Zone1 Which God?

Not even close to the truth. The prophets and apostles understood in their own time period. Today, we can be taught much more as we are much more ready to understand the fulness of the Gospel and the Plan of Salvation and Exaltation. What is true about the ancient records is that for those who follow true prophets of God today, they also understand the full meaning of what the prophets and apostles wrote down. In order to fully know, we have to be willing to learn and do those things that God commands today. The philosophies of man mingled with scripture that you follow is short the Glory of God by a wide range of the lack of knowledge of godly things. I know that I speak the truth of the prophets yesterday and today and forever.
As I said they could not comprehend the total meaning of what they witnessed. Like expecting a child to understand a graduate college course on Intelligence and Analytics. It was beyond their grasp, they attempted to interpret it on their terms in their languages.
As I said they could not comprehend the total meaning of what they witnessed. Like expecting a child to understand a graduate college course on Intelligence and Analytics. It was beyond their grasp, they attempted to interpret it on their terms in their languages.
The prophets didn’t do the interpreting. They are simply the messengers from God. The rabbis, priests and ministers interpret and in some cases incorrectly. That’s why we say that the Bible is correct as long as it is translated correctly. And, prophets have been missing for centuries until the Godhead opened again the windows of heaven.
The goal for what? Sitting on a cloud strumming a harp for ever? There will be unity and one goals, direction, purpose perfect within the Celestial Glory of Heaven. You think we will all be sitting around singing cumbaya or something for the rest of existence is ridiculous. Your philosophies of man mingled with scripture is useless and impractical nonsense.

there are forgeries and fallacies found on nearly every page of the c-bible ...

perfection is unachievable as no such allusion exists - purity, without sin as an example is the goal to acquire judgement for admission to the everlasting.
The goal for what? Sitting on a cloud strumming a harp for ever? There will be unity and one goals, direction, purpose perfect within the Celestial Glory of Heaven. You think we will all be sitting around singing cumbaya or something for the rest of existence is ridiculous. Your philosophies of man mingled with scripture is useless and impractical nonsense.
Correct, the very concept of Heaven is essentially boring. That's why we visit all these worlds.
A favorite challenge/throwdown by atheists is "Which God?", giggle, giggle.

I compiled the first answer I have ever seen. Please offer your suggestions
to add.

Which God?

“In God We Trust” – The Motto of the United States, found on every coin and every bill of currency

“God and My Right” – The Motto of Great Britain

Nature’s God, cited in America’s Declaration of Independence:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. “

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, . . . .And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

The U.S. Constitution was signed as follows:

“Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.”

Named in the Supreme Court Opening Prayer: “God bless this honorable court”.

“No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom…apart from the moral precepts of the Christian religion applied and accepted by all the classes.” – John Jay, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Founding Father

“The Christian religion, in its purity is the basis and the source of all genuine freedom in government.” – Noah Webster

“The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the only principles in which that beautiful assembly of young gentlemen could unite …the general principles of Christianity.” – John Adams

“If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” – Daniel Webster

“Our Constitution was made only for a religious people. It is wholly inappropriate for the government of any other.” - John Adams

The consensus of humanity, as Christians constitute the largest group in the world. Consensus is relentlessly cited as “proof” of Darwinian evolution, as “proof” of climate change, but strangely it is pooh-poohed by those consensus folks when it comes to Christianity.

The Holy Bible is the best-selling book of all time.

"I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt!" - Sir Lionel Luckhoo, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful attorney in history

“If you were to take the sum total of all authoritative articles ever written by the most qualified of psychologists and psychiatrists on the subject of mental hygiene--if you were to combine them and refine them and cleave out the excess verbiage if you were to take the whole of the meat and none of the parsley, and if you were to have these unadulterated bits of pure scientific knowledge concisely expressed by the most capable of living poets, you would have an awkward and incomplete summation of the Sermon on the Mount. And it would suffer immeasurably through comparison. For nearly two thousand years the Christian world has been holding in its hands the complete answer to its restless and fruitless yearnings. Here . . . rests the blueprint for successful human life with optimum mental health and contentment.” - A Few Buttons Missing: The Case Book of a Psychiatrist, by James T Fisher

Oxford University 1096 :

“The Lord is my light”

Harvard 1650:

through the good hand of God…

Brown University 1764:

Motto: In Deo Speramus, Latin for “In God We Trust”

Princeton University

Motto: “Dei sub numine viget”, Latin for “Under God’s Power She Flourishes”

University of Pennsylvania

“…hoping through the favour of Almighty God,”

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." ~Dr. Robert Jastrow

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1, validated by science only in the 20th Century
That's a very nice list of people supporting the right of religion to exist in this country. Worship is still allowed and unrestricted so the forefathers would be happy. Those realizing religion posed a threat to a free nation are also still protected. The United States has kept it's promise to all; establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.
“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1, validated by science only in the 20th Century

I hate to break the new to you but the story of the creation of heaven and earth do not follow the sequence of events described in the Big Bang theory. Science does not validate the story.

According to genesis the earth was already in existence when the spirit of God "hovered over the waters" and God said, "let there be light".

The story was never about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the sky, or the first pants, animals and human beings. It has always been about the law coming into the world as "a light to the nations" to teach intelligent people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, which creates by division a world above, heaven, from the world below, earth. The firmament or basis of heaven is the law. For all unclean creatures, metaphors for human archetypes who set aside Divine light, the world remains without shape or form and void.

A living hell.
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I hate to break the new to you but the story of the creation of heaven and earth do not follow the sequence of events described in the Big Bang theory. Science does not validate the story.

According to genesis the earth was already in existence when the spirit of God "hovered over the waters" and God said, "let there be light".

The story was never about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the sky, or the first pants, animals and human beings. It has always been about the law coming into the world as "a light to the nations" to teach intelligent people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, which creates by division a world above, heaven, from the world below, earth. The firmament or basis of heaven is the law. For all unclean creatures, metaphors for human archetypes who set aside Divine light, the world remains without shape or form and void.

A living hell.
It is logical to incorporate your god into the Big Bang, but not the reverse. The Big Bang is a real, actual concept, gods are not.
The Big Bang is a real, actual concept, gods are not.

Who said anything about gods?

The story seems to describe the earth being visited 6000 years ago by benevolent creatures from elsewhere, "living beings" from another sphere of highly evolved superior intelligences.

Hence, "the man has become 'like us' knowing good from evil."
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Who said anything about gods?

The story seems to describe the earth being visited 6000 years ago by benevolent creatures from elsewhere, "living beings" from another sphere of highly evolved superior intelligences.

Hence, "the man has become 'like us' knowing good from evil."
They did in our early history, one of the reasons gods became so powerful in our mythology.
They did in our early history, one of the reasons gods became so powerful in our mythology.
I suspect they have been intimately involved in the evolution of the species for at least 750,000 years and continue unabated to this day like a farmer tending to his fields.

I think that after the burckle crater event many cultures worldwide imagined an angry god up there somewhere with the power to destroy the world and so they started trying to appease this god by building temples making offerings and sacrificing virgins lest they incur his wrath.
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I suspect they have been intimately involved in the evolution of the species for at least 750,000 years and continue unabated to this day like a farmer tending to his fields.
They could have even created genetic mutations to come up with intelligent ( not so much ) life on this planet All a part of the bog plan.
I am destined to the 7th. Heaven. This is my last visit to this world. My current life here is waning quickly.
hopefully you will stay awhile longer. 5th Dimension song the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the verse with 7th Heaven was one of my favorite songs. There are 3 degrees of Glory as Paul wrote in First Corinthians chapter 15. Not seven. Good luck. Stay well.
there are forgeries and fallacies found on nearly every page of the c-bible ...

perfection is unachievable as no such allusion exists - purity, without sin as an example is the goal to acquire judgement for admission to the everlasting.
How do you know there are forgeries and fallacies? What proof do you have?
hopefully you will stay awhile longer. 5th Dimension song the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the verse with 7th Heaven was one of my favorite songs. There are 3 degrees of Glory as Paul wrote in First Corinthians chapter 15. Not seven. Good luck. Stay well.
Which demonstrates how much Paul didn't know. 7 in this world, more in others. You've got to remember this is a beginner's world.
Correct, the very concept of Heaven is essentially boring. That's why we visit all these worlds.
The concept that most Christians talk about is weird. That we would have nothing to do but love each other sitting around singing praises to the Godhead for eternity. Now, in hell, that's a possibility except the songs would be to Satan. We will not be bored but still in a much more glorious place. If you can just overcome the pride a bit, you may be able to obtain the Celestial Kingdom of Glory, the mansion that allows for eternal increase and potential.
The concept that most Christians talk about is weird. That we would have nothing to do but love each other sitting around singing praises to the Godhead for eternity. Now, in hell, that's a possibility except the songs would be to Satan. We will not be bored but still in a much more glorious place. If you can just overcome the pride a bit, you may be able to obtain the Celestial Kingdom of Glory, the mansion that allows for eternal increase and potential.
In truth, there is no heaven or hell. But there is more desirable. All cannot be in the center with the Creator entity. Basking in the light and glory ( pure love and warmth ). Those on the fringes of the Universe of Light ( Energy ) are destined to more darkness, cold and feeling less loved, but still loved There is no end, life is eternal and no damnation.
In truth, there is no heaven or hell. But there is more desirable. All cannot be in the center with the Creator entity. Basking in the light and glory ( pure love and warmth ). Those on the fringes of the Universe of Light ( Energy ) are destined to more darkness, cold and feeling less loved, but still loved There is no end, life is eternal and no damnation.
And your source is?
I guess the definition of each would help decide if there is a heaven or hell. Our take is simply heaven is where the Father and Son reside. Specifically, the Celestial Glory of Heaven found in First Corinthians chapter 15 and the Doctrine and Covenants Section 76. Terrestrial and Telestial Glory places are for those whose testimony in Jesus Christ are less than valiant. However, there are those who will decide on their own to reject the Holy Ghost and be destined for eternal damnation in a location found in D&C 76 as Perdition with Perdition or Satan.

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