When you insult Mohammed, some respond violently


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If visually depicting Mohammed is forbidden by Islam (I know it isn't, at least not scripturally,) then why don't Muslims go after Muslim sites hosting these depictions? Are they really getting so upset when non-Muslims do it, but not their own, or are they just using it as an excuse to act out like children?

"On this page are many examples of full-faced Mohammed portraits produced by Muslim artists across the centuries. Attributions for each image are given where known."
Mohammed Image Archive
There is no such thing as "scriptural" laws in Islam. Islam has a vast and very complex legal system and an absolute detailed jurisprudence. Nothing whatsoever is omitted in Islamic law.

It is not encouraged to make representations of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It is not ultimately prohibited. The representations I see from your link were made to fuflfil certain purposes in accordance with specific needs. Those who made these representations are very few. A famous movie was made about Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), but the one who played his role was never made to be seen in the movie. This was out of reverence for Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Only the actor's voice was heard, but his face was not seen.

I suggest that you don't focus on representations of Muhammad. This is taken very seriously in Islam.
There is no such thing as "scriptural" laws in Islam. Islam has a vast and very complex legal system and an absolute detailed jurisprudence. Nothing whatsoever is omitted in Islamic law.

It is not encouraged to make representations of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It is not ultimately prohibited. The representations I see from your link were made to fuflfil certain purposes in accordance with specific needs. Those who made these representations are very few. A famous movie was made about Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), but the one who played his role was never made to be seen in the movie. This was out of reverence for Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Only the actor's voice was heard, but his face was not seen.

I suggest that you don't focus on representations of Muhammad. This is taken very seriously in Islam.

Representations of MOhammed isn't taken seriously by Islam. If it were then representations of other prophets, Jesus, and God itself would result in identical reactions - it isn't. Rather, some Muslims are using such depictions as an excuse to behave antisocially.
There is no such thing as "scriptural" laws in Islam. Islam has a vast and very complex legal system and an absolute detailed jurisprudence. Nothing whatsoever is omitted in Islamic law.

It is not encouraged to make representations of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It is not ultimately prohibited. The representations I see from your link were made to fuflfil certain purposes in accordance with specific needs. Those who made these representations are very few. A famous movie was made about Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), but the one who played his role was never made to be seen in the movie. This was out of reverence for Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Only the actor's voice was heard, but his face was not seen.

I suggest that you don't focus on representations of Muhammad. This is taken very seriously in Islam.

Representations of MOhammed isn't taken seriously by Islam. If it were then representations of other prophets, Jesus, and God itself would result in identical reactions - it isn't. Rather, some Muslims are using such depictions as an excuse to behave antisocially.
And some people are using the right to behave antisocially to incite Muslims.

Sad thing about it is, retaliation goes beyond the offenders and innocents get caught up, like in France recently.
Simple analysis of what happens reveals the truth about it. If representations really cause Muslim riots and violence, with nearly 2 billion Muslims it'd be a much bigger thing than a handful of local riots. Rather, it's just an excuse for people prone to being violent already giving themselves permission to induldge in such behaviours.
Simple analysis of what happens reveals the truth about it. If representations really cause Muslim riots and violence, with nearly 2 billion Muslims it'd be a much bigger thing than a handful of local riots. Rather, it's just an excuse for people prone to being violent already giving themselves permission to induldge in such behaviours.

According to one of the most intensive polls ever put out there - the number came in at 7% of Muslims in the World are what would be considered radical - believe in jihad - believe suicide bombers are justified in their actions / or in certain cases - that jihad is justified in certain cases and so if I remember correctly - they estimated it is only 92 Million Muslims that will create riots or use violence in jihad and the rest are not violent. Still 92 million is quite a high number.
Simple analysis of what happens reveals the truth about it. If representations really cause Muslim riots and violence, with nearly 2 billion Muslims it'd be a much bigger thing than a handful of local riots. Rather, it's just an excuse for people prone to being violent already giving themselves permission to induldge in such behaviours.

According to one of the most intensive polls ever put out there - the number came in at 7% of Muslims in the World are what would be considered radical - believe in jihad - believe suicide bombers are justified in their actions / or in certain cases - that jihad is justified in certain cases and so if I remember correctly - they estimated it is only 92 Million Muslims that will create riots or use violence in jihad and the rest are not violent. Still 92 million is quite a high number.

It's interesting, but ultimately hypocritical to differentiate between religious beliefs and national actions. I.E. Why is what a jihadi does unacceptable, but what a soldier does isn't? It's all killing and death. Only objective difference being in whose side is defining the action. They'd say a suicide bomber is justifiable, we'd call it terrorism. But we're talking about the exact same thing so why do we speak of it differently? Simple, the suicide bomber's side is waging war best they can and accepts the reality that attacking us results in their rapid death.

If you understand taking shots at professional soldiers results in their shooting back at you much more accurately ensuring your quick death, shooting isn't a sound military solution. Sneaking an explosive in is however. Gonna die either way, so maximize the impact of your sacrifice. Just as the Japanese did in WWII with kamikza planes loaded with explosives. They udnerstood coming at US naval vessels would result in their deaths, but instead of hoping to have good effect shooting and targetting bombs they just flew into them. That had much better effect on target. Same thing suicide bombers of today do. Having superior technology, we don't do that because we can drop explosives on our targets safely from planes or distant launch systems. But the effect is the same, an explosion and death.

Only time then suicide bombers aren't justified is when they direct their attacks against non-combatants. If against military ones or other combatants it's perfectly justifable. If against civilians though it's not. Fact that they do utilize suicide bombers though indicates their desperation and immient defeat. Ya don't throw your forces away like that unless you're so near defeat you have nothing left to do.
To provoke someone to anger by purposely mocking them - is not something a Christian should do - to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and point out that Islam is a false religion that was influenced by Augustine in the Vatican - years before Mohammad was born - and later by his Catholic wife - Khadija and her Catholic cousin who interpreted Mohammads dreams for him under the guidance of the Vatican - is not a problem for me because it is the truth and they need to hear the truth so they can be saved. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offends all sorts of people. Not only the followers of Islam. Nevertheless, Jesus Christ is the Way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except through him. Which is why the Catholic Vatican wants to destroy protestantism - they want to silence those who expose the fact they are a false religion promoting Baal worship and idolatry.
You just read that on the internet.

Brought to you by relative freedom.

:eusa_think: I can not imagine living in a system where "Nothing whatsoever is omitted in law."

Thanks, but I'll pass. :eusa_hand:
Simple analysis of what happens reveals the truth about it. If representations really cause Muslim riots and violence, with nearly 2 billion Muslims it'd be a much bigger thing than a handful of local riots. Rather, it's just an excuse for people prone to being violent already giving themselves permission to induldge in such behaviours.


Religion doesn't kill people... sociopaths with guns using religion as justification kill people.
To provoke someone to anger by purposely mocking them - is not something a Christian should do - to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and point out that Islam is a false religion that was influenced by Augustine in the Vatican - years before Mohammad was born - and later by his Catholic wife - Khadija and her Catholic cousin who interpreted Mohammads dreams for him under the guidance of the Vatican - is not a problem for me because it is the truth and they need to hear the truth so they can be saved. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offends all sorts of people. Not only the followers of Islam. Nevertheless, Jesus Christ is the Way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except through him. Which is why the Catholic Vatican wants to destroy protestantism - they want to silence those who expose the fact they are a false religion promoting Baal worship and idolatry.

Interesting declaration...

Followed by mocking sure to provoke someone to anger...

To provoke someone to anger by purposely mocking them - is not something a Christian should do - to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and point out that Islam is a false religion that was influenced by Augustine in the Vatican - years before Mohammad was born - and later by his Catholic wife - Khadija and her Catholic cousin who interpreted Mohammads dreams for him under the guidance of the Vatican - is not a problem for me because it is the truth and they need to hear the truth so they can be saved. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offends all sorts of people. Not only the followers of Islam. Nevertheless, Jesus Christ is the Way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except through him. Which is why the Catholic Vatican wants to destroy protestantism - they want to silence those who expose the fact they are a false religion promoting Baal worship and idolatry.

I'd say it's, for lack of a better word, inaccurate to describe any religion as a false religion. Doing so implies some are true. Yet only members of the religion in question will call their's "true" and others "false." No one not a member will say it's true or they'd be members of it. Rather I'd say all religions are false religions because if a religion has a god at the top of it, but gods don't actually exist, then neither does the authority of a god-based religion.
Implies? If there are false religions you can be sure there is one true way to heaven and the bible is clear what way that is! Jesus Christ said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no other way to enter the kingdom of heaven. You must be born again.
And all the people who never heard of the existence of Christ? Did they just get a free pass or are they roasting in Hell for eternity?
All those who are interested in religion and in Islam know that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a prophet, holy, saintly and heavenly. If you don't know about this, seek to know about the Night Journey.

You find suicide bombers and extremists in Islam, just like you find Nasa rockets crashing after take off. You don't find that in underdevelopped countries. You find big companies firing thousands of workers in developped countries, not underdevelopped countries.

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