Where next for Conservatism ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")


Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?
“What is the future of conservatism ?”

First, we need consensus as to what exactly ‘conservatism’ is – conservatives don’t even seem to know.

For example, according to traditional conservative dogma, conservatives should oppose laws banning abortion, should oppose laws banning same-sex marriage, and should oppose voter ID laws – all manifestations of big government and unlawful government overreach.
Yes because nothing says inclusive like the Burn Loot Murder thugs attacking whites,

So your answer to the OP is that you're so wedded to your depraved hate-based lifestyle, you no longer care if it destroys conservatism. Getting off on a hate-rush is now all that matters to you.

The only actual hate is from the joe biden voters who have been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans for the last 6 months.....who have been getting people fired because they support Trump. The democrat party is the party that has burned and looted cities, forced the police to allow it to happen, and who have targeted Trump supporters, Jewish people and anyone who doesn't bend the knee to the demands of the joe biden voters.......you can pretend this isn't the case, but all of the violence is coming directly from joe biden voters...

As far as the country goes...it isn't the Republicans or Trump supporters, who had to sit through 8 years of obama, who want to pack the Senate with 4 new democrat party senators, who want to pack the Supreme Court with more activists loyal to the democrat party, who want to make millions of illegal aliens new democrat party voters......

The hate and violence is the democrat party....
“What is the future of conservatism ?”

First, we need consensus as to what exactly ‘conservatism’ is – conservatives don’t even seem to know.

For example, according to traditional conservative dogma, conservatives should oppose laws banning abortion, should oppose laws banning same-sex marriage, and should oppose voter ID laws – all manifestations of big government and unlawful government overreach.

Wrong, conservatives stand for protecting life...like the unborn, for laws that allow freedom of religion and protecting voter integrity...........everything the democrat party opposes and actively seeks to persecute...

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?
This is ridiculous sophistry, as childish as it is wrong.

It’s also a red herring fallacy; the topic is the future of conservatism.
If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week. What is the future of conservatism?...

...Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

THAT is not Conservatism. Never has been and never will be. That might become the Republican platform, but they will lose Conservatives if it is.

Personally, as an Ultra-Conservative Right Wing ideologue, I want to see us go militant, violent, and revolutionary. Better to die on our feet than live on our knees.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?
Not a single one of these uneducated dolts has ever read so much as a single word by prominant liberal political philosophers.

All they know is what they are supposed to say and that what they are supposed to say is backed up with an iron fist.
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

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What is the future of conservatism ?

Hopefully learn the meaning of conservatism. Generally speaking, of course. Not all of them are rabid statists.

There's still some of us who understand the proper role of government. There's still some of us who believe in free-market principles rather than central economic planning by a central bank. There's still some of us who believe that printing away our purchasing power and the value of our savings, as well as the prosperity of future generations is lunacy of the highest magnitude. There's still some of us who believe in defending civil liberties. Who understand that patriotism is defined by standing up and disagreeing with our government when it's wrong rather than the modern, bastardized definition which suddenly dictates that patriotism means celebrating and promoting all of the tyrannical wrong that it does.
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If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.
I don't know who's going to win, but first, Trumpism is not "conservatism". It's its own animal. These are people who have been screaming about "fiscal responsibility" and "limited government" for decades, but who have shown their true colors with this "President". It's all been an act, a charade.

But in general, the GOP will have to come to terms with the fact that both the country and the world around it are changing. They can slow it down, and they are, but at some point America will need to catch up. And hopefully we will. That's not guaranteed, though. We've abdicated our place in the world.

What will the GOP look like during and after this change? It's hard to imagine that this won't be a tough grind, and it won't happen overnight. Some minds are going to have to change fairly quickly to avoid a dark period. That can't start until Trump and Trumpism are effectively eradicated.
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

You forgot to include an important word, there, Tammy. The word is "dead".

That should have read "stopping DEAD people from voting".
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

They need to acknowledge the fact that the majority of their fellow citizens reject conservative dogma, and appropriately so.

And they need to stop suppressing the right to vote in an effort to preserve their minority rule.

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