When would a President Clinton have time to be President?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Hillary and Bill Clinton have created such a tangled mess of corruption that it will take years to unwind the Clinton Foundation ties, Laureate University, and the now 650 thousand emails that must all be read to check for classified content. She would be spending more time on trial than on Air Force One.
Actually, our hopes are: she'll be spending more time in prison than on Air Force One.

Let's all together help Trump to spend a lot of time on Air Force One.
They'd delegated to lawyers, just like she pretty much delegated her campaign to her surrogates (which from what I saw were more popular than she was).
She wouldn't. The FBI now has five office investigating the clinton foundation along with the 650,000 emails and a vault of corruption by the clintons that could fill the grand canyon 5 times.

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