White House sources wonder if Nikki Haley quit due to discontent over Kavanaugh

but ' haley' follows her bosses orders and wishes pretty well but i'd hate to see her in charge [yikes] without President Trump and his people / guys steering her in the things that she should do Bode .
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Per the Washington Post’s Jacqueline Alemany:


Jacqueline Alemany on Twitter
There is also speculation that she might take this female discontent and run against trump as a Republican in 2020. I would look on that with great interest.
She has stated she won't run against Trump in 2020.
A lot of candidates say no before running.
Per the Washington Post’s Jacqueline Alemany:


Jacqueline Alemany on Twitter
There is also speculation that she might take this female discontent and run against trump as a Republican in 2020. I would look on that with great interest.
She has stated she won't run against Trump in 2020.
A lot of candidates say no before running.

Let me know when she changes her mind...

til then....
There is also speculation that she might take this female discontent and run against trump as a Republican in 2020. I would look on that with great interest.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump boots Pence in favor of Haley.
There is also speculation that she might take this female discontent and run against trump as a Republican in 2020. I would look on that with great interest.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump boots Pence in favor of Haley.
Oh goody, stomach cancer or liver cancer. This will be the one reason I hope Trump outlives his possible successors.
Hey, Liberals....



Don't attack her and be racist and misogynist.
Per the Washington Post’s Jacqueline Alemany:


Jacqueline Alemany on Twitter

I have always liked Niki Hayley--and you can bet she is going to make a run for the Presidency. But she'll never get close to the nomination because there are simply to many MISOGYNISTS within the Republican party that cannot stand the thought of a woman President. That includes the Stepford wives & June Clevers in this party.

She was the first woman in the Republican party, that stated that Dr. Ford deserved to be HEARD. Good for her. Obviously she believes Dr. Ford's account of what happened and like milliions of other women in this country are offended by his appointment and the attacks by Republican males, specifically Trump who mocked Dr. Ford during a rally.

Trump has been a total embarrassment to her, recently getting laughed at by the UN General Assembly. Time to distance herself from this adminstration. Henceforth another good one is GONE.
Donald Trump Gets Laughed at by U.N. Leaders During General Assembly Speech


There is a reason this administration has a turnover rate that beats Der Weinershnitzel. Click this link to redirect to another post on this board.
TRUMP: I've never seen this before
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Nikki Haley likes Trump alot.

An INDIAN WOMAN likes Trump and is going to campaign for his re-election.
you can bet she is going to make a run for the Presidency
I wonder if this prognostication of yours will prove as razor sharp as your ‘Kav is finshed’ One?:eusa_think:

I don't think I ever said Kavanaugh is finished--but certainly the Republican party is.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Nikki Haley's resignation from this adminstration is just another example of what women, now Republican women are thinking of the party and are leaving this party,, except of course the Stepford wives & June Clevers will hang in tight, who don't mind the degradations coming out of their male counterparts.

you can bet she is going to make a run for the Presidency
I wonder if this prognostication of yours will prove as razor sharp as your ‘Kav is finshed’ One?:eusa_think:

I don't think I ever said Kavanaugh is finished--but certainly the Republican party is.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Nikki Haley's resignation from this adminstration is just another example of what women, now Republican women are thinking of the party and are leaving this party,, except of course the Stepford wives & June Clevers will hang in tight, who don't mind the degradations coming out of their male counterparts.

dude, you can write that blue wave crap till you poop that pig you posted up. cause that's when a blue wave would ever get here. good luck with your poop.

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