Where Trump will be rated by historians among the other presidents (Poll)

Which bracket do you believe that historians will eventually rate Trump to be in?

  • 1. Lower end of the BEST presidents with Truman, Eisenhower, Reagan

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • 2. One of the WORST presidents alongside Johnson, Hardin, Hoover

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • 3. The HIGH side of Mid-Grade presidents, alongside Bush-I, Clinton, Kennedy

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 4. The LOW side of Mid-Grade presidents, alongside Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush-II

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Lets take a look at Trump compared to other presidents on the "America First" scale from the "historians" viewpoint, which is the longer view of presidential impacts. Many of Trump's "upsetting the apple-cart" and/or "bull in the China shop" policies and personality may not look good short term, but I believe that Trump will end up in the higher end of the "Mid-Grade" presidents based on his "Promises Kept" and fabulous economy. If Trump gets a 2nd term and keep doing great things he may even end up at the bottom of the Best presidents list, alongside Reagan, Ike, and Truman.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The BEST presidents
Washington, fought the Revolution
Abe Lincoln, saved the Union
Jefferson, the Constitution
Ted Roosevelt, had many Trump "populist" qualities, "Square Deal", trust busting, brash, big ideas
FDR, WW2, saved the world
Harry Truman, "the Bomb" and post-WW2 stability, "no nonsense foreign policy"

The WORST presidents

Recent "Mid-Grade" presidents
------------ higher rated
---------- lower rated
Ask me when he leaves office.

This is intended to be a long range prediction, by future historians.
I'm not saying based on Trump's 1st three years, with all the deep state "resistance", Crossfire Hurricane, and the Mueller Investigation, and now Nancy's "impeachment". I'm saying take a look at Trump's policies and predict their long term impacts.
Will they lead to long-term US prosperity, or will they eventually lead to a decline of US wealth and influence?
Lets take a look at Trump compared to other presidents on the "America First" scale from the "historians" viewpoint, which is the longer view of presidential impacts. Many of Trump's "upsetting the apple-cart" and/or "bull in the China shop" policies and personality may not look good short term, but I believe that Trump will end up in the higher end of the "Mid-Grade" presidents based on his "Promises Kept" and fabulous economy. If Trump gets a 2nd term and keep doing great things he may even end up at the bottom of the Best presidents list, alongside Reagan, Ike, and Truman.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The BEST presidents
Washington, fought the Revolution
Abe Lincoln, saved the Union
Jefferson, the Constitution
Ted Roosevelt, had many Trump "populist" qualities, "Square Deal", trust busting, brash, big ideas
FDR, WW2, saved the world
Harry Truman, "the Bomb" and post-WW2 stability, "no nonsense foreign policy"

The WORST presidents

Recent "Mid-Grade" presidents
------------ higher rated
---------- lower rated

Coolidge ending up in the worst list shows how fucked up your list is
Ask me when he leaves office.

This is intended to be a long range prediction, by future historians.
I'm not saying based on Trump's 1st three years, with all the deep state "resistance", Crossfire Hurricane, and the Mueller Investigation, and now Nancy's "impeachment". I'm saying take a look at Trump's policies and predict their long term impacts.
Will they lead to long-term US prosperity, or will they eventually lead to a decline of US wealth and influence?

Middle of the bottom group.

Despite the hoopla from his followers, nothing much in his first term has been all that earth shattering. USMCA is just a tweak of NAFTA, Phase 1 is a minor deal that does not move the economic needle much, GDP growth has been bad. His biggest "accomplishment" has been the UE rate staying as low as it has.

Assuming he gets 4 more years we will have a recession during that time, anyone that thinks not has not payed attention to history.
With the Fed rate still very low there is little room for them to act without taking Trump's plan of negative interest rates seriously which would cement his place towards the bottom. The deficit is already out of control, just think what happens when we have a recession, based on the last two it is not unreasonable to assume the deficit will hit close to or even over 3 trillion in a year.

He has nothing else that will be a lasting legacy at this time, maybe that will change if he gets 4 more yeras.

Also, keep in mind that Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller Investigation and the impeachment are always going to be part of his legacy and will be in the history books forever. You cannot discount them when predicting his place in history.
Lets take a look at Trump compared to other presidents on the "America First" scale from the "historians" viewpoint, which is the longer view of presidential impacts. Many of Trump's "upsetting the apple-cart" and/or "bull in the China shop" policies and personality may not look good short term, but I believe that Trump will end up in the higher end of the "Mid-Grade" presidents based on his "Promises Kept" and fabulous economy. If Trump gets a 2nd term and keep doing great things he may even end up at the bottom of the Best presidents list, alongside Reagan, Ike, and Truman.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The BEST presidents
Washington, fought the Revolution
Abe Lincoln, saved the Union
Jefferson, the Constitution
Ted Roosevelt, had many Trump "populist" qualities, "Square Deal", trust busting, brash, big ideas
FDR, WW2, saved the world
Harry Truman, "the Bomb" and post-WW2 stability, "no nonsense foreign policy"

The WORST presidents

Recent "Mid-Grade" presidents
------------ higher rated
---------- lower rated

Coolidge ending up in the worst list shows how fucked up your list is
This wiki link was the basis, ok,
...so I moved him with Carter, Ford, Nixon, and Bush-2, thanks for the comment

Calvin Coolidge - Wikipedia
Scholars have ranked Coolidge in the lower half of those presidents that they have assessed.
Ask me when he leaves office.

This is intended to be a long range prediction, by future historians.
I'm not saying based on Trump's 1st three years, with all the deep state "resistance", Crossfire Hurricane, and the Mueller Investigation, and now Nancy's "impeachment". I'm saying take a look at Trump's policies and predict their long term impacts.
Will they lead to long-term US prosperity, or will they eventually lead to a decline of US wealth and influence?

So far so good.
Trump seems a lot like Reagan and Truman to me.
The democrats were always whining about his age, and things turned out great in the end.
Lets take a look at Trump compared to other presidents on the "America First" scale from the "historians" viewpoint, which is the longer view of presidential impacts. Many of Trump's "upsetting the apple-cart" and/or "bull in the China shop" policies and personality may not look good short term, but I believe that Trump will end up in the higher end of the "Mid-Grade" presidents based on his "Promises Kept" and fabulous economy. If Trump gets a 2nd term and keep doing great things he may even end up at the bottom of the Best presidents list, alongside Reagan, Ike, and Truman.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

The BEST presidents
Washington, fought the Revolution
Abe Lincoln, saved the Union
Jefferson, the Constitution
Ted Roosevelt, had many Trump "populist" qualities, "Square Deal", trust busting, brash, big ideas
FDR, WW2, saved the world
Harry Truman, "the Bomb" and post-WW2 stability, "no nonsense foreign policy"

The WORST presidents

Recent "Mid-Grade" presidents
------------ higher rated
---------- lower rated

The Bush people, and Obama have zero business on that list at all. The Bush clan spent their time as president selling the USA to China, and Obama was nothing but a token negro white Americans elected so they can prove they weren't racist. I think Trump will have his own slot much like Obama. He is a loud mouth piece of New York shit, but his policy's are okay. Those who support him will call him the best presidant ever. Those who hate him will never have anything good to say about him.
I would not have put Grant as among the worst presidents. Be that as it may, Trump will go down as one of the unsteadiest presidents we have ever had. History will most likely remember him as "the twitter President" and the most unqualified man to ever hold the office. He will go as a disrupter (who hopefully will be a one-term president) who sought to bring down the system but thankfully failed.
I was born when Harry Truman was President. Trump is the best President in my lifetime. That is saying a lot when the next one was Reagan.
Once again it might seem like a lifetime but it's been only three years. Nobody ever rated a president on the basis of three years. Why not wait another five and see what happens?
Once again it might seem like a lifetime but it's been only three years. Nobody ever rated a president on the basis of three years. Why not wait another five and see what happens?

Trump has 10 months to go
I would not have put Grant as among the worst presidents. Be that as it may, Trump will go down as one of the unsteadiest presidents we have ever had. History will most likely remember him as "the twitter President" and the most unqualified man to ever hold the office. He will go as a disrupter (who hopefully will be a one-term president) who sought to bring down the system but thankfully failed.

What struck me was how mediocre the majority of US presidents have been. There are very few "visionaries" who made a major positive difference in the citizens lives.
I agree Trump is a disruptor, as defined as a "non-establishment" president, aka "populist president". Trump was sent to DC to disrupt the deep state's hold on the government. From Lois Lerner types using the IRS illegally, to the FBI's Operation Crossfire Hurricane, to the Brennan-Clapper misuse of foreign intel assets to setup Trump, to whatever Barr and Durham uncover. To Wall Street getting tax breaks to move jobs and factories overseas.
I hope history records that Trump won in 2016 even though the Obama admin illegally used intel agencies and the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign. Also, the MSM was very unfair to Trump, being 93% negative in its coverage of Trump. If/when Trump gets a 2nd term and sets up the USSC and the court system to be slightly conservative, that will have saved the US from leftist ruin due to insane socialist policies.

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