Where next for Conservatism ?

If you are among the many who think winning is everything, and its ok to use dishonest means to do so, you are a traitor to your country. one US citizen one vote, any one doing anything to keep that from happening & placing party loyalty over a persons right to vote ultimately will pay an unwanted price.
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

No. We just need to properly limit who is allowed to have a say in things.

Our Founding Fathers restricted voting rights for a reason... White, Land-Owning Males were the only portion of the population likely to be Educated, Informed, and Invested in Society. Thst made them the only group which could make the Right voting decisions. Today so few people understand that elections are not about opinion but about Right and Wrong. We need to eliminate those who can’t make that determination and those who choose not to.
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Hopefully no more teaching 1st graders how to perform blowjobs.
No more unlimited tax payer provided abortions.
No more unlimited tax payer provided condoms.
Real education and a new generation that no longer need the Democratic Party.

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.
When a party relies so heavily on stopping people from voting they have a real problem. They need a better proposition.

No. We just need to properly limit who is allowed to have a say in things.

Our Founding Fathers restricted voting rights for a reason... White, Land-Owning Males were the only portion of the population likely to be Educated, Informed, and Invested in Society. Thst made them the only group which could make the Right voting decisions. Today so few people understand that elections are not about opinion but about Right and Wrong. We need to eliminate those who can’t make that determination and those who choose not to.
I know this is the CDZ but that is an insane stance. I cant even begin to critique it.
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?
I know this is the CDZ but that is an insane stance. I cant even begin to critique it.

What do you find so troubling about my beliefs? Would you prefer to have the incompetent, the uneducated and the disinterested choosing who will lead your nation? That’s exactly what we’ve done here in the US. We allow the lowest common denominator (being alive) to determine who we allow to vote; and we are paying the price for it in the rise of Socialism in this country.
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.

Our Founding Fathers already Told us what to do with out form of Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

George Washington

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.
Let's talk November 4th, hmmmkay

If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

George Washington
"Worthy members" lol
What is next for the GOP?

Total political dominance on every level: Local, City, County, State, Federal.

Trump has created a coalition that will rarely lose another election. Democrats have embraced communism and will be punished for a long, long time. Blacks and Hispanics are leaving the democrat plantation and opening their eyes. People of every race, creed, and color are seeing that the real path to lasting prosperity is through self reliance, not government handouts and "redistribution" of wealth.

The left is dead. Start picking out the coffin.......
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
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If the polls are correct the right is due for an uncomfortable time this week.

What is the future of conservatism ?

I am guessing that it could go in several directions.

Firstly it could continue with the culture wars stuff that brought Trump to power. Gays,statues, abortion, woke, blacks, "reds under the beds" and so on. But that has a limited appeal. A more polished politician than Trump might pull it off but as a strategy it will only appeal to a limited base.

Or they could rethink and position themselves as a more palatable option. Fiscal responsibility, building alliances, socially moderate, and most of all, inclusive.

If Biden and then Harris screw up they would be placed to return to power.

Is that a possibility or do the current personnel dictate that this is not an option ?
There has to be a strategy that is not based on demonising large and growing parts of the electorate.

Of course Trump could end up triumphant this time but the demographics are still against his brand of politics.

We've seen this movie before....

The takeaway is, I believe, that we're seeing the fracture of ideology from party or, perhaps, seeing the fracture more clearly.

Both the left and the right by the way.

Personally, I find the Democrats an extremely imperfect vehicle for liberalism for example.

So to answer your question, in 2012, the GOP had a famous post-mortem that said they needed to expand the party. Lindsay Graham said something along the lines of "We're not generating enough angry white men". And in the next election cycle, their candidate has actively tried to shrink the party to nothing but personal loyalists...conservative or not...republican or not (he calls Jared and Ivanka "democrats")

View attachment 408777

Where does conservatism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does liberalism go? It increases. It's going to grow. It's going to get more powerful.
Where does moderation go? It is going to shrink and become a thing of the past.
Liberalism in this country is dead. You idiots that are claiming regressive statism as liberalism are raping the meaning of the term.
I am a liberal. You and your ilk are not.
Do you understand now?

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

George Washington
"Worthy members" lol

I would like the poster describe in their own words what a worthy member is?

Also I am more liberal than you but we ain’t progressive!
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
You first have to explain how and when Trump ever became Conservative because even those voting for him know he is not one ever...

Most GOP tend to lean Social Conservative and play fiscal conservative when out of power but there has never been a true blue Conservative President on the fiscal side of the coin and never will be or Ron Paul would have been elected...

You got it, Jack.

That is the issue with discussing the Conservative movement and reality of it being applied by the GOP...

Fact is Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and so on were never fiscal Conservative but had shown social conservatism except for Trump...

Nixon, Ike and Roosevelt were progressive for their time and would never be considered Conservative by any means...

So it does make me wonder when the left open this discussion why do they make the mistake thinking America ever had a true blue Conservative President?

We have had moderate to progressive Presidents and a few Social Conservative Presidents but never a fiscal Conservative unless you want to count Andrew Jackson?

Was he though?

I mean the last true fiscal Conservative this country ever had as a President had to be Andrew Jackson...

All the rest never passed the smell test...
Coolidge turned a depression around by cutting gubmint....Doesn't get anymore fiscally conservative than that.

The Depression happened on Hoover watch which gave us FDR... Coolidge had already left office in 1929 when the crash happened...

He is considered small Government but he had nothing to do with turning the Depression around and neither did FDR...

It was a war that pulled us out of it...
There was a depression from 1920-'22 in the wake of WWI that nobody ever talks about....Wonder why?


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