White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

I read the first article. It’s the usual bull written by a black based upon events ranging from eighty to a hundred a fifty years ago. Nothing stops a black family from moving into any neighborhood anywhere in the USA that they can afford to. The same barrier blocks whites, Latinos and Asians from some neighborhoods. To develop capital you have to work at it. I rented until I was in my mid thirties. Then I used my Cal Vet benefit to buy a house almost ninety minutes from my job. I lived in that house for fifteen years, until I was transferred another hour away. I sold that house for the same money I bought it for because the neighborhood had declined thanks to Bill Clinton’s “peace dividend” costing my aero-space neighbors their jobs so they all lost their houses. I then bought a small condo a few miles from my job and lived there for another twenty five years and paid it off. I then retired, sold that condo and used the proceeds to pay cash for my retirement home,
Anyone could do what I did by sacrificing and planning. No one gave me anything, I had no white privilege. The only privilege I had was hard work and sacrifice. I EARNED my veterans benefits by shedding sweat and blood protecting you and thirty million people like you. I served alongside Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians and you know what? The only colors we recognized were Army OD Green and the red of blood. I was raised as poor as any Black kid, there were plenty of months where there were days left after the money was gone. Weeks of Mac and cheese and hot dogs for food. My grandmother raised me and we were too proud to take welfare or any government assistance. We lived in cheap, cockroach infested apartments because that’s all we could afford. That’s why I’m totally intolerant of your bullshit; anyone of any race can do what I did.

No, it's not bs. You just want to keep lying to yourself. Look, I've studied this stuff, know why things are and I am telling you that you are uneducated pertaining to these issues and your opinion is silly and incorrect. Don't try telling me that colorblind crap. I doubt you were raised as poor as blacks and even if you were, you don't seem to understand that white preference is real. You have done exactly as I said you would. You asked for information,dismissed the information then decided you could lecture me on what blacks need to do. I know what blacks need and given all the information I have seen that you haven't and don't want to see, I am going to tell you to go work on ending YOUR racism and once that is done work to make racism irrelevant in the white community.
I have said this more than once, blacks' grievance with America left slavery as the sole issue pretty much the day after blacks were informed of emancipation. We were freed from slavery even though we received no compensation for the economic damage caused. Today’s grievances include not just slavery but the 100 years after emancipation and modern forms of racism. Simply put, human rights violations against blacks did not end after slavery. Dr. Carol Anderson points this out in detail in her book, “White Rage.”

Dr. Anderson chronicles the many methods whites used in the years after slavery to restrict the right for blacks to move around freely in America. Whites in the south used any means necessary to discourage blacks from moving north. In the north, whites terrorized blacks competing for jobs with better pay and those trying to live in majority white neighborhoods.

In July 1865, Circular 13 was issued by General Oliver Howard fully authorizing the lease of 40-acre plots of land to the newly freed blacks. As a result of this document, 40,000 formerly enslaved people began work on land that now belonged to them. But President Andrew Johnson killed these two orders and removed those 40,000 blacks from that land while destroying any income they could make. He gave the land back to whites. Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders, allowing them to regain power. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing.

On the evening of Saturday, July 19th, 1919, in Washington D.C., a mob of mad drunken white World War 1 veterans invaded a black neighborhood because of a rumor spread about a black man assaulting the wife of a white navy man.54 Those mad white men proceeded to beat all the blacks they found.

The Omaha Race Riot occurred on September 28–29, 1919. Three conditions: black property acquisition, economic anxiety, and black male sexual aggression claims have been the standard for white violence against blacks throughout American history. The Omaha Riots met at least 2 of the three conditions. The eventual lynching of Will Brown began with reports in local media about the alleged rape of a woman on September 25, 1919. Brown was lynched, shot up after he was dead, dragged through the streets of Omaha, and set on fire. He had committed no crime.

On December 23, 1945, Mr. and Mrs. H. O’Day Short and their two little children were burned to death in Fontana, California.

For the first five years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were over 300 documented acts of terror by whites against blacks who tried living in or near majority-white neighborhoods.65 In 1951, a black man named Harvey Clark and his family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. A white mob vandalized his home and burned his furniture in the front yard. The police did nothing.

In 1955, there were more than 200 recorded acts of violence against blacks by whites in Philadelphia

In 1964, blacks again tried renting an apartment in Cicero, their apartment was vandalized. Police acted this time. They entered the apartment, took out the furniture, and told the people they were evicted.

During the same period in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of terror to stop black families from moving to the suburbs.

In 15 years from 1950 to 1965, more than 100 recorded bombings of black-owned homes occurred in Los Angeles.

In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. They got gunfire and firebombs.71 Again, that was in 1987, not 1887.

Consistently since the end of slavery, there has been a section of the white community who violently resisted the efforts of blacks to live successfully in America. During this time, prosperous blacks faced acts of terror while thriving black communities got destroyed by mobs of angry whites who felt they were losing out because blacks had acquired the same things whites had. This kind of terrorism has gone long ignored in understanding the brutality and hardcore resistance to black freedom in America.

After slavery ended, southern whites went on a campaign of what can only be called ethnic cleansing. The federal government turned tail and ran by establishing a legal principle whereby the federal government did not have to enforce the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments by using states’ rights. Apartheid became the law of the land due to the Plessy decision. Blacks tried to escape the oppressive conditions in the south by coming north, but they found just how united the states were relative to white supremacy. At every turn, whenever blacks tried reaching for what this country claims to promise, we have run into a brick wall, or more accurately, a white mob.

And I didn't include the government programs helping whites that blacks were excluded from.

July 19, 1919: White Mobs in Uniform Attack African Americans — Who Fight Back — in Washington, D.C., July 19, 1919: White Mobs in Uniform Attack African Americans — Who Fight Back — in Washington, D.C. - Zinn Education Project

Anthony Dittmar, Omaha Race Riot, Omaha Race Riot – Discovering 1919

B.C Franklin, The Tulsa Race Riots and Three of It’s Victims, A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921

Survivors of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre share eyewitness accounts, Survivors of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre share eyewitness accounts - The Cincinnati Herald

William L. Patterson, We Charge Genocide, 4th edition, International Publishers Co., Inc., New York, 2017 pp.60-61

Peter Salwen, A "Northern Lynching," Remembering the Trenton Six Case, August 6, 1998, "A Northern Lynching" - the "Trenton Six" case, 50 years later

Sharon Schlegel, Harrowing case of the "Trenton Six", The Times of Trenton, Jan 28, 2012, Updated Mar 30, 2019, https://www.nj.com/times opinion/2012/01/harrowing_case_of_the_trenton.html

Richard Rothstein, Color of Law, Liverright Publishing, pp.144, 2018

Jae Jones, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenants, November 14, 2018, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenantsblack-family-tenants/

Charles Abrams, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero: Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero:Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend

Christy Clark-Pujara and Anna-Lisa Cox, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence, smithsonianmag.com, August 27, 2020, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence
You think you can elicit sympathy for yourself by talking about HISTORICAL events that happened before most Americans living today were born ? And what is YOUR situation right now > Want to show us that nice shiny new car you're driving, and that cozy central AC pad you hide out in ?

If you want to talk about hardship of people LIVING RIGHT NOW, you could post about my girlfriend's house and neighborhood in Mexico City, WITHOUT AC, and deprivation that you couldn't even dream about. Sometimes I wish I was not a Spanish speaker, so I couldn't listen to the things that I hear about everyday life there. No sabes la suerte que tienes.

I'll bet my girlfriend has endured more hardship in one day, than you will ever experience in your whole life.






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No, it's not bs. You just want to keep lying to yourself. Look, I've studied this stuff, know why things are and I am telling you that you are uneducated pertaining to these issues and your opinion is silly and incorrect. Don't try telling me that colorblind crap. I doubt you were raised as poor as blacks and even if you were, you don't seem to understand that white preference is real. You have done exactly as I said you would. You asked for information,dismissed the information then decided you could lecture me on what blacks need to do. I know what blacks need and given all the information I have seen that you haven't and don't want to see, I am going to tell you to go work on ending YOUR racism and once that is done work to make racism irrelevant in the white community.
How the hell can you talk about "white preference" ?.....when for 57 years, in America, blacks have been the beneficiares of "preference", and whites have been the victims.
You are nuts.
Lol don’t you mean does, present tense? You deflected on the question. The word EVERYTHING has nothing to do with racism.
IM2 is not capable of talking in the present tense. All he talks about is the PAST, and then tries to pawn himself off as a victim, from the sufferings of people not even living today.
No, it's not bs. You just want to keep lying to yourself. Look, I've studied this stuff, know why things are and I am telling you that you are uneducated pertaining to these issues and your opinion is silly and incorrect. Don't try telling me that colorblind crap. I doubt you were raised as poor as blacks and even if you were, you don't seem to understand that white preference is real. You have done exactly as I said you would. You asked for information,dismissed the information then decided you could lecture me on what blacks need to do. I know what blacks need and given all the information I have seen that you haven't and don't want to see, I am going to tell you to go work on ending YOUR racism and once that is done work to make racism irrelevant in the white community.
I'm not racist. You'll never admit it because race is the most important thing in your life. Things that happened to your ancestors blind you to all that has been done for you today. There are exactly three people on these boards that agree with you and you are all racists. Everyone else disagrees with you, you call every black that disagrees with your racist views a sellout and Uncle Tom. According to you no one can know anything except you. I honestly don't know why I waste valuable time trying to get through to you in the face of constant failure. I guess what they say about trying to teach a horse to sing is true. All that happens is that you annoy the horse and frustrate yourself.
Individual poverty.

In 1959 poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent. For whites, it was 18.1. Black poverty was 3.04 times that of whites. This was five years before the Civil Rights Act and during legalized segregation. In 1966, poverty for Blacks was 41.8 percent. For whites, it was 11.3 percent. Black poverty was 3.69 times that of whites. This was two years after the Civil Rights Act, and the country was trying to figure out how to get to equality. In 1974, poverty for Blacks was 30.3 percent. For Whites, 8.6 percent. Black poverty was 3.52 times that of whites ten years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. In 1984, poverty for Blacks was 33.8 percent. For Whites, 11.5 percent. Black poverty was still 2.94 times that of whites 20 years after the Civil Rights Act. One would think that if a real concerted effort had been made relative to hiring and equal pay, this would not be the case.

In 2004, the poverty rate for Blacks was 24.7 percent. For Whites, 10.8 percent. Black poverty was 2.28 times that of whites 40 years after the Civil Rights Act. In 40 years, black poverty was still twice that of whites. The difference between blacks and whites had decreased by less than 1 point. Either programs and policies designed to lower poverty in the black community did not work, or the necessary emphasis was not placed on trying to do what it takes to reduce poverty in the black community so that it was at least comparable to that of whites.

In 2014, the Black poverty rate was 26.2 percent. For Whites, 12.7 percent. Fifty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed and members of the American right determined that racism was a thing of the past, black poverty was still two times that of whites., In 2020 we heard all the bragging from President number 45 and his followers about all the great things he did for black people. When he left office, poverty for Blacks was 19.3 percent. For Whites, it was 8.2 percent. Despite the claims of President number 45, Black poverty was two times that of whites. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

Now if anybody here thinks this because blacks have not tried or that the government exclusively gave blacks 10 trillion dollars and blacks wasted it all, or that democrats alone had decided to keep blacks in poverty so blacks would keep voting for democrats to keep us in poverty, go check into a mental institution. If racism was not a factor, poverty would not always be double that of whites no matter how low poverty is.
Individual poverty.

In 1959 poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent. For whites, it was 18.1. Black poverty was 3.04 times that of whites. This was five years before the Civil Rights Act and during legalized segregation. In 1966, poverty for Blacks was 41.8 percent. For whites, it was 11.3 percent. Black poverty was 3.69 times that of whites. This was two years after the Civil Rights Act, and the country was trying to figure out how to get to equality. In 1974, poverty for Blacks was 30.3 percent. For Whites, 8.6 percent. Black poverty was 3.52 times that of whites ten years after the Civil Rights Act was passed. In 1984, poverty for Blacks was 33.8 percent. For Whites, 11.5 percent. Black poverty was still 2.94 times that of whites 20 years after the Civil Rights Act. One would think that if a real concerted effort had been made relative to hiring and equal pay, this would not be the case.

In 2004, the poverty rate for Blacks was 24.7 percent. For Whites, 10.8 percent. Black poverty was 2.28 times that of whites 40 years after the Civil Rights Act. In 40 years, black poverty was still twice that of whites. The difference between blacks and whites had decreased by less than 1 point. Either programs and policies designed to lower poverty in the black community did not work, or the necessary emphasis was not placed on trying to do what it takes to reduce poverty in the black community so that it was at least comparable to that of whites.

In 2014, the Black poverty rate was 26.2 percent. For Whites, 12.7 percent. Fifty years after the Civil Rights Act was passed and members of the American right determined that racism was a thing of the past, black poverty was still two times that of whites., In 2020 we heard all the bragging from President number 45 and his followers about all the great things he did for black people. When he left office, poverty for Blacks was 19.3 percent. For Whites, it was 8.2 percent. Despite the claims of President number 45, Black poverty was two times that of whites. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

Now if anybody here thinks this because blacks have not tried or that the government exclusively gave blacks 10 trillion dollars and blacks wasted it all, or that democrats alone had decided to keep blacks in poverty so blacks would keep voting for democrats to keep us in poverty, go check into a mental institution. If racism was not a factor, poverty would not always be double that of whites no matter how low poverty is.
Black poverty is because many black males have criminal records and many black women are single mothers without educations. With those voluntary actions, black poverty will always be higher than white poverty. I'm living proof that no matter how poor you are born, you can claw your way out of poverty. The advantages that I had, no one gave me. I earned them in the military serving with a lot of black troops that were and are my brothers. None of them would stop to piss on you if you were on fire. They used to call people who talked and behaved like you shiftless, worthless N.......... They worked hard and proved every day that black Americans were just as good as anyone. There wasn't one of them that I wouldn't trust at my back or with my life. I wouldn't trust you a tenth of the distance I could throw you, you'd slip a knife in my back rather than support me against a common enemy. That's because you view whites as your ultimate enemy. I'm sure that's why you never served in the military, you don't really view this as your country, you view it as the country of people who look like me and to you that's enough reason not to put your "valuable" skin at risk defending it. The members of the Tuskeegee Airmen, the 92nd Infantry Division and the 784th Tank Battalion would all be ashamed of you,
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I'm not racist. You'll never admit it because race is the most important thing in your life. Things that happened to your ancestors blind you to all that has been done for you today. There are exactly three people on these boards that agree with you and you are all racists. Everyone else disagrees with you, you call every black that disagrees with your racist views a sellout and Uncle Tom. According to you no one can know anything except you. I honestly don't know why I waste valuable time trying to get through to you in the face of constant failure. I guess what they say about trying to teach a horse to sing is true. All that happens is that you annoy the horse and frustrate yourself.
Yes you are a racist. This discussion has nothing to do about what was done to my ancestors. There are more than 3 people who agree with me and no racist agree a couple of with me. What you call black racism isn't even racism. You can't get through to me because I know more about this than you do. I don't have any racist views and the only blacks you agree with are the ones who validate your racism. You are the horse here son. I don't know what you think you're trying to teach me, but you're the annoying one. This is the exact racism you display:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

According to me a white person who has never been black can tekl black people that what they say about their experience in America isn't so. I know more about what affects blacks than you. I know more about what affects blacks than whites posting here. The people who can legitimately dispute or disagree with me are superbadbrotha, A, newsvine, katsteve, curriedgoats, ms. turqouise, MarcATL and other blacks here. Because they have lived it. You disagree then tell me it's because you talk to a couple of black friends who don't agree with me and that's supposed to represent how wrong I am. Now if I tried that with you, the couple of white friends would be dismissed because they don't represent all whites or they would be considered panderers.

So it's like this, you don't know squat about being black in America today. So if we tell you that white racism still exists but its not done like it was in the 1960's, that's the way it is. And it has been proven to be the case.
Black poverty is because many black males have criminal records and many black women are single mothers without educations. With those voluntary actions, black poverty will always be higher than white poverty. I'm living proof that no matter how poor you are born, you can claw your way out of poverty. The advantages that I had, no one gave me. I earned them in the military serving with a lot of black troops that were and are my brothers. None of them would stop to piss on you if you were on fire. They used to call people who talked and behaved like you shiftless, worthless N.......... They worked hard and proved every day that black Americans were just as good as anyone. There wasn't one of them that I wouldn't trust at my back or with my life. I wouldn't trust you a tenth of the distance I could throw you, you'd slip a knife in my back rather than support me against a common enemy. That's because you view whites as your ultimate enemy. I'm sure that's why you never served in the military, you don't really view this as your country, you view it as the country of people who look like me and to you that's enough reason not to put your "valuable" skin at risk defending it. The members of the Tuskeegee Airmen, the 92nd Infantry Division and the 784th Tank Battalion would all be ashamed of you,
No, thats not the case. Now quit trying to tell me why things are for blacks. Because even those criminal records are often caused by racism in law enforcement. Whites are arrested almost 3 times more than blacks annually and they all can't be innocent. Again stop being white thinking you can tell me why things are for blacks. I know many black military men. Many are good friends.

For as long as you live don't you ever denigrate those great heroes like the Tuskeegee Airmen, the 92nd Infantry Division and the 784th Tank Battalion in one of your racist screeds again. You have never fought to defend anything but corporate interests. My father served in the last war that was for the defense of this nation. WW2. And while you used the Tuskegee Airmaen as props for your racist screeds, you called a descendant of one of the Airmen a racist. There is more to service of this country than fighting in war. Learn that. Because your cowardice in fighting to make America truly the best country in the world is noted. That's what I put my color on the line for. You can't do that.

Those great heroes like the Tuskeegee Airmen, the 92nd Infantry Division and the 784th Tank Battalion joined the military because they wanted whites to understand and respect them as men. And they are smiling as they look down on our conversation knowing that blacks today refuse to rest until real equality is achieved. Those airmen would spit on you.

I'm from Kansas son, home of the Buffalo Soldiers and the First Kansas Infantry. Those brothers are also smiling down on this conversation knowing that their fight was not done in vain. You pretend and lie to yourself about life. I don't.
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No, it's not bs. You just want to keep lying to yourself. Look, I've studied this stuff, know why things are and I am telling you that you are uneducated pertaining to these issues and your opinion is silly and incorrect. Don't try telling me that colorblind crap. I doubt you were raised as poor as blacks and even if you were, you don't seem to understand that white preference is real.

Then how do you explain how Asians are doing so well? Not only are they limited by supposed "racism", but they often come here with no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language.

Could it be they- work hard, don't have kids out of wedlock, don't join gangs, stay in school.
Naw, that couldn't possibly be it!

I know what blacks need and given all the information I have seen that you haven't and don't want to see, I am going to tell you to go work on ending YOUR racism and once that is done work to make racism irrelevant in the white community.

Again, if you are going to wait for other people to change their thinking, that's a long wait for a train that never comes.

Yes, you are going to encounter people who are racists. You are going to encounter people who don't like your shitty attitude, and you can comfort yourself calling them racist, too. BUt the end of the day, the guy who is going to make or break you is you.
Then how do you explain how Asians are doing so well? Not only are they limited by supposed "racism", but they often come here with no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language.

Could it be they- work hard, don't have kids out of wedlock, don't join gangs, stay in school.
Naw, that couldn't possibly be it!

Who would have thought that behaving like responsible human beings would result in better life outcomes than behaving like feral animals?

I guess it must be “racist” that better behavior produces better results.
No, thats not the case. Now quit trying to tell me why things are for blacks. Because even those criminal records are often caused by racism in law enforcement. Whites are arrested almost 3 times more than blacks annually and they all can't be innocent. Again stop being white thinking you can tell me why things are for blacks. I know many black military men. Many are good friends.

If you didn't serve, you really don't get to speak for those who did.

Whites are arrested 3 times more, but we have 6 times more the population (if you include white Hispanics)

Now, I'm not going to pretend that the justice system isn't racist, and that if you are white, you are FAR more likely to be treated well by it.

But what we don't do. We don't sing songs glorifying the criminal lifestyle. We don't tolerate gangs in our neighborhoods.
Who would have thought that behaving like responsible human beings would result in better life outcomes than behaving like feral animals?

I guess it must be “racist” that better behavior produces better results.

Naw, man, racist is belonging to a cult that excluded black people from membership until 1978. And only then because the government threatened to take away their tax exemptions and other colleges refused to play BYU.
Unarmed white people can be JUST as dangerous if they've been pumping iron in the pen and celebrate with some PCP.

ONCE AGAIN - It depends on the circumstance.

An unarmed white person pumping iron in the pen on PCP can be dangerous if he wants to inflict harm on another smaller weaker unarmed person who is untrained in any unarmed combat.

The real question is, would most people blame a cop if he shoots faced with that kind of threat

ONCE AGAIN - It depends on the circumstance.

What matters in a given encounter is what those killed by cops were actually doing when they were shot.

If those persons shot are indeed attacking the officer or another party in a way that threatens death or serious bodily harm, most would agree that shooting them can be justified.

Here's the thing. Cops make 10 million arrests a year.


Only in 1000 cases a year, do they need to use lethal force.


The number of police arrests will ALWAYS greatly exceed the number of civies killed by the police. But do you set the bar that low for the police ? That you think they deserve a round of applause because most of their interactions with ppl don't end up in them blowing them away ?

The Ku Klux Klan only lynched and hanged a small percentage of black people they interacted with. So there was no problem with the Klan ?

And it's funny I bet you would not have made the same argument after 9-11 ? After all Al-Queda have killed only a miniscule number of Americans but that didn't stop Bush going war against them

And that's the issue isn't just about death. The issue you have white supremacists in law enforcement from top to toe

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

Of those, you might have, what 10 that are questionable.

And who get's to decide what is questionable ? Because had this not been filmed on social media it would not have been seen as questionable

Killing is unarmed blk ppl is never questionable. It's pretty much always justified.

Yes, improve training and raise professional standards so that we don't have those 10.

Don't straw man. Don't just make up random numbers to suit your argument

The police have perfect training in knowing how de-escalate situations when they are white

I'm in the PUNISHMENT game. Because that how they roll with us. It's all about punishment with blk ppl. All about laws, fines, bans, prison with black people.

I'm actually trying to be reasonable, but frankly, dealing with you and your buddy IM, makes it kind of pointless.

More Crazy Paul stuff...

ONCE AGAIN - It depends on the circumstance.

An unarmed white person pumping iron in the pen on PCP can be dangerous if he wants to inflict harm on another smaller weaker unarmed person who is untrained in any unarmed combat.

Um, yeah. I think that's what I said...

If those persons shot are indeed attacking the officer or another party in a way that threatens death or serious bodily harm, most would agree that shooting them can be justified.

Okay, so again, not seeing a problem here. Deadly force is justified in some cases.

The number of police arrests will ALWAYS greatly exceed the number of civies killed by the police. But do you set the bar that low for the police ? That you think they deserve a round of applause because most of their interactions with ppl don't end up in them blowing them away ?

Um, yeah, I think if we put you out there with a gun and had you try to enforce the law, you'd probably do considerably worse. Heck, I've been trained by the military, I don't think I'd show as much restraint as the police do.

It's cute....the FBI, the gestapo of the democrat party....is now only computing murders by weapon in 10 year increments........rather than yearly as they did before...at least I can't find a yearly estimate...perhaps someone else can...

The Ku Klux Klan only lynched and hanged a small percentage of black people they interacted with. So there was no problem with the Klan ?

The Klan lynched mostly innocent people without due process of law. The police are in situations of life and death and have to make split second decisions. When they make the wrong ones, I'm all for punishing them. - Chauvin, Van Dyke, Guyger.

And who get's to decide what is questionable ? Because had this not been filmed on social media it would not have been seen as questionable

Okay, so let's look at that one.

Jacob Blake had previously sexually assaulted his girlfriend and was trying to make off with her kids and her car. He was ordered multiple times to stop, and then he reached into his car for a knife. Still wrong of the cops to shoot him, they should have tried other things...

Don't straw man. Don't just make up random numbers to suit your argument

The police have perfect training in knowing how de-escalate situations when they are white

Yeah, training. The one thing I can tell you about training, having done it in the military for 11 years, is that you put people in a stress situation, they will forget their training.

I'm in the PUNISHMENT game. Because that how they roll with us. It's all about punishment with blk ppl. All about laws, fines, bans, prison with black people.

Um, okay. Just don't expect it to happen that much. People are getting fed up with crime. You guys got what you wanted, the cops stood down and the thugs took over, and in 2020, we have 6,000 more murders than we had in 2019.

So, yeah, you got the kind of cops you want... the ones who don't do their jobs. Happy now?

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

So he taped his coworkers without their knowledge with the intent to get them into trouble, and he wondered why they were pissed with him.

Tell you what, buddy, on the unlikely possibility you have gainful employment, go into work tomorrow and start recording your coworkers when they are goofing off, taking shortcuts or otherwise being less than professional.

Now, here's the thing. The abuses by the NYPD under Guliani and Bloomberg WERE bad. But they brought the crime rate down. De Blasio reversed those policies and crime went up.

It's a very American thing. We want freedom, but we also want order. "Don't Treat on Me" and "Back the Blue" are contradictory concepts.
More Crazy Paul stuff...

Um, yeah. I think that's what I said...

Okay, so again, not seeing a problem here. Deadly force is justified in some cases.

Um, yeah, I think if we put you out there with a gun and had you try to enforce the law, you'd probably do considerably worse. Heck, I've been trained by the military, I don't think I'd show as much restraint as the police do.

It's cute....the FBI, the gestapo of the democrat party....is now only computing murders by weapon in 10 year increments........rather than yearly as they did before...at least I can't find a yearly estimate...perhaps someone else can...

The Klan lynched mostly innocent people without due process of law. The police are in situations of life and death and have to make split second decisions. When they make the wrong ones, I'm all for punishing them. - Chauvin, Van Dyke, Guyger.

Okay, so let's look at that one.

Jacob Blake had previously sexually assaulted his girlfriend and was trying to make off with her kids and her car. He was ordered multiple times to stop, and then he reached into his car for a knife. Still wrong of the cops to shoot him, they should have tried other things...

Yeah, training. The one thing I can tell you about training, having done it in the military for 11 years, is that you put people in a stress situation, they will forget their training.

Um, okay. Just don't expect it to happen that much. People are getting fed up with crime. You guys got what you wanted, the cops stood down and the thugs took over, and in 2020, we have 6,000 more murders than we had in 2019.

So, yeah, you got the kind of cops you want... the ones who don't do their jobs. Happy now?

So he taped his coworkers without their knowledge with the intent to get them into trouble, and he wondered why they were pissed with him.

Tell you what, buddy, on the unlikely possibility you have gainful employment, go into work tomorrow and start recording your coworkers when they are goofing off, taking shortcuts or otherwise being less than professional.

Now, here's the thing. The abuses by the NYPD under Guliani and Bloomberg WERE bad. But they brought the crime rate down. De Blasio reversed those policies and crime went up.

It's a very American thing. We want freedom, but we also want order. "Don't Treat on Me" and "Back the Blue" are contradictory concepts.
Who are you and what have you done with JoeB?
The police are in situations of life and death and have to make split second decisions

(Just gotta quickly address this point bcoz I av sh*t to do)

How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO.

How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO.

How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence ? 0.5 per state.

There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise, only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year (and of that 100 most of those deaths are by vehicles)

So tell me where is this life n death danger? Fk outta here. Most cops spend there days eating doughnuts n playin tetris

We saw in the school shooting in Texas Uvalde a few weeks bk then when there is REAL DANGER from a real killer. The cops wimp out like Bitches n we’re to scared to go in.

So get out my face with all that brave cop talk

See you have to get that cowardly gene out ur system
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