When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

For paedos. There is a difference Norm. Why dont you condemn them ?
There seems to be a shortfall in your concern act.

Oh, I have. I’ve stated many times they should be castrated than hung in the city square.

It is interesting though, how you bring up a situation involving predominantly gay child molestors, then deflect from them.

Ignorant assumptions. I don’t care how a kid expresses themselves. Gay or not as long as they are not being hateful like you. There’s a reason why that kid and his parents wanted to keep that low key. Because assholes like yourself and it sounds like many others in you community wouldn’t react well to it and the kid would likely get bullied or shamed. It’s too bad that these situations still exist. It’s people like you who create them. You should be ashamed but I’m sure your ego won’t let you see that
Cry harder bitch. Your own words damn you you moron. I’m nit hateful towards gays you fucking idiot. KEEP YOUR SHIT AWAY FROM KIDS. You’re too stupid to understand that simple concept. And by the way dumbfuck, YOU are making ignorant assumptions. I told you the kid didn’t want the attention morons like you would be screaming for. God forbid he want to be known for his athletic talent and not be pigeonholed as the gay kid, like you would do to him. Projecting YOUR bigotry onto me doesn’t work asshole. You’re not smart enough to defend your own position so you need rock desperately try to vilify me as I laugh at you and fat retard bodecea.
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I don't support that. Why would I?

Unlike you, I follow principles instead of blind allegiance to political tribe.
When a Republican is found to have done these things, punishment is handed out (removal from committees, etc). When a Democrat does it, they circle the wagons and protect the perp until the bitter end.
As you have said previously, the number of “people” here making those statements has gone up quite a bit lately. That is disturbing.
They are made very welcome here.

I had a posting removed yesterday that said "stay away from children" and it was in reply to a poster on record as saying he wants to get to other people:s children and turn them all bisexual.
They are made very welcome here.

I had a posting removed yesterday that said "stay away from children" and it was in reply to a poster on record as saying he wants to get to other people:s children and turn them all bisexual.
It is disturbing the comments about children that are being made here daily. I could see home schooling getting a big boost given the current environment. As well as private schools for those who can get vouchers or aid.
It is disturbing the comments about children that are being made here daily. I could see home schooling getting a big boost given the current environment. As well as private schools for those who can get vouchers or aid.
They say what they say because they know they can.

They are favored here and the word must be getting out.
And, the GOP never had NAMBLA as a founding member of the Party, like faggot 'activists' did for almost 20 years, so all these fake analogies are just your typical stupid airhead loons babbling nonsense 'talking points', due to a complete lack of any defense of their grooming agenda and generating confused kids they can victimize easily.
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And, the GOP never had NAMBLA as a founding member of the Party, like faggot 'activists' did for almost 20 years, so all these fake analogies are just your typical stupid airhead loons babbling nonsense 'talking points', due to a complete lack of any defense of their grooming agenda and generating confused kids they can victimize easily.
I often find myself wondering if Nambla has some degree of ownership of USMB.
Fetuses aren't people.

Sure as heck is as far as God is concerned.
I think its funny that dic suckers like you didn't start pretending to care about abortion until AFTER IT WAS NO LONGER COOL to be SEGREGATIONISTS

"Evangelicals considered abortion a “Catholic issue” through most of the 1970s, and there is little in the history of evangelicalism to suggest that abortion would become a point of interest. Even James Dobson, who later became an implacable foe of abortion, acknowledged after the Roe decision that the Bible was silent on the matter and that it was plausible for an evangelical to hold that “a developing embryo or fetus was not regarded as a full human being”.

Paul Weyrich (founder of the Heritage foundation) tried to make a point to his religious right brethren that the religious right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, what got the movement going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies, including a ban on interracial dating that the university maintained until 2000."

Clearly you’ve never had children, let’s hope you never do, asshole.
I didnt argue that there are no better performing primary and secondary programs than the US. I will point out that all of those have federally controlled school funding and federally controlled requirements. Only the US on that list locally funds schools.

We are undisputedly top in undergraduate and graduate programs.
Um no….

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