Where is the wingnut criticism of CIA Director Patraeus?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Petraeus’s Quieter Style at C.I.A. Leaves Void on Libya Furor


But since an attack killed four Americans seven weeks ago in Benghazi, Libya, his deliberately low profile, and the C.I.A.’s penchant for secrecy, have left a void that has been filled by a news media and Congressional furor over whether it could have been prevented. Rather than acknowledge the C.I.A.’s presence in Benghazi, Mr. Petraeus and other agency officials fought a losing battle to keep it secret, even as the events there became a point of contention in the presidential campaign.

Finally, on Thursday, with Mr. Petraeus away on a visit to the Middle East, pressure from critics prompted intelligence officials to give their own account of the chaotic night when two security officers died along with the American ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and another diplomat. The officials acknowledged for the first time that the security officers, both former members of the Navy SEALs, worked on contract for the C.I.A., which occupied one of the buildings that were attacked.

The Benghazi crisis is the biggest challenge so far in the first civilian job held by Mr. Petraeus, who retired from the Army and dropped the “General” when he went to the C.I.A. He gets mostly high marks from government colleagues and outside experts for his overall performance. But the transition has meant learning a markedly different culture, at an agency famously resistant to outsiders.

“I think he’s a brilliant man, but he’s also a four-star general,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Four-stars are saluted, not questioned. He’s now running an agency where everything is questioned, whether you’re a four-star or a senator. It’s a culture change.”

25 views so far, but no wingnut criticism of Patraeus.

Just more proof that this whole Benghazi bullshit is just that: bullshit.

Thanks for (not) playing, wingnuts! :lol:
A very interesting question I'm guessing your directing the question at the left wing nuts as they were the ones who took out this full page ad ironically in the very paper you link to the New York Times.
the CIA is the missing link in who should have taken responsibility for the Benghazi debacle -

the lack of security rests with the CIA and its director Petraeus.
A very interesting question I'm guessing your directing the question at the left wing nuts as they were the ones who took out this full page ad ironically in the very paper you link to the New York Times.
No, dumbass. I'm asking where the wingnut criticism is of CIA Director Patraeus.

Can't you fucking read? :lol:
They are still hooked up to their rage I.V. They are unable to sustain life... or an erection, without it.

They HAVE to stay mad... regardless if what they are mad about is nonsense or not, otherwise they are utterly irrelevant.
Patraeus isn't the President. The President isn't present in the presentation of the promulgation of facts.

Where's Walbamado?
a-HA! So Bush WAS responsible for Abu Ghraib!

Damn wingnuts kept telling me that Bush couldn't be expected to know about the specifics of one military base out of hundreds.

They kept telling me it was unreasonable and stupid to think that anyone higher than the base commander was to blame.

Imagine that.
Petraeus’s Quieter Style at C.I.A. Leaves Void on Libya Furor


But since an attack killed four Americans seven weeks ago in Benghazi, Libya, his deliberately low profile, and the C.I.A.’s penchant for secrecy, have left a void that has been filled by a news media and Congressional furor over whether it could have been prevented. Rather than acknowledge the C.I.A.’s presence in Benghazi, Mr. Petraeus and other agency officials fought a losing battle to keep it secret, even as the events there became a point of contention in the presidential campaign.

Finally, on Thursday, with Mr. Petraeus away on a visit to the Middle East, pressure from critics prompted intelligence officials to give their own account of the chaotic night when two security officers died along with the American ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and another diplomat. The officials acknowledged for the first time that the security officers, both former members of the Navy SEALs, worked on contract for the C.I.A., which occupied one of the buildings that were attacked.

The Benghazi crisis is the biggest challenge so far in the first civilian job held by Mr. Petraeus, who retired from the Army and dropped the “General” when he went to the C.I.A. He gets mostly high marks from government colleagues and outside experts for his overall performance. But the transition has meant learning a markedly different culture, at an agency famously resistant to outsiders.

“I think he’s a brilliant man, but he’s also a four-star general,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Four-stars are saluted, not questioned. He’s now running an agency where everything is questioned, whether you’re a four-star or a senator. It’s a culture change.”


Ever heard of a Scape Goat? lol
Patraeus isn't the President. The President isn't present in the presentation of the promulgation of facts.

Where's Walbamado?
a-HA! So Bush WAS responsible for Abu Ghraib!

Damn wingnuts kept telling me that Bush couldn't be expected to know about the specifics of one military base out of hundreds.

They kept telling me it was unreasonable and stupid to think that anyone higher than the base commander was to blame.

Imagine that.

No amount of your spin is going to change the Fact that Obama Repeatedly lied to the American people Bud. Obama is not to blame for any Failure of intel, But he is damn sure responsible for his administration clear concerted Effort Down Play the idea it was Terrorism, and to try and blame it all on a Video.

His Admin is also responsible for the over all move to "Normalize Security in Libya". You can't expect the American People to believe Hillary decided on her own to move the Security Forces situation in a country that was clearly dangerous and unstable, to Normal from Heightened on her own. That was part of a General Campaign on part of Obama to try and Make Libya into a Big FP success for Obama. When clearly it's a Disaster.
Petraeus’s Quieter Style at C.I.A. Leaves Void on Libya Furor


But since an attack killed four Americans seven weeks ago in Benghazi, Libya, his deliberately low profile, and the C.I.A.’s penchant for secrecy, have left a void that has been filled by a news media and Congressional furor over whether it could have been prevented. Rather than acknowledge the C.I.A.’s presence in Benghazi, Mr. Petraeus and other agency officials fought a losing battle to keep it secret, even as the events there became a point of contention in the presidential campaign.

Finally, on Thursday, with Mr. Petraeus away on a visit to the Middle East, pressure from critics prompted intelligence officials to give their own account of the chaotic night when two security officers died along with the American ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and another diplomat. The officials acknowledged for the first time that the security officers, both former members of the Navy SEALs, worked on contract for the C.I.A., which occupied one of the buildings that were attacked.

The Benghazi crisis is the biggest challenge so far in the first civilian job held by Mr. Petraeus, who retired from the Army and dropped the “General” when he went to the C.I.A. He gets mostly high marks from government colleagues and outside experts for his overall performance. But the transition has meant learning a markedly different culture, at an agency famously resistant to outsiders.

“I think he’s a brilliant man, but he’s also a four-star general,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Four-stars are saluted, not questioned. He’s now running an agency where everything is questioned, whether you’re a four-star or a senator. It’s a culture change.”


If you can link Petraeus to stand down orders or General Ham being relieved of his command, by all means, there's your challenge.
25 views so far, but no wingnut criticism of Patraeus.

Just more proof that this whole Benghazi bullshit is just that: bullshit.

Thanks for (not) playing, wingnuts! :lol:


I just swung back in. And I have to give you rep for that avatar. Too funny.

I think many are laying low in the media because the hit was truly at the CIA headquarters.

The AQ just got a bonus with the Ambassador.

Check this out. Hey I was reading about this dude and others way before the hit. The worst mistake the administration made was turning over the country (and you know I am not an Islamaphobe) turning over the country to the lawless crazies in Libya.

I mean whoa geeze. You give the country to morons, idiots, and other people with guns. YIKES. We are talking idiots with surface to air.

Now this is ABC. :D Don't mess with me syn.

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them. After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

READ: Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News
Petraeus’s Quieter Style at C.I.A. Leaves Void on Libya Furor


But since an attack killed four Americans seven weeks ago in Benghazi, Libya, his deliberately low profile, and the C.I.A.’s penchant for secrecy, have left a void that has been filled by a news media and Congressional furor over whether it could have been prevented. Rather than acknowledge the C.I.A.’s presence in Benghazi, Mr. Petraeus and other agency officials fought a losing battle to keep it secret, even as the events there became a point of contention in the presidential campaign.

Finally, on Thursday, with Mr. Petraeus away on a visit to the Middle East, pressure from critics prompted intelligence officials to give their own account of the chaotic night when two security officers died along with the American ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and another diplomat. The officials acknowledged for the first time that the security officers, both former members of the Navy SEALs, worked on contract for the C.I.A., which occupied one of the buildings that were attacked.

The Benghazi crisis is the biggest challenge so far in the first civilian job held by Mr. Petraeus, who retired from the Army and dropped the “General” when he went to the C.I.A. He gets mostly high marks from government colleagues and outside experts for his overall performance. But the transition has meant learning a markedly different culture, at an agency famously resistant to outsiders.

“I think he’s a brilliant man, but he’s also a four-star general,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Four-stars are saluted, not questioned. He’s now running an agency where everything is questioned, whether you’re a four-star or a senator. It’s a culture change.”


If you can link Petraeus to stand down orders or General Ham being relieved of his command, by all means, there's your challenge.

25 views so far, but no wingnut criticism of Patraeus.

Just more proof that this whole Benghazi bullshit is just that: bullshit.

Thanks for (not) playing, wingnuts! :lol:


I just swung back in. And I have to give you rep for that avatar. Too funny.

I think many are laying low in the media because the hit was truly at the CIA headquarters.

The AQ just got a bonus with the Ambassador.

Check this out. Hey I was reading about this dude and others way before the hit. The worst mistake the administration made was turning over the country (and you know I am not an Islamaphobe) turning over the country to the lawless crazies in Libya.

I mean whoa geeze. You give the country to morons, idiots, and other people with guns. YIKES. We are talking idiots with surface to air.

Now this is ABC. :D Don't mess with me syn.

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them. After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

READ: Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News

And this is interesting to and I'm kind of curious as to why no one is really saying much about this issue. All through the situation in Libya, wasn't the standard line from the White House, in their defense in assisting Libya, there were no boots on the ground in Libya and this is what made it so much different than Iraq? Well, looks like, in fact, there were boots on the ground in Libya and Oblamer is yet again a freakin' liar.
25 views so far, but no wingnut criticism of Patraeus.

Just more proof that this whole Benghazi bullshit is just that: bullshit.

Thanks for (not) playing, wingnuts! :lol:


I just swung back in. And I have to give you rep for that avatar. Too funny.

I think many are laying low in the media because the hit was truly at the CIA headquarters.

The AQ just got a bonus with the Ambassador.

Check this out. Hey I was reading about this dude and others way before the hit. The worst mistake the administration made was turning over the country (and you know I am not an Islamaphobe) turning over the country to the lawless crazies in Libya.

I mean whoa geeze. You give the country to morons, idiots, and other people with guns. YIKES. We are talking idiots with surface to air.

Now this is ABC. :D Don't mess with me syn.

One of the Americans killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens in an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya Tuesday told ABC News before his death that he was working with the State Department on an intelligence mission to round up dangerous weapons in the war-torn nation.

In an interview with ABC News last month, Glen Doherty, a 42-year-old former Navy SEAL who worked as a contractor with the State Department, said he personally went into the field to track down so-called MANPADS, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, and destroy them. After the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the State Department launched a mission to round up thousands of MANPADS that may have been looted from military installations across the country. U.S. officials previously told ABC News they were concerned the MANPADS could fall into the hands of terrorists, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

READ: Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For

Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL Killed in Libya, Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons - ABC News

And this is interesting to and I'm kind of curious as to why no one is really saying much about this issue. All through the situation in Libya, wasn't the standard line from the White House, in their defense in assisting Libya, there were no boots on the ground in Libya and this is what made it so much different than Iraq? Well, looks like, in fact, there were boots on the ground in Libya and Oblamer is yet again a freakin' liar.

It's strange for true.

It's idiotic that the WH went forward with the video "omg everyone died because of a video" claim.
Sure does make one ask " what more do i not know?"

Thankfully i voted so that others more qualified than i can determine the necessary course of action.

The problem Kiki is that the Administration came out full boar saying that it was the video that caused the death of those in Benghazi.

They blocked themselves in. Not any right winger. They were the ones who sent out Ambassador Rice bullshitting.

Not anyone on the right.

Ergo WHOOPSIES. They fucked up.
Sure does make one ask " what more do i not know?"

Thankfully i voted so that others more qualified than i can determine the necessary course of action.

Oh and this is what makes you the perfect Obama voter.

Jumpin jesus palominos like my dad would say. Panetta has stated clearly that he let the men die.

A rescue operations would have been too risky in Panettas mind. Ergo, only an assault by gerbils would have made this fool move.

You vote for an administration who would let good men die. Nice Kiki. Nice.

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