Which of the following will turn more Independents to the Republican side for 2022 election?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.
The man is a danger to ourselves and this country and needs to be 25thd

At least his whore can stay awake all day, not shit herself, and still have the energy for some bukake action in the PM

Boy Lisa...................you'll have the libturds circling this one...lolol
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.

None of the above, really.

Independents knew that Sleepy Joe was a train wreck before the election last year and still voted for him. They are more offended by President Trump's "unpresidential tweeting" that any of his policies.

The key to getting independent votes is keeping Trump off of Twitter so their snowflake hearts aren't offended.

If Independents are the key to the 2024 election, the folks at Twitter will be the reason why Trump gets back in, by their removal of the Trumpster.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.

That's just the short list. It's still another year until 2022, so you'll be able to at least double the list.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.
The entire strategy for the Left is to continue to demonize Trump and refer to all political rivals as "Trumpets"

Look for some more bashing of Trump come election time in the form of another conspiracy, law suit, or "riot", etc.

It is all they have

Remember, Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.

3 is the only one that will move the needle in my opinion. But the election is also a year off and much can change before then. If the supply chain issues are better and oil production is up then inflation will be down and Biden will take credit for it like all presidents try to do.
The entire strategy for the Left is to continue to demonize Trump and refer to all political rivals as "Trumpets"

Look for some more bashing of Trump come election time in the form of another conspiracy, law suit, or "riot", etc.

It is all they have

Remember, Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th.
So true. In Virginia, the Democrat candidate for Governor has only one line of attack against his opponent: that he’s another Trump. He’s trying to rally the anti-Trump contingent to turn out to vote, but Trump isn’t on the ballot, no matter how much the Dem wants to make it a race against Trump.
3 is the only one that will move the needle in my opinion. But the election is also a year off and much can change before then. If the supply chain issues are better and oil production is up then inflation will be down and Biden will take credit for it like all presidents try to do.
We agree on something. I think it’s number 3, also. People vote their pocketbooks.
We agree on something. I think it’s number 3, also. People vote their pocketbooks.
People also vote because of their hatred towards people.

In fact, the most hated usually loses.

Has the DNC demonized Trump adequately to win?

That is the issue. It is a given the economy won't be as good.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.
Those are highly touted, current issues, no denying. Many are independent as not liking either party for obvious reasons. May turn independents to look at different candidates, but many like myself, would not support a republican candidate in the next election, if it might mean the end of fair, open elections where the winner won and peacefully transitioned into office, per the constitution. I am not willing to give up representative republic government based on the constitution and do not see this changing. Trumpers, still appear to think it valid to put all that "constitution, rule of law, and democratic traditions stuff" behind us if they can get their guy in, just to gain presidential power back. As long as they support trump's stance and the actions and vitriol in that direction, I will not be voting a republican for any national office. State republicans are fine, as long as they do not try to win the state vote, by favoring the trump national policies. I vote for in state official, based on their positions on in-state issues and what I think of them, regardless of party. It is what independent is all about.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.
I'm gonna hafta go with "none of the above" wine those are all fake news.

I'll add one for ya though:

5) conservitard propaganda and fake news.
He won in 2016 over his border stance and lost 2020 due to mail in voting.
He lost in 2020 due to a combination of mail-in ballots AND the four-year media campaign to hide his many positive decisions AND the year-long campaign to hide Biden’s substantial flaws.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.

The problem is voters have short memories. However I think that he totally lost any military vote by bringing back sissies in dresses and allowing 13 men and women to needlessly die in Afghanistan. I think that eventually people will be returning back to work so I don't see the inflation rate going much higher than today, although it's plenty high for most people already. That's with the exception if they get their multi-trillion dollar pork bill passed and they have to start printing more phony money.

But as we all know a year is a long time in politics. We have no idea what China is going to do in Taiwan nor what Biden's response might be. He may be helpless depending on what kind of dirt they have on him and Hunter they don't want the US citizens to know about.

Trying to predict what will happen in politics a year from now is like trying to predict the winning lottery numbers tonight.
1) The fact that Biden not only seems uninterested in the surge of illegal migrants he created, but is actually making it easier for them to come here, COVID or not.

2) The fact that the education union conspired with the WH to get the FBI to target parents objecting to CRT and other liberal policies as a way to intimidate them, and others, into silence, or more broadly, positioning nearly half of all voters as enemies of America and dividing us further.

3) Skyrocketing inflation and product shortages, the first exacerbated by the huge influx of money (welfare) into the system and the second exacerbated by the freebies that have businesses unable to staff up.

4) The fact that Biden is becoming more and more cognitively inclined by the day, and we need a Republican Congress to offset the damage a Marxisf-leaning Harris would cause the country.

Fuel and energy prices.

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