When we Get Rid of the Police, What Takes Their Place?

Tbh , I can do without the "police" around here. They are literally useless to me.
At this point in time, that is my opinion.
They harass me, but don't even try to catch criminals.
As I said: Useless.
A decade ago it was different.
My buddy is a cop in my town. He told me the financials are good so unless someone’s being a dick or drunk, don’t write tickets.

Dont pull someone coming to a rolling stop at a cross way when no other cars are around. Don’t try to use the police to raise money. Patrol, show up to domestic disturbances and 911 calls. That’s it.
Øbama told us what he wanted. A 'civilian security force'. They are out in force already in places like Portland. Notice that Øbama has not condemned the violence and never-ending 'protests'. His people at work.

Tbh , I can do without the "police" around here. They are literally useless to me.
At this point in time, that is my opinion.
They harass me, but don't even try to catch criminals.
As I said: Useless.
A decade ago it was different.
My buddy is a cop in my town. He told me the financials are good so unless someone’s being a dick or drunk, don’t write tickets.

Dont pull someone coming to a rolling stop at a cross way when no other cars are around. Don’t try to use the police to raise money. Patrol, show up to domestic disturbances and 911 calls. That’s it.
Y U post something I can't tell you to Go Fuck Off about?
Does anyone like getting a ticket for some bullshit?

It's a pretty simple fix ... don't speed.
You know what I mean. tickets for going 5 over. Not a complete stop. Not wearing seatbelt. No turn on red but no ones around?Really?

You get that police don't create laws, right? If you have a problem with those things being offenses, you need to speak to your state legislator.

As for police raising revenue, you might not have thought that out. Tickets, for the most part, don't even come close to paying for the mountains of administrative procedures involved behind the scenes in generating a ticket. If the ticketed person takes the ticket to court (which everyone should do) the city / county / state will end up in the red on the ticket.

The only sure way to raise revenue on infractions is speed and red light cameras, not police.
Does anyone like getting a ticket for some bullshit?

It's a pretty simple fix ... don't speed.
You know what I mean. tickets for going 5 over. Not a complete stop. Not wearing seatbelt. No turn on red but no ones around?Really?

You get that police don't create laws, right? If you have a problem with those things being offenses, you need to speak to your state legislator.

As for police raising revenue, you might not have thought that out. Tickets, for the most part, don't even come close to paying for the mountains of administrative procedures involved behind the scenes in generating a ticket. If the ticketed person takes the ticket to court (which everyone should do) the city / county / state will end up in the red on the ticket.

The only sure way to raise revenue on infractions is speed and red light cameras, not police.
That’s worse! I hate cameras.

The court system is a racket. Most people get the points waved but pay the fine. Judges and lawyers love this. It’s like a racket. I don’t like it but maybe that’s the point. I know I don’t want to be on probation for anything because that means court costs, drug tests, time off work, lawyers. No thanks never again
Øbama told us what he wanted. A 'civilian security force'.

Police ARE a civilian security force.
And when you need on they usually come running.....gun a blazin. Lol. They just need to holster it.

Im not gonna talk abou blacks I want to know when white trash is going to go extinct. The town I went to had white trash when I grew up. We called them burnouts sometimes. Anyways, today in my high school those hillbillies don’t exist anymore. I bet even in the counties more north of us aren’t nearly as hillbilly confederate flag flyin As they used to be. Of course I’m sure there are kids in Howell or Brighton Michigan who fly confederate flags on the backs of their pickup trucks but the number is small. Those kids are trying to be country right?
Does anyone like getting a ticket for some bullshit?

It's a pretty simple fix ... don't speed.
You know what I mean. tickets for going 5 over. Not a complete stop. Not wearing seatbelt. No turn on red but no ones around?Really?

You get that police don't create laws, right? If you have a problem with those things being offenses, you need to speak to your state legislator.

As for police raising revenue, you might not have thought that out. Tickets, for the most part, don't even come close to paying for the mountains of administrative procedures involved behind the scenes in generating a ticket. If the ticketed person takes the ticket to court (which everyone should do) the city / county / state will end up in the red on the ticket.

The only sure way to raise revenue on infractions is speed and red light cameras, not police.
That’s worse! I hate cameras.

The court system is a racket. Most people get the points waved but pay the fine. Judges and lawyers love this. It’s like a racket. I don’t like it but maybe that’s the point. I know I don’t want to be on probation for anything because that means court costs, drug tests, time off work, lawyers. No thanks never again

So ... short of removing the legislature, courts, police, and fines administration ... the only solution would be to stop committing offenses.
And when you need on they usually come running.....gun a blazin.

I can't speak for all police or the ones in your town. But, in five years, I have never taken my firearm out of its holster with the intention of using it on someone.

I think you might be watching just a tad too much TV.
When someone repeatedly says, "Defund The Police", for what, precisely, are they advocating? What does it mean to "defund" the police?

To 'defund' means to "prevent from continuing to receive funds". No longer continuing to receive funds means that police departments can't pay officers or purchase police equipment.

Since police won't work very long (or particularly well) for free, I can only assume they are advocating for the disillusionment of police departments across the country.

If they aren't advocating that, then they need to re-word their slogans or add a few paragraphs of boiler plate explanation as to their ultimate goal.
You're right...I hope that whoever came up with the phrase "defund the police" didn't work in marketing.
In human society, we have these losers who hate everyone around them. If you play PvP games online you know what I mean. These losers will go out of their way, give up in-game advancement, etc in order to inflict pain, loss and humiliation on other people for no reason at all.

They are rightfully known as 'Greifers', because they main goal is to cause others greif.

In Real life, greifers are often criminals and share the mentality if not.

Being able to cause others harm makes them feel superior and not the losers that deep down they really truly are.

So when people ban police, the Greifers come, to loot, burn, mug and rape.

Do normal people just grin and bear it?

Of course not. They form militias to defend themselves.

Now what do you prefer to have? Militias or professional cops?

“Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime,” reports the Wall Street Journal.
While no one can blame the residents — in fact they should be applauded for doing what it takes to protect their own – this is, in ways I’ll explain below, not good. It is, however, a sign of things to come in countless Democrat-run cities:...
In late June, residents near a commercial strip that had been looted, and the 3rd Precinct station that was abandoned and burned, were seeing a surge of shooting and drug-related crime on their block.
“It got to the point where crime had no consequences,” said Tania Rivera, 30, who runs a child-care center with her mother. “It was being done deliberately out in the open. Drive-through drug dealing, drive-through prostitution, everything from gunshots to assaults to sex out in the public. Everything you didn’t want your neighborhood to look like.”
So after a number of community meetings, neighbors began constructing a barrier to close off two blocks of their street, first with trash cans, then debris. For a while, a boat on a trailer protected one intersection. Eventually, a nearby iron maker constructed a permanent gate. Police gave their approval as long as emergency responders could get through if requested by the neighborhood.
It goes on to say that men in the neighborhood “began an armed patrol, kicking out anyone who didn’t belong on the block after dark.”
The Journal provides a number of other examples.
Lots of people better learn to do this.
The left's election platform regarding their chant of "defund the police" will be to try and sell a "national police force" run by the (former) Democrat party, with the same rules for all national police to abide by. They will look to China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Vietnam for their national police force policies.......and lots of citizens will disappear, even those that were in the protesting mobs.
When someone repeatedly says, "Defund The Police", for what, precisely, are they advocating? What does it mean to "defund" the police?

To 'defund' means to "prevent from continuing to receive funds". No longer continuing to receive funds means that police departments can't pay officers or purchase police equipment.

Since police won't work very long (or particularly well) for free, I can only assume they are advocating for the disillusionment of police departments across the country.

If they aren't advocating that, then they need to re-word their slogans or add a few paragraphs of boiler plate explanation as to their ultimate goal.
You're right...I hope that whoever came up with the phrase "defund the police" didn't work in marketing.

Actually, I'm pretty sure they did.

Selling unpleasant nostrums with pithy (if not particularly accurate) slogans is exactly what marketing does...

When someone repeatedly says, "Defund The Police", for what, precisely, are they advocating? What does it mean to "defund" the police?

That depends on who says it

When black rioters say it, it means psycho cops who won't let them breath don't get paid

When BLM protestors say it, it means law enforcement budgets are a symbol of white racism, police officers should take the knee to repent for their sins and the money would be better spent on kente cloths instead

When swamp creatures say it, it means some shifting of budgets, a few name changes and spending even more $$$... hope & change...

When Biden says it, it means.... well, he forgot what it meant...


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