CDZ Which is worse....nazism or communism?


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Anyone who knows much history understands the communists slaughtered millions and millions more than the nazis did.

Now when nazis or neo nazis and communists clash....who does the media support? I shouldn't have to tell you as I am sure most of you know the answer.

Nazism is generallly speaking an artifact of real nazis around anymore...the few who are known as neo-nazis are not really nazis...they have just adopted a moniker which they know irritates the hell out of the in stick their finger in the medias eye....just for the hell of it.

But the communists aka the leftwingers, marxists and socialists abound in America...yet the media(being leftwing itself)will not admit they pose any danger...when in fact they are a huge danger to the future of America...but the media of course does not recognize that...but they are ever so ready to conjure up the nazi and kkk threat like it is a real threat...just another example of the fake news and how they mislead so many.

BTW blacks in Chicago kill more fellow blacks in 6 months than the KKK did in it's entire 86 year history. But do you hear the media mention that?

Allen West: More black-on-black murders in six months than by 'KKK' in 86 years
Communism doesn't exist.
There's always going to be a power player who uses the notion to become a dictator.
Anyone who knows much history understands the communists slaughtered millions and millions more than the nazis did.

Now when nazis or neo nazis and communists clash....who does the media support? I shouldn't have to tell you as I am sure most of you know the answer.

Nazism is generallly speaking an artifact of real nazis around anymore...the few who are known as neo-nazis are not really nazis...they have just adopted a moniker which they know irritates the hell out of the in stick their finger in the medias eye....just for the hell of it.

But the communists aka the leftwingers, marxists and socialists abound in America...yet the media(being leftwing itself)will not admit they pose any danger...when in fact they are a huge danger to the future of America...but the media of course does not recognize that...but they are ever so ready to conjure up the nazi and kkk threat like it is a real threat...just another example of the fake news and how they mislead so many.

BTW blacks in Chicago kill more fellow blacks in 6 months than the KKK did in it's entire 86 year history. But do you hear the media mention that?

Allen West: More black-on-black murders in six months than by 'KKK' in 86 years

They are both about the same.

As we have seen far left terrorism will never be denounced by the far left, they see it as peaceful protesting.
Communism doesn't exist.
There's always going to be a power player who uses the notion to become a dictator.
There is an ongoing attempt to revive it or use it as a base to push agendas..... I was just looking at some info on websites of the communist pushers. The real question to ask your self is who is behind them and if they really think their ploy will work.

edit to add...for believers keep in mind both are antichrist murderous factions
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Communism or Nazism?

It's all shitty.

I suppose Nazism is more like dysentery since you have a better chance at survival.

Either way you're best chance at survival is to avoid drinking anything a libturd tries to serve you.

Communism doesn't exist.
There's always going to be a power player who uses the notion to become a dictator.

Communism doesn't exist.
There's always going to be a power player who uses the notion to become a dictator.

Yet -- In the previous administration we had the communications director(Anita Dunn) serving under obama who declared her admiration for MaoTseTung....was she crucified?...of course not...but can you imagine what the reaction would be if some member of the Trump administration expressed admiration for Hitler? Mao killed millions more than Hitler....yet we see a double standard in communists, socialists or leftwingers of any note are not considered despicable by our media or by the democratic party which of course has transformed into a radical left wing party.

Anyone who knows much history understands the communists slaughtered millions and millions more than the nazis did.

Now when nazis or neo nazis and communists clash....who does the media support? I shouldn't have to tell you as I am sure most of you know the answer.

Nazism is generallly speaking an artifact of real nazis around anymore...the few who are known as neo-nazis are not really nazis...they have just adopted a moniker which they know irritates the hell out of the in stick their finger in the medias eye....just for the hell of it.

But the communists aka the leftwingers, marxists and socialists abound in America...yet the media(being leftwing itself)will not admit they pose any danger...when in fact they are a huge danger to the future of America...but the media of course does not recognize that...but they are ever so ready to conjure up the nazi and kkk threat like it is a real threat...just another example of the fake news and how they mislead so many.

BTW blacks in Chicago kill more fellow blacks in 6 months than the KKK did in it's entire 86 year history. But do you hear the media mention that?

Allen West: More black-on-black murders in six months than by 'KKK' in 86 years

They are both about the same.

As we have seen far left terrorism will never be denounced by the far left, they see it as peaceful protesting.

Not the same at all....millions more of deaths(murders) under leftwing totalitarian regimes than under fascist or Nazi regimes to begin with.

Terrorism is a different subject...and I do not agree that leftwingers have never denounced it...but they give Islam way to much recognition as being something it is not aka...a peaceful religion. But they are not the only ones even some pc republicans do the same...including george with a little g bush...aka the moron.
Communism or Nazism?

It's all shitty.

I suppose Nazism is more like dysentery since you have a better chance at survival.

Either way you're best chance at survival is to avoid drinking anything a libturd tries to serve you.

The point I am making is that the media wants to present itself as representing American Values and at the same time they constantly show they are hypocritical when it comes to Rightwingers vs. Leftwingers....anything rightwing is open to condemnation by the media but they completely ignore or praise the other side of the totolitarian coin.
Communism doesn't exist.
There's always going to be a power player who uses the notion to become a dictator.
There is an ongoing attempt to revive it or use it as a base to push agendas..... I was just looking at some info on websites of the communist pushers. The real question to ask your self is who is behind them and if they really think their ploy will work.

edit to add...for believers keep in mind both are antichrist murderous factions

Our universities are over-run with marxist/communist/socialist professors who have had a major impact on the minds of their a recent survey the majority of college students said that everyone should get 'equal' pay.

The left wing agenda is a major threat to America...unlike nazism or the kkk...neither of which could fill a decent size stadium anywhere in America.

In a nutshell what the media has done is to create a boogyman or more accuraelly boogey men...aka nazis, the kkk and evil white racists. Completely ignoring reality...thus their moniker of the 'fake news' which they constantly prove. BTW most modern jew hatred comes from the liberal side of the aisle...they will often try to camouflage it...oh we do not hate jews...just zionists.

Look at what mlk said about haters of Zionism........Martin Luther King & Israel
Communism doesn't exist.
There's always going to be a power player who uses the notion to become a dictator.
There is an ongoing attempt to revive it or use it as a base to push agendas..... I was just looking at some info on websites of the communist pushers. The real question to ask your self is who is behind them and if they really think their ploy will work.

edit to add...for believers keep in mind both are antichrist murderous factions

Our universities are over-run with marxist/communist/socialist professors who have had a major impact on the minds of their a recent survey the majority of college students said that everyone should get 'equal' pay.

The left wing agenda is a major threat to America...unlike nazism or the kkk...neither of which could fill a decent size stadium anywhere in America.

In a nutshell what the media has done is to create a boogyman or more accuraelly boogey men...aka nazis, the kkk and evil white racists. Completely ignoring reality...thus their moniker of the 'fake news' which they constantly prove. BTW most modern jew hatred comes from the liberal side of the aisle...they will often try to camouflage it...oh we do not hate jews...just zionists.

Look at what mlk said about haters of Zionism........Martin Luther King & Israel
Different things going on with it all. I would call it more like a roundup in a power struggle between principalities and powers.
Our universities are over-run with marxist/communist/socialist professors who have had a major impact on the minds of their a recent survey the majority of college students said that everyone should get 'equal' pay.

The left wing agenda is a major threat to America...unlike nazism or the kkk...neither of which could fill a decent size stadium anywhere in America.

In a recent poll 9% of American's said they didn't think it was bad to support white supremacy or KKK leanings. 9% of America is 22 million Americans. That's a larger percentage of American's than thought Trump should be the Republican Candidate for President. If you can't see the push for white nationalism to be main-stream you are blind.

As for the universities, I agree. And that's on us in the right wing. It's like the story of the woman who goes to college and rather than going for a science or engineering major, goes for a womens rights major and then protests that there aren't enough female science and engineering students.

The left CHOOSES to become educators a lot more than those on the right. What did you expect was going to happen there? If we want to change that we have to get our side in the classroom, not yell that they don't teach the values we want, but we aren't willing to actually teach them ourselves. That's pure hypocrisy.
Yet -- In the previous administration we had the communications director(Anita Dunn) serving under obama who declared her admiration for MaoTseTung....was she crucified?...of course not...but can you imagine what the reaction would be if some member of the Trump administration expressed admiration for Hitler? Mao killed millions more than Hitler....yet we see a double standard in communists, socialists or leftwingers of any note are not considered despicable by our media or by the democratic party which of course has transformed into a radical left wing party.

You can't say "fake news is the issue" and then push FAKE NEWS.

Remind me where she read that quote? Oh yes, she used it as a irony about Lee Atwater (strategist for Reagan and Bush) ironically using that quote. And actually she got more crap than the Republican for using it (she didn't pull irony off well, and Glenn Beck jumped on it).

But when Trump praises foreign enemies, says American POW's are not hero's, or tweets something horrible, we then say "oh he's just being ironic, don't take that seriously".

Well you can't play both sides of the same coin. You can't say "fake news is bad" then promote the exact same thing when it goes the other way.
Yet -- In the previous administration we had the communications director(Anita Dunn) serving under obama who declared her admiration for MaoTseTung....was she crucified?...of course not...but can you imagine what the reaction would be if some member of the Trump administration expressed admiration for Hitler? Mao killed millions more than Hitler....yet we see a double standard in communists, socialists or leftwingers of any note are not considered despicable by our media or by the democratic party which of course has transformed into a radical left wing party.

You can't say "fake news is the issue" and then push FAKE NEWS.

Remind me where she read that quote? Oh yes, she used it as a irony about Lee Atwater (strategist for Reagan and Bush) ironically using that quote. And actually she got more crap than the Republican for using it (she didn't pull irony off well, and Glenn Beck jumped on it).

But when Trump praises foreign enemies, says American POW's are not hero's, or tweets something horrible, we then say "oh he's just being ironic, don't take that seriously".

Well you can't play both sides of the same coin. You can't say "fake news is bad" then promote the exact same thing when it goes the other way.

Nonsense...obviously you did not watch the video where in her own words she said Mao Tse Tung was one of her favorite philosophers. Now try and imagine(not hard to do) how cnn would have reacted if one of Trump's people said Hitler was one of his favorite philosophers.

You are simply not being truthful and Trump never said American Pow's are not heroes though I would myself say that in a general sense--that would be does getting captured make one a hero? Obviously it does not...and to get off the subject a bit like you....that moniker(hero) is tossed around way too much...very few real heroes in this world and ones who really are will in most cases deny it.
Our universities are over-run with marxist/communist/socialist professors who have had a major impact on the minds of their a recent survey the majority of college students said that everyone should get 'equal' pay.

The left wing agenda is a major threat to America...unlike nazism or the kkk...neither of which could fill a decent size stadium anywhere in America.

In a recent poll 9% of American's said they didn't think it was bad to support white supremacy or KKK leanings. 9% of America is 22 million Americans. That's a larger percentage of American's than thought Trump should be the Republican Candidate for President. If you can't see the push for white nationalism to be main-stream you are blind.

As for the universities, I agree. And that's on us in the right wing. It's like the story of the woman who goes to college and rather than going for a science or engineering major, goes for a womens rights major and then protests that there aren't enough female science and engineering students.

The left CHOOSES to become educators a lot more than those on the right. What did you expect was going to happen there? If we want to change that we have to get our side in the classroom, not yell that they don't teach the values we want, but we aren't willing to actually teach them ourselves. That's pure hypocrisy.

Are you attempting to be 'disengenuous' or do you simply fail to understand that to say one does not oppose what someone else believes or supports somehow makes them a supporter of that cause.
Anyone who knows much history understands the communists slaughtered millions and millions more than the nazis did.

Now when nazis or neo nazis and communists clash....who does the media support? I shouldn't have to tell you as I am sure most of you know the answer.

Nazism is generallly speaking an artifact of real nazis around anymore...the few who are known as neo-nazis are not really nazis...they have just adopted a moniker which they know irritates the hell out of the in stick their finger in the medias eye....just for the hell of it.

But the communists aka the leftwingers, marxists and socialists abound in America...yet the media(being leftwing itself)will not admit they pose any danger...when in fact they are a huge danger to the future of America...but the media of course does not recognize that...but they are ever so ready to conjure up the nazi and kkk threat like it is a real threat...just another example of the fake news and how they mislead so many.

BTW blacks in Chicago kill more fellow blacks in 6 months than the KKK did in it's entire 86 year history. But do you hear the media mention that?

Allen West: More black-on-black murders in six months than by 'KKK' in 86 years

people on the left aren't communists, moron.

You are insulting and name calling...which is a violation of the rules in this forum.

Not all leftwingers are communists but all communists are leftwingers. Got Dat? hehheh

Would a socialist be insulted if someone called them a communist? Might be a little miffed...but in most cases I think not. But would a Republican be insulted if you called them a Nazi...big time and in just about every case I am sure.
Are you attempting to be 'disengenuous' or do you simply fail to understand that to say one does not oppose what someone else believes or supports somehow makes them a supporter of that cause.

No, all I am saying is that we can't sit here and complain "all the teachers are left wingers" if they are the ones that choose to get education degrees and right wingers don't.
Are you attempting to be 'disengenuous' or do you simply fail to understand that to say one does not oppose what someone else believes or supports somehow makes them a supporter of that cause.

And I believe the wording was "find it acceptable". And yes that amazed the crap out of me that nearly 1 in 10 people think it's ok to be a neo-nazi.

Like I said, my opinion is that if you think it's ok to go to a rally with the neo-nazi's and KKK, you are not a good person, even if you may agree on one of their stances. That's my thought. If there's a group waving swastika's and giving KKK salutes, that's not a group I think a good person would join. Others think that you can be a fine person if you join in their marches, but don't really fully believe what they stand for. I personally disagree.
Are you attempting to be 'disengenuous' or do you simply fail to understand that to say one does not oppose what someone else believes or supports somehow makes them a supporter of that cause.

No, all I am saying is that we can't sit here and complain "all the teachers are left wingers" if they are the ones that choose to get education degrees and right wingers don't. be perfectly honest that is 'part' of what you were saying...BTW I am not here to argue nor did I argue as to why most teachers that choose to get education degrees may be in I have seen no stats on that nor did you present any...though it does sound plausible.

My main concern in regards to that is why are there so many leftwing students in the first other words why is the pool of leftwing students who decide to get a degree in education so large? did so many students get indoctrinated into leftwing politics? Is it the chicken and egg thing? Is it a process that cannot be altered?

I would like to think that professors should teach the facts, the truth and not attempt to impose a particular ideology on their students...but of course we all know that is not what is happening in our schools and universities..particuarly the prestigeous east coast universities that are hotbeds of radicalism.
Are you attempting to be 'disengenuous' or do you simply fail to understand that to say one does not oppose what someone else believes or supports somehow makes them a supporter of that cause.

And I believe the wording was "find it acceptable". And yes that amazed the crap out of me that nearly 1 in 10 people think it's ok to be a neo-nazi.

Like I said, my opinion is that if you think it's ok to go to a rally with the neo-nazi's and KKK, you are not a good person, even if you may agree on one of their stances. That's my thought. If there's a group waving swastika's and giving KKK salutes, that's not a group I think a good person would join. Others think that you can be a fine person if you join in their marches, but don't really fully believe what they stand for. I personally disagree.

Again you are are your exact woids....I quote...."In a recent poll 9% of American's said they didn't think it was bad to support white supremacy or KKK leanings." as in they said it was not in we live in a free nation where people have the choice to be democrats, republicans or whatever. Nowhere or no how did they say they approve of such beliefs....they were in truth really saying it is not a bad thing when people use their freedom in America to make choices about their poliltics.

I would also add that most of those people at the rally in Virginia had no idea anyone would show up with nazi flags etc. Also...again...i think those props ...the flags etc. really did not indicate the true beliefs of those engaging in that...their intent was to shock and poke their finger in the medias eye and to tell them in essence...go to hell with your b.s. aka fake news.

Again the percentage of people in America who would identify with neo nazism or the kkk is so small as to be uncountable.

Yes, the Alt-Right Exists But That Is About All You Can Say About Them
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