It's just that simple really. Now how the international community sits back and watches the bullcrap for ever and ever just baffles the mind really.

Oh I beg to differ. A low IQ population, almost always indicates a low trust culture. The driver of which is the impaired ability to think critically and...problem solve.
Stupid people do stupid things because they are incapable of performing the intelligent.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.

The red carpet will never be rolled out for SA white folks, because if Trump made any such move the anti-Trump movement would be all over it, and they would be calling him a racist etc. Anything to stop Trump, anything.
Which would then provide the perfect opportunity for the pro-Trump movement to correctly label the Democrats as an anti-white hate group that has no place in American politics. That would absolutely destroy the modern left across the western world.

The problem is that the right wants to pretend that this is all just a game, and labeling the Democrats as a hate group would permanently alter the relationship they stupidly believe they currently have with these demons.
Now why do you suppose the New York Times would pump the phony Mike Brown story and ignore this one?

South Africa today is a magical land of nonpareil beauty with extremely high rates of murder, wealth inequality, and HIV infection. For a long time it was ruled by evil white males until a noble communist terrorist came along and started forcibly bending the moral arc toward justice.

But since “justice” is by nature indefinable, there’s never really an end to it, as the nation’s white farmers recently learned.
"No justice, no peace" It couldn't be clearer stupid white people.

Last Tuesday, South Africa’s parliament voted 241 to 83 in favor of a motion for “expropriation without compensation” of white farm owners that was sponsored by radical Marxist Julius “Kill the Boer” Malema. In 2016 Malema wanted it made clear that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now,” but that was then and this is now.

Even though the new motion, well, if you want to get all autistic and technical, is a violation of the terms that originally ended apartheid, Malema says that the time for “reconciliation is over” and “the time for justice” has arrived, and if that sounds like a veiled threat, that’s likely because that’s exactly what it is.

The new motion renders the nation’s substantial white farming population—who currently own 72% of South Africa’s farmland—homeless and penniless. And despite all the rape and murder and government-endorsed persecution of whites, they have failed to achieve refugee status in America, the EU, or Australia because those entities are busy rolling out the red carpet for Muslims and black Africans.

The red carpet will never be rolled out for SA white folks, because if Trump made any such move the anti-Trump movement would be all over it, and they would be calling him a racist etc. Anything to stop Trump, anything.

Why would Trump be wanting to accept white South Africans while denying others? Maybe that's why people would oppose this?
Because they are a powerless and oppressed minority?
S. Africa has been shown the proper way to farm and govern for decades.
That they learned nothing over that time period makes me sceptical of any future success.

Yeah, but it isn't that they are stupid ... They failed put value in how their predecessors accomplished it and see the necessity to understand how it works.

Furthermore, everything that makes it work better on the broad scale ... Is covered in the stench of what they have been taught to hate for decades.
Changing ownership is not enough to expect the same results.

If someone has never driven a car ... Giving them a Ferrari won't make them a better competitive driver ... No matter how many races they have watched.
You are correct ... It isn't working ...The fact the government and people are not interested in the right help isn't going to get them very far either.

It's a mess no doubt.
But the fact that they cant seem to grasp why it worked in the past and or they cant get past their prejudice of the system doesnt bode well for their future.
It seems that all African nations revert to "what do I get out of it now" versus what we as a country get out of it.
The sad thing is? If they thought of country first they would benefit far more in the long run personally.
Cultures are only as strong as the ability of their people to make them so. The reasons for Africa's continual failure is really that simple.
.Corrupt governments are the biggest culprits in these situations. If a government had the best interest of their citizens in mind always, then these crap holes around the world wouldn't exist. It's just that simple really. Now how the international community sits back and watches the bullcrap for ever and ever just baffles the mind really.

Oh I beg to differ. A low IQ population, almost always indicates a low trust culture. The driver of which is the impaired ability to think critically and...problem solve.
Stupid people do stupid things because they are incapable of performing the intelligent.
If your words were true, then the black population in America wouldn't be where they are today as we have witnessed here in America. We have proven that there is no such thing as stupid people or low IQ people, and rather it is that we all as individuals are given choices in life (each and everyone of us), and what we all do with our choices determines the outcome's of whether or not we get the "here's your sign award" or we get the "honorable smarts award". If given the proper guidance and tools, and the choice is made to use the tools to the maximum effect, then the lines begin to fade away quickly.
If your words were true, then the black population in America wouldn't be where they are today as we have witnessed here in America
The black population as a whole, in the US are beneficiaries of a system created from a European model. Additionally, Blacks in the US find themselves in the positions they are in (High crime, infant mortality, incarceration, illegitimacy,) directly because of the decisions that they do make. Decisions indicative of a sub population with an average 85 I.Q.

We have proven that there is no such thing as stupid people or low IQ people,
We? Who is this we? Do you mean the Europeans who settled the US whose systems and culture the US is based upon? Do you mean the same Europeans, who in VERY large part drove the innovation and wealth here during the formation of the nation? Who is this we?
No...other groups are beneficiaries of a system which was in place and functioning. Systems which they could not or would not produce in their own lands.

If you doubt my words then show me ONE, first world African nation? One. As a matter of fact...I will go one further. Show me ONE first world nation where the population has a median I.Q. which is less than 90.
If IQ doesn't matter then there should be equanimity across the board...no?
I have no affinity to racist trash.
Good. Whites are farming land they stole.

That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.

Starving is the national past time in Africa.
Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision
Africa is a big place.They focus on areas where there are wars and droughts. None of which validates your imbecility.
I have no affinity to racist trash.
That africans weren't smart enough to farm.

Seriously mate - comments like that reinforce prejudices that people have about Americans. Are you that dumb ?

Pretty obvious they're not smart enough to farm.

Well they have been at it for 10,000 years so it must only be "obvious" to low information dickheads.

When, why and where the first African farmers settled in Southern Africa

I also wonder how the rest of Africa feeds itself.

Starving is the national past time in Africa.
Africa hunger, famine: Facts, FAQs, and how to help | World Vision
Africa is a big place.They focus on areas where there are wars and droughts. None of which validates your imbecility.

25% of the continent faces acute starvation.
I agree that the land in South Africa should be transferred to the non-Caucasian majority.

It would be nice, of course, if the Caucasian owners were offered fair compensation.

Perhaps some American and European leaders can quietly urge South African leaders to do this.

(For example, perhaps former President Obama could speak with them and impress on them the "good press" that South Africa would receive if it treated the Caucasian farmers in a fair manner.)


It goes without saying that the United States would benefit greatly if those Caucasian farmers could come here. I hope President Trump does what he can to encourage their move here.
More than 10,500 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in SA emigrate to the US following the vote. do the right thing, Donald!
More than 10,500 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in SA emigrate to the US following the vote. do the right thing, Donald!
I guess they want to be an all-black shithole like Zimbabwe.
More than 10,500 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in SA emigrate to the US following the vote. do the right thing, Donald!

That's what we need...a million or so Boars. Somehow...I think not. Maybe Holland take them back? Makes sense that the Alt/right would be on board with this--all of a sudden Humanitarian Refugee's are OK, huh?

More than 10,500 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in SA emigrate to the US following the vote. do the right thing, Donald!
Just before the white South African farmers leave, they need to spread heavy amounts of defoliant over their property. Leave it useless.