White House Summit on Violent Extremism opens with Muslim prayer – no other faiths represented

We are indeed at war with jihadism as well as with apostate Christianity that wants to eliminate Church and State separation in America.
um, only the terminally stupid believe that, S. J.

maybe not a practicing muslim.

obama's father-----------muslim
obama's step father-------muslim
obama's uncles-----------muslim
obama's mother----------converted muslim
obama's early schooling-----------muslim madrassas

Can you honestly say that he is not a muslim sympathizer? Can you honestly say that he was not influenced by his parents and schooling? Were you influenced by your parents and schooling?
You have evidence, based on his time in the WH, that he is a Christian opposed to radical jihadism.

His mom was a lib, he spend almost twenty years in American public and private education, his wife is Christian.

Your comment makes one think your brain fluid is down a couple of quarts.

brain fluid is not measured in quarts, except maybe in your case where your skull is completely empty.

How many Christian services has obama attended on Sunday over the last 6 years? you can count them on your fingers.

yes, his mom was a lib. a lib who married two muslims and lived the muslim lifestyle with them. Yes, obozo went to american schools in hawaii and columbia and harvard. But the early development of a human being determines his/her basic beliefs and values, Obama's early development was under muslim guidance. That cannot be denied.
We are indeed at war with jihadism as well as with apostate Christianity that wants to eliminate Church and State separation in America.

there are more muslims supporting jihad than there Christians supporting making Christianity the national religion.

your statement is hyperbole.
If the White House is having a meeting about religious violent extremism, I don't think they're inviting the Jews and Christians to attend to address all their violence. That they opened with a Muslim prayer tells me at least their focus is on Islam. So not being represented is a good thing.
Yo, was this one there? She was taught by Obama to do it the Muslim way!
They are Hypocrites......................YES INDEED......................

It is not Politically Correct to say anything bad about the Islam Religion because someone might get OFFENDED...............

BBBBUTTTTTT is OK to OFFEND CHRISTIANS...................That is Politically CORRECT to them.............as they attack ALL OTHER RELIGIONS.......................

We INFIDELS have no right to bitch about Islam Murdering and Butchering their fellow man..............It's NOT ALL ISLAM BTW..............as we say all the time..............BUT OF COURSE to the LEFT WE ATTACK THE INNOCENT ONES.


Yes, many liberals seem supportive or sympathetic toward Islam, even though Islam subordinates wives to husbands and women to men in general and strongly condemns homosexuality. I guess liberals are following the old idea of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Many if not most liberals reject and dislike Christianity, so they're automatically inclined to sympathize with and apologize for Islam because Islam rejects Christianity's core truth claims (e.g., that Jesus is the Son of God and God the Son, that Jesus is the only way back to the Father, etc.).
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(CNSNews.com) – A Muslim prayer was recited at the start of the second day of the White House summit on “Countering Violent Extremism,” but no other religious text was presented during the portion of the event that was open to the press.

Imam Sheikh Sa'ad Musse Roble, president of the World Peace Organization in Minneapolis, Minn., recited a “verse from the Quran” following remarks by Obama administration officials and Democratic members of Congress.


Imam Abdisalam Adam of the Islamic Civil Society of America offered a translation of the verses:

“In translation those verses of the Quran mean ‘Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption in the land, it’s as if he has slain mankind entirely, and whoever saves one life, it’s as if he has saved mankind entirely,’” Adam said.

“Mosques serve as (sic) beacon of hope,” Adam said. “While imams’ provide moral compass for the Muslim community in navigating life.”

Adam said “religious leaders” want to have “dialogue” with the U.S. government about “issues of concern” and said that Muslim imams have spoken out against terrorism.

“The peace, safety and security of the United States are of fundamental importance to the Muslim American community, and we oppose any form or shape of violent extremism that threatens peaceful coexistence,” Adam said.

“We believe in the right of all people to live in peace and security,” Adam said. “Muslim imams have condemned and continue to denounce anyone who tries to use the religion of Islam to support terrorism.”

Roble spoke in English on behalf of his organization, asking people to “make peace.”

“Make peace in yourself, in your family, in your friends, in your neighbors, in your state, in your country and of the war because you are brothers and sisters,” Roble said. “And God bless you.”


Could you all imagine if this was a Christian prayer and obama attended it?

Here is the reaction we would get from left wingers.


Or perhaps.....


Certainly a reaction like this.


But, since this was a muslim prayer from a person who is a darker than beige, well here is the reaction we get from those same liberals.....



Yo, quotes from "Messiah" in the White House!


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They are Hypocrites......................YES INDEED......................

It is not Politically Correct to say anything bad about the Islam Religion because someone might get OFFENDED...............

BBBBUTTTTTT is OK to OFFEND CHRISTIANS...................That is Politically CORRECT to them.............as they attack ALL OTHER RELIGIONS.......................

We INFIDELS have no right to bitch about Islam Murdering and Butchering their fellow man..............It's NOT ALL ISLAM BTW..............as we say all the time..............BUT OF COURSE to the LEFT WE ATTACK THE INNOCENT ONES.


Yes, many liberals seem supportive or sympathetic toward Islam, even though Islam subordinates wives to husbands and women to men in general and strongly condemns homosexuality. I guess liberals are following the old idea of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."


No Left, No Islam.

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