White House puts off implementation of Obamacare until after 2014 election


Feb 14, 2011
The administration has acknowledged the trainwreck and is trying to lessen the damage to Democrats' electoral prospects in 2014.

White House delays key element of health care law

Well they put off part of the implementation.

Sounds like individuals will still face penalties if they don't buy insurance. Will that get changed next? Hardly fair to make them buy insurance from the shrinking pool of options.
And yet, we will still have to pay the taxes to support it...and the individual mandate is still in place.

Another sign of desperation is the attempt to get the NFL and MLB to push ObamaCare; they smartly declines. Librarians have also been drafted to push signing up...but I doubt the real objects of ObamaCare go to libraries.
Gee... I thought it was such a great thing? Maybe that 35% approval rating of Obamacare is taking its toll?

The administration has acknowledged the trainwreck and is trying to lessen the damage to Democrats' electoral prospects in 2014.

White House delays key element of health care law

Well they put off part of the implementation.

Sounds like individuals will still face penalties if they don't buy insurance. Will that get changed next? Hardly fair to make them buy insurance from the shrinking pool of options.

Yep....and no one ever said he wasn't the most corrupt and crafty politician the office has ever seen. He has us where he wants us and he knows how to keep us there, unless we can get the vote out in `14. Uninformed and ignorant voters got the vote out due to Obama's brilliance in 24/7 campaigning, promising everything and delivering nothing but policies that hurt the poor, and the middle-class and the stupid.
Who in their right mind doesn't go WTF? when the people that make you do a thing, exempt themselves from said thing.. all the while telling you how great it is.
This is turning out to be the biggest Cluster Fuck in US histroy and it has not even happened yet.
Oh yea, the administration doesn't want people to know how bad they are fucked till after the midterms. Kicking the can down the road a bit in hopes of gaining seats in the House and Senate so they can complete their destruction. Congress and the IRS don't want anything to do with Obamacare, other than forcing it on the rest of us. They don't think it's fair to burden themselves with this sort of oppression, that is what they want to do to the masses.
I'm trying to figure out how the President is able to do this. Having trouble getting an answer to the question:

Under what authority does the President have to unilaterally suspend part or all of a law?

Is there a clause in the Obamacare law that grants the President the power to delay its implementation? If not, does this mean a future President can decide on his own that a law shall not be enforced? Does the Constitution grant such an Executive power?

I'm trying to figure out how the President is able to do this. Having trouble getting an answer to the question:

Under what authority does the President have to unilaterally suspend part or all of a law?

Is there a clause in the Obamacare law that grants the President the power to delay its implementation? If not, does this mean a future President can decide on his own that a law shall not be enforced? Does the Constitution grant such an Executive power?

Prolly one of those "as the Secretary shall determine" thingies.
Oddball, looks like you're right. I found this:

Does Obama have the legal authority to delay the mandate?

The Affordable Care Act is quite clear as to the effective date of the employer mandate. “The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013,” concludes Section 1513.

The executive branch is charged with enforcing the law, and it can of course choose not to enforce the law if it wants. But people can sue the federal government, and a judge could theoretically force the administration to enforce the mandate.

Wow. This clusterfuck is worse than I ever thought.

White House To Delay Obamacare's Employer Mandate Until 2015; Far-Reaching Implications For The Private Health Insurance Market - Forbes
Who in their right mind doesn't go WTF? when the people that make you do a thing, exempt themselves from said thing.. all the while telling you how great it is.

Yup. The Dems passed this POS bill by themselves and got they're asses in the next election.

They are all trying to get themselves an staff exempted from this POS bill. That should tell everyone exactly what they need to know about the ACA.

Implementing it in 2015?? You bet. They don't want asses kicked in 2014. Hope the voters catch a damned clue and kick these bastards to the fucking curb in 2014.
if the Republicans don't use this for the 2014 elections they are crazy....this is tantamount to admitting Obamacare doesn't work....
if the Republicans don't use this for the 2014 elections they are crazy....this is tantamount to admitting Obamacare doesn't work....

they will use it I can just see the adds now, I just wonder how thd Democrats will try to spin it?

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