Biden Was Instrumental In The Implementation Of Reaganomics and The Ever Widening Income Gap


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Biden Was Instrumental In The Implementation Of Reaganomics and The Ever Widening Income Gap

It’s well known that truth,‭ ‬more often than not,‭ ‬hurts.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬it does nothing helpful to shoot the messenger.‭ ‬So with this in mind:

‭“‬High-profile disaffected Republicans who oppose President Trump are not only voicing their discontent and support for Joe Biden but forming political operations on the bet that Republican voters in key swing states feel the same way.‭”

“The ultimate goal is to emulate the‭ ‬1980‭ “‬Reagan Democrats‭” ‬movement of largely working-class Rust Belt voters that helped put the Republican president in the White House.‭” ‬But,‭ ‬even with his five decades long congressional voting record to prove his regular support of GOP policies,‭ ‬it’s does not change that‭ “‬D‭” ‬beside Biden’s name to‭ “‬R‭”‬.‭

Those former unionized workers who voted for the union-busting Reagan,‭ ‬did so with the ludicrous expectation he would work for them to create jobs with compensation equal to those they lost.‭ ‬This is one,‭ ‬of many,‭ ‬examples of the ongoing stupidity of American voters and how they are regularly taken in by the empty promises‭ (‬lies‭) ‬of the politicians.‭

The vast majority of U.S.‭ ‬voters,‭ ‬Democrats,‭ ‬Republicans,‭ ‬and self-proclaimed independents have,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬proven themselves to be scared sh!tless they might anger the ruling billionaire class if they vote against the party’s‭ “‬favorite‭”‬.‭ ‬For the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential race,‭ ‬Biden was the Democratic National Committee’s choice,‭ ‬so all other Democratic hopefuls received no form of support from party leaders.‭

So,‭ ‬what happened,‭ ‬you guessed it,‭ ‬the choice of the ruling billionaire class,‭ ‬Status Quo Joe Biden,‭ ‬well-known collaborator with the GOP for five decades in their endless assault on America’s working class,‭ ‬received overwhelming voter support to become the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.

However,‭ ‬after hearing Status Quo Joe’s speech at the Democratic Convention,‭ ‬American workers must realize who will receive their candidate’s loyalty and so,‭ ‬should not set their hopes too high for any improvement in the ever increasing mess being made by the impeached president trump.‭

So,‭ ‬on the off chance the impeached president trump is ousted from the White House,‭ ‬even though Status Quo Joe is a Democrat,‭ ‬Americans can be comfortable knowing their long,‭ ‬four decades wait for Reaganomics‭’ ‬trickle down to begin,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬The ever-widening income gap,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬The American Dream getting further beyond the workers‭’ ‬reach,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬The status quo where the United States spirals down towards third world status,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬And the rapid growth in the ruling billionaire class‭’ ‬wealth,‭ ‬will definitely continue.

Status Quo Joe or the impeached president trump‭? ‬The only important difference,‭ ‬that spiral towards third world status slows,‭ ‬somewhat,‭ ‬if Status Quo Joe wins the November‭ ‬3rd election,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬more importantly,‭ ‬if he carries the Electoral College.‭

Are Biden Republicans the new Reagan Democrats?

I've posted many times that every politician in America Jumped On The Stab Americans In The Back In Favor Of Cheap Foreign Labor bandwagon.
Biden Was Instrumental In The Implementation Of Reaganomics and The Ever Widening Income Gap

It’s well known that truth,‭ ‬more often than not,‭ ‬hurts.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬it does nothing helpful to shoot the messenger.‭ ‬So with this in mind:

‭“‬High-profile disaffected Republicans who oppose President Trump are not only voicing their discontent and support for Joe Biden but forming political operations on the bet that Republican voters in key swing states feel the same way.‭”

“The ultimate goal is to emulate the‭ ‬1980‭ “‬Reagan Democrats‭” ‬movement of largely working-class Rust Belt voters that helped put the Republican president in the White House.‭” ‬But,‭ ‬even with his five decades long congressional voting record to prove his regular support of GOP policies,‭ ‬it’s does not change that‭ “‬D‭” ‬beside Biden’s name to‭ “‬R‭”‬.‭

Those former unionized workers who voted for the union-busting Reagan,‭ ‬did so with the ludicrous expectation he would work for them to create jobs with compensation equal to those they lost.‭ ‬This is one,‭ ‬of many,‭ ‬examples of the ongoing stupidity of American voters and how they are regularly taken in by the empty promises‭ (‬lies‭) ‬of the politicians.‭

The vast majority of U.S.‭ ‬voters,‭ ‬Democrats,‭ ‬Republicans,‭ ‬and self-proclaimed independents have,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬proven themselves to be scared sh!tless they might anger the ruling billionaire class if they vote against the party’s‭ “‬favorite‭”‬.‭ ‬For the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential race,‭ ‬Biden was the Democratic National Committee’s choice,‭ ‬so all other Democratic hopefuls received no form of support from party leaders.‭

So,‭ ‬what happened,‭ ‬you guessed it,‭ ‬the choice of the ruling billionaire class,‭ ‬Status Quo Joe Biden,‭ ‬well-known collaborator with the GOP for five decades in their endless assault on America’s working class,‭ ‬received overwhelming voter support to become the Democrats‭’ ‬2020‭ ‬presidential nominee.

However,‭ ‬after hearing Status Quo Joe’s speech at the Democratic Convention,‭ ‬American workers must realize who will receive their candidate’s loyalty and so,‭ ‬should not set their hopes too high for any improvement in the ever increasing mess being made by the impeached president trump.‭

So,‭ ‬on the off chance the impeached president trump is ousted from the White House,‭ ‬even though Status Quo Joe is a Democrat,‭ ‬Americans can be comfortable knowing their long,‭ ‬four decades wait for Reaganomics‭’ ‬trickle down to begin,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬The ever-widening income gap,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬The American Dream getting further beyond the workers‭’ ‬reach,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬The status quo where the United States spirals down towards third world status,‭ ‬will continue.‭ ‬And the rapid growth in the ruling billionaire class‭’ ‬wealth,‭ ‬will definitely continue.

Status Quo Joe or the impeached president trump‭? ‬The only important difference,‭ ‬that spiral towards third world status slows,‭ ‬somewhat,‭ ‬if Status Quo Joe wins the November‭ ‬3rd election,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬more importantly,‭ ‬if he carries the Electoral College.‭

Are Biden Republicans the new Reagan Democrats?

Ah, so Reagan wasn't instrumental in the implementation of Reaganomics, I guess old Raygun had nothing to do with it...But a junior senator did. Yeah, we really believe that, :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, another thing, you are admitting that Reaganomics screwed the working stiffs in the US and it was a failure and Trump is doing what Reagan did and yet it's all the fault of Joe Biden?:rofl:
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