Where will conservative white Christians come down on the battle between Trump and Pence

CALL: "Maybe (he) thinks he has said something important about that inane topic by bleating his nonsense about me?

RESPONSE: "...rarely, if ever, has the poster offered the forum a perceptive thoughtful analysis of the actual issues. Rather, nearly every post...perhaps all (?)......are mere ad hominem attacks...."
RESPONSE II : " ...it distracts the discussion from the actual topic and reduces it's potential to be informative. It also is probably sad because the poster, Back Again, may probably be older than his reliance on juvenile insults indicates."
So, now we see Chilliconfuzed for what he is. He has managed to learn how to use a quote function. He can post what he quotes into a new post — provided that he resorts to the use of a much larger font size. And he still can’t find his way to a point or to being on topic.

He’s just an empty little poseur.

Again, given a topic as insipid as the nonsense in this thread (a simply silly OP), it is understandable how Chilliconfuzed can remain off topic so much. Or, maybe, even petty little Chilliconfuzed grasps that worrying about white Christian males’ positions regarding an alleged Trump and Pence “battle” is a topic of zero significance.
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This may just be me, and, I do not wish for this to sound pejorative, but.......but after reading several dozen contributions by the post 'BackAgain'.......I am struck by the weak or absent content.

Meaning rarely, if ever, has the poster offered the forum a perceptive thoughtful analysis of the actual issues. Rather, nearly every post...perhaps all (?)......are mere ad hominem attacks on one poster or another.

And that's sad. For several reasons. One, it distracts the discussion from the actual topic and reduces it's potential to be informative. It also is probably sad because the poster, Back Again, may probably be older than his reliance on juvenile insults indicates.

So there's a loss there, I suppose. In my humble opinion.
I'm sure he'll give your advice the consideration it merits.
1. Russia had been a reliable partner, and was integrating with the civilized world, until Putin chose to invade Ukraine and become a vicious dictator very much like Stalin. Now all Russia has is China, 不好

The way of Russia in the future is first of all a decision of the people of Russia.

2. Trump does not accept riots,

Trump accepts not only riots which make him more mighty - he organized on his own such riots: See 2021 US Capitol attack.

specially when they burn down churches.

Good grief. What Trump says and is doing has absolutelly nothing to do with the Christian religion. In Africa were murdered a short time ago 100 Christians while celebrating Easter - the most important celebration of Christians also for peace and joy everywhere all over the world.

Peaceful protests are fine, but not riots.

no comment

That preacher can have her opinion,

That "preacher" is the representative bishop of the church which Donald Trump used for his demagogic anti-Christian racist action. Specially our black sisters and brothers in the USA impress with their Christian behavior and actions against all forms of hate between white and black people always again all Christians all over the world. What Donald Trump did do was totally respectless in the eyes of the terrible death of a man which had been caused from a policeman.

but Trump was doing his job the way we all wanted him to do it.

Absurde. Tell me what the members of the organisation "Black life matters" think about this anti-Christian action from Donald Trump and how Donald Trump represents the dignity of the black people of the USA. Donald Trump represents only the people who vote for him and also this only as long as they behave as if to be his slaves.

Keep the peace and maintain law and order.

Did January 6th never happened in your from to think?

Trump protected churches from rioters and his photo holding a bible emphasized it.

I guess many Christians would prefer to burn down the own churches before to need the private tutoring how this churches have to learn to pray to the anti-Christian narcissistic god Donald Trump.

Only the Leftist/Socialist press called it "incendiary" because of their hate for Trump.

3. Putin is a bad guy. Trump was a very good president,

That's why most US-Americans voted for Joe Biden?

but as my wife said "Trump is a bully". He is a very rich man used to bullying people to get his way.

He always in his life was the superman who spoke always only with his slaves who have to be 100% loyal to only thing which is importnat in this universe here: the narcissistic god Donald Trump.

He should have been more "presidential".

He never had been president of the USA. Simple reason for: He never learned to obey. He was the great president Donald Trump from an unknown fantasia land.

That is a personality flaw, not a major failing like Putin or Biden have.

Good grief. You have really a very drastic problem.

Putin is evil, and Biden is a senile moron who is always wrong. Both are bad leaders but in different ways. Trump was a very competent leader, but with an abrasive personality.

Incompetence - your name is Donald Trump. His political developement had been: (1) born (2) president of the USA.

4. My power recommendation for Germany is to keep their nuclear powerplants, and increase their security even if they even need to use the military.

Absurde senseless and incompetent way to think. A nuclear power plant is not a car, a truck or a ship. It exists a clear plan when to close them - which would under best conditoins not be able to be changed easily. And to renew a nuclear power plant in times of war in the neighborhood is for sure not the very best idea.

5. Trump is a very popular presidential candidate

What's a shame for the whole USA. I wonder why this man is not in jail and I never understood why this man got more than only one vote.

for about half the people in the USA.

Even when he had been elecetd in 2016 he had only 46.09% = 62.984.828 from 136.669.276 votes. And the USA has 331.449.281 inhabitants. So 19% of all US-Americans voted for him when he became president.

The other half hate him with a passion.

He's the first president of the USA who had never been a president for all US-Americans but only for the people who voted for him as long as they are 100% loyal to his person.

The half that hate him run the TV stations, except Fox News. You have no reason to hate Trump so much,

Hate is a much too big word for this super-idiot. If I had the duty to kill him then this would only show to me the helplessness of our political systems to find rational solutions for criminal dangerous problems. To give a man with a narcissistic personality disorder (danger: not to be able to see when he lost and to react adequate in such a situation) the command over the possibility to start an overkill of all mankind is more than only sick of the complete US-American political system.

at least until he puts tariffs on imported cars...

This was one of his most superstupid pseudo political discussions. The differences between the car tariffs between the EU and the USA in this context are nearly the same and unimportant. And the problems of different tarrifs had been discussed and solved in the proceedings of TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). Trump stopped and killed this process because he prefered to make votes with anti-European and anti-German nationalistic pro-American feelings (political message: "Everyone is an enemy of the USA! Trump is the only help for the USA!").

and makes fair trade deals.

The word "fair" not exists in the language of Donald Trump. "Fair" is "strengh" and it exists only one strong man: Donald Trump - who is indeed a weak unfair man.

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The way of Russia in the future is first of all a decision of the people of Russia.

Trump accepts not only riots which make him more mighty - he organized on his own such riots: See 2021 US Capitol attack.

Good grief. What Trump says and is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian religion. In Africa were murdered a short time ago 100 Christians while celebrating Easter - the most important celebration of Christians also for peace and joy everywhere all over the world.

That "preacher" is the representative bishop of the church which Donald Trump used for his demagogic anti-Christian racist action. Specially our black sisters and brothers in the USA impress with their Christian behavior and actions against all forms of hate between white and black people always again all Christians all over the world. What Donald Trump did do was totally disrespectful in the eyes of the terrible death of a man which had been caused from a policeman.

Absurd. Tell me what the members of the organisation "Black life matters" think about this anti-Christian action from Donald Trump and how Donald Trump represents the dignity of the black people of the USA. Donald Trump represents only the people who vote for him and also this only as long as they behave as if to be his slaves.

Did January 6th never happened in your from to think?

I guess many Christians would prefer to burn down the own churches before to need the private tutoring how this churches have to learn to pray to the anti-Christian narcissistic god Donald Trump.

That's why most US-Americans voted for Joe Biden?

He always in his life was the superman who spoke always only with his slaves who have to be 100% loyal to only thing which is important in this universe here: the narcissistic god Donald Trump.

He never had been president of the USA. Simple reason for: He never learned to obey. He was the great president Donald Trump from an unknown fantasia land.

Good grief. You have really a very drastic problem.

Incompetence - your name is Donald Trump. His political development had been: (1) born (2) president of the USA.

Absurd senseless and incompetent way to think. A nuclear power plant is not a car, a truck or a ship. It exists a clear plan when to close them - which would under best conditoins not be able to be changed easily. And to renew a nuclear power plant in times of war in the neighborhood is for sure not the very best idea.

What's a shame for the whole USA. I wonder why this man is not in jail and I never understood why this man got more than only one vote.

Even when he had been elected in 2016 he had only 46.09% = 62.984.828 from 136.669.276 votes. And the USA has 331.449.281 inhabitants. So 19% of all US-Americans voted for him when he became president.

He's the first president of the USA who had never been a president for all US-Americans but only for the people who voted for him as long as they are 100% loyal to his person.

Hate is a much too big word for this super-idiot. If I had the duty to kill him then this would only show to me the helplessness of our political systems to find rational solutions for criminal dangerous problems. To give a man with a narcissistic personality disorder (danger: not to be able to see when he lost and to react adequate in such a situation) the command over the possibility to start an overkill of all mankind is more than only sick of the complete US-American political system.

This was one of his most super-stupid pseudo political discussions. The differences between the car tariffs between the EU and the USA in this context are nearly the same and unimportant. And the problems of different tariffs had been discussed and solved in the proceedings of TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). Trump stopped and killed this process because he preferred to make votes with anti-European and anti-German nationalistic pro-American feelings (political message: "Everyone is an enemy of the USA! Trump is the only help for the USA!").

The word "fair" not exists in the language of Donald Trump. "Fair" is "strength" and it exists only one strong man: Donald Trump - who is indeed a weak unfair man.
1. The "people of Russia have no say in what happens. Putin, a vicious dictator has total control of Russia.

2. If you want to compare "riots" the BLM riots were much worse than the January 6th "protest".

3. BLM is not a Christian organization. BLM is a money scam. The Leader" loves to buy expensive mansions.

4. Why did most Americans vote for Biden? Because they are stupid and now wish they would have voted for Trump. Polls today have Trump beating Biden badly.

5. If you don't like nuclear power, then what type of power should Germany use? You criticize a lot, but don't put up any practical answers.

6. We agree that Trump has a personality disorder, and that does NOT allow him to evaluate options since he insists on his way, that is NOT presidential. But, Trump is a successful businessman and does understand business. Trump did run the US much better than Biden is doing, and voters would elect Trump in 2024 over any democrat.
Where will conservative white Christians come down on the battle between Trump and Pence.
Trump can see that Pence is being painted as the hero in stopping Trump from stealing the election by many Republicans and Independents.
Trump came out with both barrels firing, against Pence, this weekend, at a Christian conference. The reaction was tepid at best.
Pence is a long time proven conservative white Christian.
Trump is Trump.
Pence is a faker





swamp creature
Again, given a topic as insipid as the nonsense in this thread (a simply silly OP), it is understandable how Chilliconfuzed can remain off topic so much. Or, maybe, even petty little Chilliconfuzed grasps that worrying about white Christian males’ positions regarding an alleged Trump and Pence “battle” is a topic of zero significance.
it is significant in the sense that Trumpers don't like Pence and are not going to give him another thought if he becomes a 24 candidate
it is significant in the sense that Trumpers don't like Pence and are not going to give him another thought if he becomes a 24 candidate
I will support Trump or DeSantis. If they fail to gain enough electoral traction, I wouldn’t hesitate to support Pence. Or Cruz.
Where will conservative white Christians come down on the battle between Trump and Pence.
Trump can see that Pence is being painted as the hero in stopping Trump from stealing the election by many Republicans and Independents.
Trump came out with both barrels firing, against Pence, this weekend, at a Christian conference. The reaction was tepid at best.
Pence is a long time proven conservative white Christian.
Trump is Trump.

1. The "people of Russia have no say in what happens.

Who knows the history of Russia is more than astonished that the voice of truth in the souls of the Russians never was able to be killed forever. We will see what will happen.

Putin, a vicious dictator has total control of Russia.

Putin is an old sick man with insane dreams. Like everyone of us he will one day stand in front of god - naked like a nothing - while Jesus has to think about whether to recreate him - or not.

2. If you want to compare "riots" the BLM riots were much worse than the January 6th "protest".
View attachment 661020

3. BLM is not a Christian organization.

That's for me totally unimportant. A president of the USA has also to be a president for this US-Americans. Not to share 100% of everyones opinion makes no one to anyones enemy.

BLM is a money scam. The Leader" loves to buy expensive mansions.

If you know from a crime then speak with the police.

4. Why did most Americans vote for Biden? Because they are stupid

Good to know.

and now wish they would have voted for Trump. Polls today have Trump beating Biden badly.

Polls? ... "Meinungsumfragen"... got it. I don't trust in all polls - not even in self-made polls.

5. If you don't like nuclear power,

¿like? ... What for heavens sake should someone like or not like in case of nuclear power? It is what it is. Fukushima was constructed to handle also earth quakls - but then came a magnitude of 9.0 and a very big tsunami no one had thought about before it came. And the result and costs had been and will be drastic.

then what type of power should Germany use?

Enough energy so no one has to freeze to death next winter. Russia for sure will not have problems in the next winter. I heard Putin - and many other "oilocrats" - never made so much money as now.

You criticize a lot,

Do I?

but don't put up any practical answers.

Why should I discuss with an US-American about our problems? You will see how many Germans and how many of our companies will survive next winter.

6. We agree that Trump has a personality disorder,

You agree? And you vote for such a sick person? ... Strange!

and that does NOT allow him to evaluate options since he insists on his way, that is NOT presidential. But, Trump is a successful businessman and does understand business.

I never had this impression from him. He's rich and unreal - that's all.

Trump did run the US much better than Biden is doing,

The problem: What you see now is in most cases still the result of the government Trump and other former governments of the USA. All results of the government Biden you will see much later.

and voters would elect Trump in 2024 over any democrat.

Would if they will do so ... should the democrats nomiante an anti-demicrta? By the way: to nominate an anti-republican because he will win for the Republican party which Trumpf now transfers to his own "T-party" is from my point of view also a little weird.
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Who knows the history of Russia is more than astonished that the voice of truth in the souls of the Russians never was able to be killed forever. We will see what will happen. Putin is an old sick man with insane dreams. Like everyone of us he will one day stand in front of god - naked like a nothing - while Jesus has to think about whether to recreate him - or not.

That's for me totally unimportant. A president of the USA has also to be a president for this US-Americans. Not to share 100% of everyone's opinion makes no one to anyone's enemy.

If you know from a crime then speak with the police.

Good to know.

Polls? ... "Meinungsumfragen"... got it. I don't trust in all polls - not even in self-made polls.

¿like? ... What for heavens sake should someone like or not like in case of nuclear power? It is what it is. Fukushima was constructed to handle also earth quakes - but then came a magnitude of 9.0 and a very big tsunami no one had thought about before it came. And the result and costs had been and will be drastic.

Enough energy so no one has to freeze to death next winter. Russia for sure will not have problems in the next winter. I heard Putin - and many other "oil-ocrats" - never made so much money as now.

Do I?
Why should I discuss with an US-American about our problems? You will see how many Germans and how many of our companies will survive next winter.

You agree? And you vote for such a sick person? ... Strange!

I never had this impression from him. He's rich and unreal - that's all.

The problem: What you see now is in most cases still the result of the government Trump and other former governments of the USA. All results of the government Biden you will see much later.

Would if they will do so ... should the democrats nominate an anti-democrat? By the way: to nominate an anti-republican because he will win for the Republican party which Trumpf now transfers to his own "T-party" is from my point of view also a little weird.
1. True, Putin won't live forever, lets hope the Russian people have better luck after Putin.

2. BLM is done. The police finally realize that they are always being filmed and the bad cops left. The problem now is that we don't have enough cops and the criminals rule the city streets.

3. Polls? ... "Meinungsumfragen". Yes, most polls are inaccurate, but when you look at many polls they do tend to show the truth. Right now Trump would beat Biden in 2024.

4. True, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi, Three Mile Island, were all nuclear powerplant disasters. All three could have easily been prevented. Is that a reason to not use nuclear power for electricity? I say no. I say learn from the stupid mistakes and make them better and safer. Keep society functioning.

5. Yes, the NATO sanctions on Russia did nothing but give Putin more money since the price of oil is now so high, and he sells to India, China, and other places instead of the EU. "Always wrong" Biden "the moron" should have pumped more US oil to keep the price of oil down.

6. Trump had the US the best it was ever before the pandemic hit. You can't blame Biden's stupidity on Trump. That is just a lie.

7. The democrat's policies have all failed miserably. Trump may run in 2024, or he may choose not to. I prefer any other Republican to Trump, but we'll see who the Republicans vote for in the primary elections.
If Trump wins the nomination I will vote for him. Maybe he learned how to control his ego better?
There are many elements of this period about which I have said, "I never thought I would see something like that, never, ever", it's the "Christian" Right selling its soul, literally, to this awful person.

They've made their priorities clear, and at the top is certainly not God.
You're clearly still stuck in 70's - 90's era where the fight was against the 'religious' right and to defeat them at all costs. Why would you care what their priorities are one way or the other?? What does it matter to you, they've been your enemy for so long that you can't fathom railing against anything else? Does it matter so that you can continue to call them hypocrites as you've done for decades? Are you feeling lost not being able to sling the same old mud that you always have? Aren't you a 'progressive'? You're supposed to like and embrace change, are you not?

You're no longer fighting the 'religious right', there is no such thing, at least not with any modicum of power. What you're fighting, and have always been fighting, in the guise of 'fighting religious zeal', is simple common sense and constitutional principles. It's what your kind has always really been trying to defeat in your quest for power, and the 'religious right' just stood in your way, for a while anyway. But they're not in your way any longer, so you have to pick a new enemy to paint as the 'bad guy', and that enemy to you is anyone that stands for common sense and constitutional principles. And that's why you, and your fellow leftie brethren, hate Trump with as much religious zeal as any hard core christian I've ever known. Here's some news for you, Trump is also defeated, but you don't have any other way to lump conservatives together do you? You need to group them so you can target them all together, so since the 'religious right' doesn't really apply anymore (i.e. get the dumb masses riled up enough), you changed the target to 'Trumpers'. All you have to do is read any leftist post in here and it's an almost comical effort to disparage any 'Trump' supporter that dares to speak up, you all use the same language. All the pejoratives you have for anyone that supports anything remotely reeking of individual liberty or constitutional principle must be grouped, labeled, and put down. And once Trump is out of the picture, you'll find some other way to group, label, etc... anything to defeat conservative, common sense, constitutional policies.

I just found it extremely amusing that you're still trying to use the 'religious hypocrite' guilt trip that's such a dead horse that the carcass is skeletal at this point, every little piece of meat and sinew has been long picked off of those bones. And 'Trump' is about 3/4 devoured, so you and your team of lefties need to get together to plot your new strategy to destroy anything remotely constitutional, it will be interesting to see what you pick next. Of course you could just be one of the dumb lemmings that they so easily control, and I most likely give you far too much credit to be able to strategically plan anything, that's more likely the case. :cool:

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