Whistleblower Complaint Declassified For Public Release

So IF this sad story of "mafia tactics" on the part of Mendedez, Leahy and Durbin IS shown to be true -- YOU would certainly want them removed from office as well... AMIRITE? [/USER] Lakhota Faun

Unlike the frantic rabid partisans, I'll wait for confirmation of any evidence because I DO still believe in evidence and legal process... But I'm pretty sure the MAJORITY of people in Congress ARE compromised by acts that are either illegal or GROSS ABUSE of power..

This nuclear exchange of guilt on BOTH sides could take YEARS to even write about....
Are you going to apologize to the forum for posting the lie that the letter by Menendez, Leahy & Durbin included the quote, "U.S. assistance" was at stake, when the words, "U.S. assistance" don't even appear in that letter?

https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/5-4-18 Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

And do you see now what happens when you blindly and idiotically put your trust into a biased site which relies on op/eds instead of news?

LMAO, we've been supportive, but you must reverse course. As I said the implication was very clear, no reversal, no support. Deal with it commie.

Why is it their fault you're too brain damaged to comprehend they said they "strongly encourage you to reverse course" in regard to them being "disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump." ... ?

I read the letter, I paraphrased, much more accurately than adam (bug-eyes) shit did on the Trump conversation, I might say.


You're such a dumbshit (i.e., typical conservative)

The NY Times reported that help from Ukraine in Mueller's case against Manafort was being halted due to fear of retribution from trump.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.

The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.

Now you admit you read ...

"We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump. If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

... but don't understand it.

Dumbfuck, they were encouraging them not to not halt helping with Mueller's investigation "if these reports are true," that they were doing so out of fear of Trump.The letter doesn't even have anything to do with Mueller's investigation of Trump. It was in regard to Mueller's findings on Manafort's illegal connections with Ukraine.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

How so?

Considering that In 1998 The US and Ukraine signed

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Because trump is asking them to help him eliminate his election rival.

Trump.isnt running against Biden.
He could be. Right now, Biden is one of a few candidates who are running against each other for the opportunity to run against him.

The gaff machine plagiarist hasn't gotten the nomination twice before, it's highly unlikely he would this time.

That remains to be seen.

Still, he's running for the Democrat's nomination to run against Trump.

Assuming Trump is the republican nominee, he has two republican opponents in the primaries. Once again, sane people don't operate on assumptions.

What's wrong commie, don't like playing by your own rules? All you commies have on Trump over this Ukraine phone call are implications. Nothing was explicitly said that would back up your bullshit.


Dumbfuck, trump admitted he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden.

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great." ~ Donald Trump

Wow, asking Zelensky to clarify what happened on a situation that many Americans have questions on, is improper? Really?
a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Hell, he didn't even say "I want to find out about that", it was a very generic statement. It's typical for heads of state to discuss alleged corruption, this was nothing special. LMAO

Too bad trump didn't rely on his own intelligence agencies to look into the matter but instead, solicited help from a foreign national.

Perhaps it's because the incident happened with and involved the foreign national government. Seems to make sense. You want our intelligence to spy on them instead? How is that good? Simply asking them to look into possible criminal activity involving our own people is the right thing to do. Especially when we have a treaty for that very thing.
Asking for foreign aid to investigate a political rival serves to benefit Trump's campaign. That's illegal.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Wow, asking Zelensky to clarify what happened on a situation that many Americans have questions on, is improper? Really?
Hell, he didn't even say "I want to find out about that", it was a very generic statement. It's typical for heads of state to discuss alleged corruption, this was nothing special. LMAO

Too bad trump didn't rely on his own intelligence agencies to look into the matter but instead, solicited help from a foreign national.

Would that be the same intelligence agencies that have been trying to screw Trump form the beginning? He probably trusts Zelensky more. Besides as Trump stated, it's a matter of public interest, the intel agencies are supposed to be looking at matters of national security, not matters the public just has questions about. Also we have a mutual assistance treaty with Ukraine on public corruption, so there was nothing improper about the request, no matter how you commies try to spin it.

And it's a matter that helps him personally towards his campaign.

Which is why he sent his personal attorney to follow up directly with Zelensky.

Whether it would help him sometime in the future is pure speculation, not fact. You don't impeach on speculation, well, at least sane people don't.

It's soliciting a foreign national to help with his election against a rival running for the Democrat's nomination.

More speculation and assumptions.

Are you going to apologize to the forum for posting the lie that the letter by Menendez, Leahy & Durbin included the quote, "U.S. assistance" was at stake, when the words, "U.S. assistance" don't even appear in that letter?

https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/5-4-18 Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

And do you see now what happens when you blindly and idiotically put your trust into a biased site which relies on op/eds instead of news?

LMAO, we've been supportive, but you must reverse course. As I said the implication was very clear, no reversal, no support. Deal with it commie.

Why is it their fault you're too brain damaged to comprehend they said they "strongly encourage you to reverse course" in regard to them being "disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump." ... ?

I read the letter, I paraphrased, much more accurately than adam (bug-eyes) shit did on the Trump conversation, I might say.


You're such a dumbshit (i.e., typical conservative)

The NY Times reported that help from Ukraine in Mueller's case against Manafort was being halted due to fear of retribution from trump.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.

The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.

Now you admit you read ...

"We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump. If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

... but don't understand it.

Dumbfuck, they were encouraging them not to not halt helping with Mueller's investigation "if these reports are true," that they were doing so out of fear of Trump.The letter doesn't even have anything to do with Mueller's investigation of Trump. It was in regard to Mueller's findings on Manafort's illegal connections with Ukraine.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.
Because trump is asking them to help him eliminate his election rival.

Trump.isnt running against Biden.
He could be. Right now, Biden is one of a few candidates who are running against each other for the opportunity to run against him.

The gaff machine plagiarist hasn't gotten the nomination twice before, it's highly unlikely he would this time.

That remains to be seen.

Still, he's running for the Democrat's nomination to run against Trump.

Assuming Trump is the republican nominee, he has two republican opponents in the primaries. Once again, sane people don't operate on assumptions.

Trump is already campaigning. One doesn't have to win a major party's nomination to violate campaign laws.

Dumbfuck, trump admitted he asked Zelensky to investigate Biden.

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great." ~ Donald Trump

Wow, asking Zelensky to clarify what happened on a situation that many Americans have questions on, is improper? Really?
a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Hell, he didn't even say "I want to find out about that", it was a very generic statement. It's typical for heads of state to discuss alleged corruption, this was nothing special. LMAO

Too bad trump didn't rely on his own intelligence agencies to look into the matter but instead, solicited help from a foreign national.

Perhaps it's because the incident happened with and involved the foreign national government. Seems to make sense. You want our intelligence to spy on them instead? How is that good? Simply asking them to look into possible criminal activity involving our own people is the right thing to do. Especially when we have a treaty for that very thing.
Asking for foreign aid to investigate a political rival serves to benefit Trump's campaign. That's illegal.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.
LMAO, we've been supportive, but you must reverse course. As I said the implication was very clear, no reversal, no support. Deal with it commie.

Why is it their fault you're too brain damaged to comprehend they said they "strongly encourage you to reverse course" in regard to them being "disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump." ... ?

I read the letter, I paraphrased, much more accurately than adam (bug-eyes) shit did on the Trump conversation, I might say.


You're such a dumbshit (i.e., typical conservative)

The NY Times reported that help from Ukraine in Mueller's case against Manafort was being halted due to fear of retribution from trump.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.

The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.

Now you admit you read ...

"We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump. If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

... but don't understand it.

Dumbfuck, they were encouraging them not to not halt helping with Mueller's investigation "if these reports are true," that they were doing so out of fear of Trump.The letter doesn't even have anything to do with Mueller's investigation of Trump. It was in regard to Mueller's findings on Manafort's illegal connections with Ukraine.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.

Yep, only after prosecutors got a judge to wave the statute of limitations and none of Manaforts crimes had a damn thing to do with Russian interference or the campaign.

Why is it their fault you're too brain damaged to comprehend they said they "strongly encourage you to reverse course" in regard to them being "disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump." ... ?

I read the letter, I paraphrased, much more accurately than adam (bug-eyes) shit did on the Trump conversation, I might say.


You're such a dumbshit (i.e., typical conservative)

The NY Times reported that help from Ukraine in Mueller's case against Manafort was being halted due to fear of retribution from trump.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.

The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.

Now you admit you read ...

"We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump. If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

... but don't understand it.

Dumbfuck, they were encouraging them not to not halt helping with Mueller's investigation "if these reports are true," that they were doing so out of fear of Trump.The letter doesn't even have anything to do with Mueller's investigation of Trump. It was in regard to Mueller's findings on Manafort's illegal connections with Ukraine.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.

Yep, only after prosecutors got a judge to wave the statute of limitations and none of Manaforts crimes had a damn thing to do with Russian interference or the campaign.

Manafort was prosecuted under Mueller's investigation. That's what the NY Times article was about and that's what the letter by those 3 Democrats was about.

You remain a complete moron, as evidenced by you asking me to a post a law I had already posted and which you already read.
Wow, asking Zelensky to clarify what happened on a situation that many Americans have questions on, is improper? Really?
Hell, he didn't even say "I want to find out about that", it was a very generic statement. It's typical for heads of state to discuss alleged corruption, this was nothing special. LMAO

Too bad trump didn't rely on his own intelligence agencies to look into the matter but instead, solicited help from a foreign national.

Perhaps it's because the incident happened with and involved the foreign national government. Seems to make sense. You want our intelligence to spy on them instead? How is that good? Simply asking them to look into possible criminal activity involving our own people is the right thing to do. Especially when we have a treaty for that very thing.
Asking for foreign aid to investigate a political rival serves to benefit Trump's campaign. That's illegal.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.

The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

I read the letter, I paraphrased, much more accurately than adam (bug-eyes) shit did on the Trump conversation, I might say.


You're such a dumbshit (i.e., typical conservative)

The NY Times reported that help from Ukraine in Mueller's case against Manafort was being halted due to fear of retribution from trump.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.

The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.

Now you admit you read ...

"We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump. If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

... but don't understand it.

Dumbfuck, they were encouraging them not to not halt helping with Mueller's investigation "if these reports are true," that they were doing so out of fear of Trump.The letter doesn't even have anything to do with Mueller's investigation of Trump. It was in regard to Mueller's findings on Manafort's illegal connections with Ukraine.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.

Yep, only after prosecutors got a judge to wave the statute of limitations and none of Manaforts crimes had a damn thing to do with Russian interference or the campaign.

Manafort was prosecuted under Mueller's investigation. That's what the NY Times article was about and that's what the letter by those 3 Democrats was about.

You remain a complete moron, as evidenced by you asking me to a post a law I had already posted and which you already read.

Manafort was prosecuted for things that happened long before he was associated with Trump, the Mueller prosecutor revived the case that was originally dropped by Weisman just because of his association with the campaign.

Trump was conducting his constitutional responsibility of foreign affairs, he broke no law on that call. You commies pretending he did, doesn't make it so.

Too bad trump didn't rely on his own intelligence agencies to look into the matter but instead, solicited help from a foreign national.

Perhaps it's because the incident happened with and involved the foreign national government. Seems to make sense. You want our intelligence to spy on them instead? How is that good? Simply asking them to look into possible criminal activity involving our own people is the right thing to do. Especially when we have a treaty for that very thing.
Asking for foreign aid to investigate a political rival serves to benefit Trump's campaign. That's illegal.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.

The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

The investigations were completed and closed. Trump asked him to look into it anyway.

You're such a dumbshit (i.e., typical conservative)

The NY Times reported that help from Ukraine in Mueller's case against Manafort was being halted due to fear of retribution from trump.

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.

But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.

The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.

Now you admit you read ...

"We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump. If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

... but don't understand it.

Dumbfuck, they were encouraging them not to not halt helping with Mueller's investigation "if these reports are true," that they were doing so out of fear of Trump.The letter doesn't even have anything to do with Mueller's investigation of Trump. It was in regard to Mueller's findings on Manafort's illegal connections with Ukraine.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.

Yep, only after prosecutors got a judge to wave the statute of limitations and none of Manaforts crimes had a damn thing to do with Russian interference or the campaign.

Manafort was prosecuted under Mueller's investigation. That's what the NY Times article was about and that's what the letter by those 3 Democrats was about.

You remain a complete moron, as evidenced by you asking me to a post a law I had already posted and which you already read.

Manafort was prosecuted for things that happened long before he was associated with Trump, the Mueller prosecutor revived the case that was originally dropped by Weisman just because of his association with the campaign.

Trump was conducting his constitutional responsibility of foreign affairs, he broke no law on that call. You commies pretending he did, doesn't make it so.


Trying to help his own campaign is not a "Constitutional responsibility."
Perhaps it's because the incident happened with and involved the foreign national government. Seems to make sense. You want our intelligence to spy on them instead? How is that good? Simply asking them to look into possible criminal activity involving our own people is the right thing to do. Especially when we have a treaty for that very thing.
Asking for foreign aid to investigate a political rival serves to benefit Trump's campaign. That's illegal.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.

The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

The investigations were completed and closed. Trump asked him to look into it anyway.

Yep, because the public are still asking the same damn questions. Well people concerned with good government are asking, you commies could care less what quid pro joe, make my son rich, did in Ukraine or China.

Poor thing, is the ny slimes the best you got. Besides Manafort had nothing to do with Muellers primary mission of Russian interference. Ukraine on the other hand could provide valuable information on the genesis of intel attacks on Trump. That was the favor he asked.

Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.

Yep, only after prosecutors got a judge to wave the statute of limitations and none of Manaforts crimes had a damn thing to do with Russian interference or the campaign.

Manafort was prosecuted under Mueller's investigation. That's what the NY Times article was about and that's what the letter by those 3 Democrats was about.

You remain a complete moron, as evidenced by you asking me to a post a law I had already posted and which you already read.

Manafort was prosecuted for things that happened long before he was associated with Trump, the Mueller prosecutor revived the case that was originally dropped by Weisman just because of his association with the campaign.

Trump was conducting his constitutional responsibility of foreign affairs, he broke no law on that call. You commies pretending he did, doesn't make it so.


Trying to help his own campaign is not a "Constitutional responsibility."

You need to talk to the dept of energy, see if they are interested is a perpetual spin machine.

Asking for foreign aid to investigate a political rival serves to benefit Trump's campaign. That's illegal.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.

The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

The investigations were completed and closed. Trump asked him to look into it anyway.

Yep, because the public are still asking the same damn questions. Well people concerned with good government are asking, you commies could care less what quid pro joe, make my son rich, did in Ukraine or China.

Then Trump should have had it investigated by his own agencies. Soliciting help from a foreign national is illegal even if righties were still not happy with the fact that any related investigations were already closed with no actions against either Biden.
Manafort was always at the heart of this investigation. in 2016, the FBI obtained warrants to search his property and acquire wiretaps. Specifically, under Mueller's investigation, he was indicted, convicted and sentenced. And the letter from those 3 Democrats says nothing about "intel attacks on trump." You're just making more shit up now.

Yep, only after prosecutors got a judge to wave the statute of limitations and none of Manaforts crimes had a damn thing to do with Russian interference or the campaign.

Manafort was prosecuted under Mueller's investigation. That's what the NY Times article was about and that's what the letter by those 3 Democrats was about.

You remain a complete moron, as evidenced by you asking me to a post a law I had already posted and which you already read.

Manafort was prosecuted for things that happened long before he was associated with Trump, the Mueller prosecutor revived the case that was originally dropped by Weisman just because of his association with the campaign.

Trump was conducting his constitutional responsibility of foreign affairs, he broke no law on that call. You commies pretending he did, doesn't make it so.


Trying to help his own campaign is not a "Constitutional responsibility."

You need to talk to the dept of energy, see if they are interested is a perpetual spin machine.


It's not the Department of Energy you need to worry about --- it's the House Judiciary Committee that's your problem.

He asked to address a public concern, there has been nothing settled on the presidential contest. Stop pretending is has. Trump has no dem rivals at this time.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.

The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

The investigations were completed and closed. Trump asked him to look into it anyway.

Yep, because the public are still asking the same damn questions. Well people concerned with good government are asking, you commies could care less what quid pro joe, make my son rich, did in Ukraine or China.

Then Trump should have had it investigated by his own agencies. Soliciting help from a foreign national is illegal even if righties were still not happy with the fact that any related investigations were already closed with no actions against either Biden.

Duh, isn't that exactly what he did? I could have sworn he asked Zelensky to have his folks cooperate with the AG. If I understand the treaty, that's what it calls for.

Sliming a political rival is a value to his campaign.

The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

The investigations were completed and closed. Trump asked him to look into it anyway.

Yep, because the public are still asking the same damn questions. Well people concerned with good government are asking, you commies could care less what quid pro joe, make my son rich, did in Ukraine or China.

Then Trump should have had it investigated by his own agencies. Soliciting help from a foreign national is illegal even if righties were still not happy with the fact that any related investigations were already closed with no actions against either Biden.

Duh, isn't that exactly what he did? I could have sworn he asked Zelensky to have his folks cooperate with the AG. If I understand the treaty, that's what it calls for.


As if you can understand anything. :lol:

Again, you asked me to post something I already posted and you already read.
The allegations were already in the public domain, Trump didn't bring up anything new. Also Biden slimes himself just about every time he opens his mouth.

The investigations were completed and closed. Trump asked him to look into it anyway.

Yep, because the public are still asking the same damn questions. Well people concerned with good government are asking, you commies could care less what quid pro joe, make my son rich, did in Ukraine or China.

Then Trump should have had it investigated by his own agencies. Soliciting help from a foreign national is illegal even if righties were still not happy with the fact that any related investigations were already closed with no actions against either Biden.

Duh, isn't that exactly what he did? I could have sworn he asked Zelensky to have his folks cooperate with the AG. If I understand the treaty, that's what it calls for.


As if you can understand anything. :lol:

Again, you asked me to post something I already posted and you already read.

Spin on commie, you've got nothing new.


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