Whistleblower Story on Trump is a Sham.


Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players in a sick-minded groupthinking set of legislators who have once again attention whored the public to death.

I'm sorry you're unacquainted with people who actually know what the Democrats' end goal is based on their nefarious lies that beget gross calumnies.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players i
Mueller is a life-long Republican fixer who's been covering up GOP crimes since Iran Contra and BCCI. His "investigation" didn't even have access to Trump's tax and financial documents. You can be sure congressional Democrats won't make that mistake. Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on countless grounds from Emoluments Clause violations to obstruction of justice, but his latest blunder with Ukraine is obvious enough to make Republicans put country over party (in an election year). He will be impeached by Thanksgiving.

Turkey Pardons Trump

Rino Mueller sold Republicans down the river years ago, hon. Apparently you missed his hand-picked team were not only Registered Democrats, they were Democrat operatives as well. And every one of them had two words tattooed on their wrists: GET TRUMP!

Mueller is a senile old man. He embarrassed himself in front of Congress.

Hey Azog...!

Go defile deanrd

Nobody deserves it more.

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

Well obviously the Whistleblower is a liar......after reading the transcripts I can say that his claims are unfounded and based on both false and politically biased opinions, not facts.
Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

The evidence clears Trump completely.

It is proper for a POTUS to ask another leader to investigate corruption when he has direct evidence that shows corruption.

The hypocrits are those that want Trump investigated with no evidence of wrongdoing but oppose any Democrat being investigated with ample evidence of wrongdoing.

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players in a sick-minded groupthinking set of legislators who have once again attention whored the public to death.

I'm sorry you're unacquainted with people who actually know what the Democrats' end goal is based on their nefarious lies that beget gross calumnies.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players i
Mueller is a life-long Republican fixer who's been covering up GOP crimes since Iran Contra and BCCI. His "investigation" didn't even have access to Trump's tax and financial documents. You can be sure congressional Democrats won't make that mistake. Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on countless grounds from Emoluments Clause violations to obstruction of justice, but his latest blunder with Ukraine is obvious enough to make Republicans put country over party (in an election year). He will be impeached by Thanksgiving.

Turkey Pardons Trump

Rino Mueller sold Republicans down the river years ago, hon. Apparently you missed his hand-picked team were not only Registered Democrats, they were Democrat operatives as well. And every one of them had two words tattooed on their wrists: GET TRUMP!

Rino Mueller sold Republicans down the river years ago, hon. Apparently you missed his hand-picked team were not only Registered Democrats, they were Democrat operatives as well. And every one of them had two words tattooed on their wrists: GET TRUMP!
Why did life-long Republican Bob Mueller recognize Trump's "red line" by not incorporating Trump's financial documents into his investigation?

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players in a sick-minded groupthinking set of legislators who have once again attention whored the public to death.

I'm sorry you're unacquainted with people who actually know what the Democrats' end goal is based on their nefarious lies that beget gross calumnies.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players i
Mueller is a life-long Republican fixer who's been covering up GOP crimes since Iran Contra and BCCI. His "investigation" didn't even have access to Trump's tax and financial documents. You can be sure congressional Democrats won't make that mistake. Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on countless grounds from Emoluments Clause violations to obstruction of justice, but his latest blunder with Ukraine is obvious enough to make Republicans put country over party (in an election year). He will be impeached by Thanksgiving.

Turkey Pardons Trump

So now you’re smarter than Alan Dershowitz too? What is your educational background? Aside from the terror training camp in Libya.

o now you’re smarter than Alan Dershowitz too? What is your educational background? Aside from the terror training camp in Libya.
I'm not smarter than Dershowitz or a friend of Jeffrey's.
The latter was a pervert and the former a media whore (or worse)

Alan is smart enough to argue both sides of most issues, and he will say whatever's necessary to remain in the public eye.
Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.
Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players in a sick-minded groupthinking set of legislators who have once again attention whored the public to death.

I'm sorry you're unacquainted with people who actually know what the Democrats' end goal is based on their nefarious lies that beget gross calumnies.
Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players i
Mueller is a life-long Republican fixer who's been covering up GOP crimes since Iran Contra and BCCI. His "investigation" didn't even have access to Trump's tax and financial documents. You can be sure congressional Democrats won't make that mistake. Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on countless grounds from Emoluments Clause violations to obstruction of justice, but his latest blunder with Ukraine is obvious enough to make Republicans put country over party (in an election year). He will be impeached by Thanksgiving.

Turkey Pardons Trump
Rino Mueller sold Republicans down the river years ago, hon. Apparently you missed his hand-picked team were not only Registered Democrats, they were Democrat operatives as well. And every one of them had two words tattooed on their wrists: GET TRUMP!

Mueller is a senile old man. He embarrassed himself in front of Congress.

Hey Azog...!

Go defile deanrd

Nobody deserves it more.

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players in a sick-minded groupthinking set of legislators who have once again attention whored the public to death.

I'm sorry you're unacquainted with people who actually know what the Democrats' end goal is based on their nefarious lies that beget gross calumnies.

Yes, and it is bogus because all those millions of dollars the Democrats picked our pockets with (in the Mueller report that basically freed President Trump from the false charges leveled against him by revenge-seeking legislators) are being "looked into" all over again by the same corrupt players i
Mueller is a life-long Republican fixer who's been covering up GOP crimes since Iran Contra and BCCI. His "investigation" didn't even have access to Trump's tax and financial documents. You can be sure congressional Democrats won't make that mistake. Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on countless grounds from Emoluments Clause violations to obstruction of justice, but his latest blunder with Ukraine is obvious enough to make Republicans put country over party (in an election year). He will be impeached by Thanksgiving.

Turkey Pardons Trump

So now you’re smarter than Alan Dershowitz too? What is your educational background? Aside from the terror training camp in Libya.

o now you’re smarter than Alan Dershowitz too? What is your educational background? Aside from the terror training camp in Libya.
I'm not smarter than Dershowitz or a friend of Jeffrey's.
The latter was a pervert and the former a media whore (or worse)

Alan is smart enough to argue both sides of most issues, and he will say whatever's necessary to remain in the public eye.

That doesn’t make any sense. He would garner more publicity if he agreed Trump should be impeached and he is suing those who put him with Epstein. States they are lies. In America you’re innocent until proven guilty. Learn it, Georgie.

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.

Democrats want to distract you with the shiny object over there while they're getting away with committing one crime after other over here. Plus you have to understand the separation of powers that are inherent according to the Constitution. Democrats in Congress cannot interfer in the workings of the White House. They only have oversight of the Executive Branch. They cannot dictate what they do...no more than the Executive Branch cannot dictate what Congress does.

What law says that as long as you're a Democrat running for public office you cannot be investigated for corruption???????

It seems you have selective outrage. Why is it okay for the Democrats to use taxpayers money to conduct investigation after investigation on the president, yet the president isn't allowed to investigate them?

No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in US History, so I'm not sure why you believe he's qualified to clean up Ukraine?

"Of course the fish rots from the head.

"Trump faces credible accusations of sexual abuse, has refused to divest from his business, declined to release his tax returns and many other financial documents, encourages business people and foreigners to hold events at his clubs and hotels, perpetrated the fraud that was Trump University and made hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others to cover up affairs.

"One could also make the case that we have a president who is a Russian asset and who has no loyalty to the United States of America."

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.

Democrats want to distract you with the shiny object over there while they're getting away with committing one crime after other over here. Plus you have to understand the separation of powers that are inherent according to the Constitution. Democrats in Congress cannot interfer in the workings of the White House. They only have oversight of the Executive Branch. They cannot dictate what they do...no more than the Executive Branch cannot dictate what Congress does.

What law says that as long as you're a Democrat running for public office you cannot be investigated for corruption???????

It seems you have selective outrage. Why is it okay for the Democrats to use taxpayers money to conduct investigation after investigation on the president, yet the president isn't allowed to investigate them?

No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in US History, so I'm not sure why you believe he's qualified to clean up Ukraine?

"Of course the fish rots from the head.

"Trump faces credible accusations of sexual abuse, has refused to divest from his business, declined to release his tax returns and many other financial documents, encourages business people and foreigners to hold events at his clubs and hotels, perpetrated the fraud that was Trump University and made hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others to cover up affairs.

"One could also make the case that we have a president who is a Russian asset and who has no loyalty to the United States of America."

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach. You’re making shit up and the Mods just let you do it, their rules not mine. But your argument that he garners more attention defending Trump is BS since the vast majority of media is pro impeachment. You as usual have zero legs to stand on so you provide useless pictures and links. You then give posts smiley emojis and continue with your propaganda BS. You are a waste of space.
Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.
No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.

Democrats want to distract you with the shiny object over there while they're getting away with committing one crime after other over here. Plus you have to understand the separation of powers that are inherent according to the Constitution. Democrats in Congress cannot interfer in the workings of the White House. They only have oversight of the Executive Branch. They cannot dictate what they do...no more than the Executive Branch cannot dictate what Congress does.

What law says that as long as you're a Democrat running for public office you cannot be investigated for corruption???????

It seems you have selective outrage. Why is it okay for the Democrats to use taxpayers money to conduct investigation after investigation on the president, yet the president isn't allowed to investigate them?
No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in US History, so I'm not sure why you believe he's qualified to clean up Ukraine?

"Of course the fish rots from the head.

"Trump faces credible accusations of sexual abuse, has refused to divest from his business, declined to release his tax returns and many other financial documents, encourages business people and foreigners to hold events at his clubs and hotels, perpetrated the fraud that was Trump University and made hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others to cover up affairs.

"One could also make the case that we have a president who is a Russian asset and who has no loyalty to the United States of America."

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach. You’re making shit up and the Mods just let you do it, their rules not mine. But your argument that he garners more attention defending Trump is BS since the vast majority of media is pro impeachment. You as usual have zero legs to stand on so you provide useless pictures and links. You then give posts smiley emojis and continue with your propaganda BS. You are a waste of space.
No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach
I stated he was smarter than I am (and probably smarter than you are) whether or not there is sufficient evidence to impeach is a matter of opinion, and there are many with intellects and educations equal to Dershowitz' who believe impeachment will happen by Thanksgiving.
No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.

Democrats want to distract you with the shiny object over there while they're getting away with committing one crime after other over here. Plus you have to understand the separation of powers that are inherent according to the Constitution. Democrats in Congress cannot interfer in the workings of the White House. They only have oversight of the Executive Branch. They cannot dictate what they do...no more than the Executive Branch cannot dictate what Congress does.

What law says that as long as you're a Democrat running for public office you cannot be investigated for corruption???????

It seems you have selective outrage. Why is it okay for the Democrats to use taxpayers money to conduct investigation after investigation on the president, yet the president isn't allowed to investigate them?
No....the difference here is Trump wants to expose corruption that actually took place....whereas the Democrats paid someone to make shit up. Trump has every right as president to find out who committed crimes and who was behind the coup attempt that was hatched against him for one main reason......The Department of Justice falls under his direction.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in US History, so I'm not sure why you believe he's qualified to clean up Ukraine?

"Of course the fish rots from the head.

"Trump faces credible accusations of sexual abuse, has refused to divest from his business, declined to release his tax returns and many other financial documents, encourages business people and foreigners to hold events at his clubs and hotels, perpetrated the fraud that was Trump University and made hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others to cover up affairs.

"One could also make the case that we have a president who is a Russian asset and who has no loyalty to the United States of America."

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach. You’re making shit up and the Mods just let you do it, their rules not mine. But your argument that he garners more attention defending Trump is BS since the vast majority of media is pro impeachment. You as usual have zero legs to stand on so you provide useless pictures and links. You then give posts smiley emojis and continue with your propaganda BS. You are a waste of space.
No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach
I stated he was smarter than I am (and probably smarter than you are) whether or not there is sufficient evidence to impeach is a matter of opinion, and there are many with intellects and educations equal to Dershowitz' who believe impeachment will happen by Thanksgiving.

Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.
Trump presides over the most corrupt administration in US History, so I'm not sure why you believe he's qualified to clean up Ukraine?

"Of course the fish rots from the head.

"Trump faces credible accusations of sexual abuse, has refused to divest from his business, declined to release his tax returns and many other financial documents, encourages business people and foreigners to hold events at his clubs and hotels, perpetrated the fraud that was Trump University and made hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others to cover up affairs.

"One could also make the case that we have a president who is a Russian asset and who has no loyalty to the United States of America."

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach. You’re making shit up and the Mods just let you do it, their rules not mine. But your argument that he garners more attention defending Trump is BS since the vast majority of media is pro impeachment. You as usual have zero legs to stand on so you provide useless pictures and links. You then give posts smiley emojis and continue with your propaganda BS. You are a waste of space.
No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach
I stated he was smarter than I am (and probably smarter than you are) whether or not there is sufficient evidence to impeach is a matter of opinion, and there are many with intellects and educations equal to Dershowitz' who believe impeachment will happen by Thanksgiving.

Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.
Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.

"Her guest, the attorney Alan Dershowitz, offered an answer that combined legal analysis and political handicapping. 'They come back in November of 2020, when we all go to the polls and we vote against people that we think lied,' he said. 'But it would be a terrible thing'—he held up a finger for emphasis—'to criminalize lies.'"

Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate
You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
You call resisting socialism corrupt? Sorry, Demmies have pushed Socialism into what it was destined to become--pure communism, complete with villages to raise children rather than and instead of two loving parents, a man and a woman, raising the babies they made.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach. You’re making shit up and the Mods just let you do it, their rules not mine. But your argument that he garners more attention defending Trump is BS since the vast majority of media is pro impeachment. You as usual have zero legs to stand on so you provide useless pictures and links. You then give posts smiley emojis and continue with your propaganda BS. You are a waste of space.
No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach
I stated he was smarter than I am (and probably smarter than you are) whether or not there is sufficient evidence to impeach is a matter of opinion, and there are many with intellects and educations equal to Dershowitz' who believe impeachment will happen by Thanksgiving.

Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.
Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.

"Her guest, the attorney Alan Dershowitz, offered an answer that combined legal analysis and political handicapping. 'They come back in November of 2020, when we all go to the polls and we vote against people that we think lied,' he said. 'But it would be a terrible thing'—he held up a finger for emphasis—'to criminalize lies.'"

Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate

New Yorker is a Leftist rag. Thanks for the smiley and status points. You’ll never get one from me, loser.
There has never been a more prolific example of corruption in recent US history than Donald Trump; he will be impeached by Thanksgiving, imho:

Donald Trump Is Finished
  • Committing campaign finance violations by paying hush money to two women with whom he allegedly had extramarital affairs, Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels;
  • Obstructing justice in connection with the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller;
  • Defying congressional subpoenas;
  • Using the presidency for personal economic gain;
  • Abusing the pardon power to reward political allies;
  • Attacking the press and the judiciary;
  • Threatening to prosecute political opponents;
  • Abusing emergency powers to build his border wall;
  • Incarcerating undocumented immigrant children in concentration camps;
  • Attempting to strip millions of Americans of health insurance;
  • Promoting tax reform to benefit the super-rich;
  • Gutting environmental regulations and pulling out of the Paris climate accord;
  • Refusing to enforce the Voting Rights Act; and
  • Curbing the use of federal consent decrees to counter police misconduct.
"The mafia-like shakedown of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky—as reflected in the declassified 'Memorandum of Telephone Conversation' (memcon) that details the July 25 conversation between the leaders—only adds fuel to an already raging fire."

No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach. You’re making shit up and the Mods just let you do it, their rules not mine. But your argument that he garners more attention defending Trump is BS since the vast majority of media is pro impeachment. You as usual have zero legs to stand on so you provide useless pictures and links. You then give posts smiley emojis and continue with your propaganda BS. You are a waste of space.
No. You don’t get to do that. You admitted that Dershowitz is more of an expert than you on this matter and he stated there is not enough evidence to impeach
I stated he was smarter than I am (and probably smarter than you are) whether or not there is sufficient evidence to impeach is a matter of opinion, and there are many with intellects and educations equal to Dershowitz' who believe impeachment will happen by Thanksgiving.

Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.
Bullshit. Dershowitz is the preeminent constitutional expert and a Democrat and a Clinton supporter. When he says impeach then I ll agree until then shut your Jew hating mouth you parasite.

"Her guest, the attorney Alan Dershowitz, offered an answer that combined legal analysis and political handicapping. 'They come back in November of 2020, when we all go to the polls and we vote against people that we think lied,' he said. 'But it would be a terrible thing'—he held up a finger for emphasis—'to criminalize lies.'"

Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate

New Yorker is a Leftist rag. Thanks for the smiley and status points. You’ll never get one from me, loser.
Your ignorance is duly noted.
Drain the swamp, Bitch

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

"Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his lawyer, Michael Cohen are now convicted felons.

"National security adviser Michael Flynn, Manafort aide Rick Gates and foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos all pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

"Bill Shine, White House communications director was fired as president of Fox News for orchestrating a massive, cover-up of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

"Ex-White House staffer Rob Porter beat up a couple of his wives.

"Disgraced EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt broke or ignored virtually every ethics rule that regulates the conduct of government officials.

"Trump’s bodyguard was fired and is facing a Secret Service investigation for serious financial crimes.

"Corey Lewandowski Trump’s campaign manager, got fired for his violent behavior toward women.

"VA Secretary David Shulkin used taxpayer dollars to pay for his wife to go to Europe.

"Tom Price was forced out from his position as secretary of health and human services after a scandal about his charter jet travel abuses.

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee on his contacts with Russians.

"The family of Commerce Secretary billionaire Wilbur Ross profits directly from his decisions keeping stakes in companies owned by the Chinese government, a Russian shipping firm and a Cypriot bank Mueller is now investigating.

"Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin tried to take an expensive military jet funded by the taxpayer on his honeymoon.

"Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke billed taxpayers for a series of expensive trips, including one to deliver a pep talk to a donor’s hockey team and his wife and foundation are partnering with Montana business development group founded by David Lesar, chairman of energy group Halliburton.

"Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was accused of overspending on office furniture and the use of his
office to promote his family’s business interests.

"Also fired for various offenses and poor job performance were Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Omarosa, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bossert and Tillerson.

"This is the link to the most comprehensive and "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">detailed compilation of Trump administration misconduct."

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

There are no relevant points on Biden's dealing with the Ukraine. NONE.

The entire issue centres around the President attempting to extort Zelenko into investigating Biden, and finding Hillary's server. Trump has the senior White House staff chasing down conspiracy theories in the Ukraine, and pressuring governments around the world to help them. This is not just impeachable, improper, and just plain loony, it's all dangerous.

Relevant points on this situation that centers around Biden's dealings with the Ukraine are discussed from 0 to around 5:51 and may be also found at Mike Huckabee's free website at Huckabee | September 21, 2019 - Huckabee - TBN

Have you bothered to read the complaint?

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.

"This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals.

"The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well.

“I have received information” is different than witnessing information. The whistleblower appears to be reporting second-hand information.

"That might not matter since it is thoroughly documented, and as the White House transcript of Trump’s Ukraine phone call shows, what the whistleblower alleged, at least on that front, was true."

Anyone concerned about Biden's corruption and turns a blind eye to Trump's obvious attempt to solicit dirt of a political opponent from a foreign government is a hypocrite, at best.

Well obviously the Whistleblower is a liar......after reading the transcripts I can say that his claims are unfounded and based on both false and politically biased opinions, not facts.

Well obviously the Whistleblower is a liar......after reading the transcripts I can say that his claims are unfounded and based on both false and politically biased opinions, not facts
What's your opinion of Trump's integrity?

There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

"His sons Don Jr., and Eric benefit greatly from his presidency, daughter Ivanka got a sweetheart deal from China for her patents and merchandise. There is so much more and in addition, he has surrounded himself with the most unqualified and unethical cabinet and staff in American political history.

“American University history professor Allan Lichtman said, 'There is no question that this is the most unqualified and inexperienced cabinet in the modern history of the presidency. Several of the cabinet officials not only lack the most basic qualifications for their jobs, but are intent upon undermining the fundamental mission of their departments.'"

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