While Democrats Proclaim Climate Change and PTA Moms Are the Biggest Threats to America


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
American universities are overrun with terrorism loving, anti-American ‘students’. Never mind all of the Al Queda and Hamas terrorists who’ve come across our southern border.

There’ll be a major terrorist attack in America soon, and we already know who’s allowed it to happen.

Yeah right. Today's Democrats and education system groomers think that a mom who is against having her third grader instructed on how to give one of his classmates a blowjob is somehow public enemy #1. These same people are appalled that Lauren Bobert gave a consenting adult a little rub in a movie theater. They're also the same 'chicken littles' who have been predicting the immanent end of the earth for decades. Democrats are confused losers who seem to have been brainwashed by our education system. MAGA
American universities are overrun with terrorism loving, anti-American ‘students’. Never mind all of the Al Queda and Hamas terrorists who’ve come across our southern border.

There’ll be a major terrorist attack in America soon, and we already know who’s allowed it to happen.

And Ayatollah Joe wants us to pay for their indoctrination loans.
American universities are overrun with terrorism loving, anti-American ‘students’. Never mind all of the Al Queda and Hamas terrorists who’ve come across our southern border.

There’ll be a major terrorist attack in America soon, and we already know who’s allowed it to happen.

Would we really cry over Hamas attacking DC?
American universities are overrun with terrorism loving, anti-American ‘students’. Never mind all of the Al Queda and Hamas terrorists who’ve come across our southern border.

There’ll be a major terrorist attack in America soon, and we already know who’s allowed it to happen.

The U.S. and Israel are currently providing massive propaganda victories to Islam's MAGA equivalents so you're probably right that we should expect retaliation. The policy we've followed my entire life that the only way to defeat terrorists is by creating more terrorists has to end.
The U.S. and Israel are currently providing massive propaganda victories to Islam's MAGA equivalents so you're probably right that we should expect retaliation. The policy we've followed my entire life that the only way to defeat terrorists is by creating more terrorists has to end.
Yes, because we all know Islam and their Democrat cheerleaders are famous for truth telling.

From fake news about koran flashings to fake news about Jews bombing hospitals, you freaks love propaganda.
Yes, because we all know Islam and their Democrat cheerleaders are famous for truth telling.

From fake news about koran flashings to fake news about Jews bombing hospitals, you freaks love propaganda.
There are a lot of terrorist lovers on this forum, and the Dimwinger party.

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