Zone1 When it comes to voting, Black lives don't even matter to Black people


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Heather Mac Donald is a national treasure. She is Ann Coulter without the flamethrower. It would do everyone who follows this forum good to read this entire column, which describes in painful detail how the Left and the Media convinced Blacks and other Democrats that the crime crisis was a fiction.

A sample...

"But the core of the post–George Floyd crime spike has been drive-by shootings, and they occur overwhelmingly between blacks and, to a lesser extent, between blacks and Hispanics. (In New York City, for example, blacks and Hispanics made up 96.4 percent of all shooting victims in 2020; blacks and Hispanics made up nearly 97 percent of all known shooting suspects in 2020. "

Read it.
Most people still not buying it that republicans care more about black people. But hey keep trying as some may buy into it. Still you run the risk of alienating the factions of the republican party who use race as a banner.

Heather Mac Donald is a national treasure. She is Ann Coulter without the flamethrower. It would do everyone who follows this forum good to read this entire column, which describes in painful detail how the Left and the Media convinced Blacks and other Democrats that the crime crisis was a fiction.

A sample...

"But the core of the post–George Floyd crime spike has been drive-by shootings, and they occur overwhelmingly between blacks and, to a lesser extent, between blacks and Hispanics. (In New York City, for example, blacks and Hispanics made up 96.4 percent of all shooting victims in 2020; blacks and Hispanics made up nearly 97 percent of all known shooting suspects in 2020. "

Read it.
What your hero forgets to mention is 'why' these crimes are now spreading to 'safe' neighbourhoods.
Most people still not buying it that republicans care more about black people. But hey keep trying as some may buy into it. Still you run the risk of alienating the factions of the republican party who use race as a banner.
Yeah do the "safe thing" and stick with the Democratic party that has shamelessly exploited Black people for over half a century. :113:
Yeah do the "safe thing" and stick with the Democratic party that has shamelessly exploited Black people for over half a century. :113:
Well is it the safe thing when white people vote for democrats or republicans but it a mystery why most black people vote democrat and some do vote republican. Its a mystery to most republicans but is quite simple for those who see the entire picture.
The nearly unanimous "Black" vote is what keeps the worst of the Democrat municipal machines in power. And yet Black people refuse to look objectively at what is happening and refuse to question whether it makes sense to keep the charlatans in power.
The nearly unanimous "Black" vote is what keeps the worst of the Democrat municipal machines in power. And yet Black people refuse to look objectively at what is happening and refuse to question whether it makes sense to keep the charlatans in power.
And the small percentage of blacks who have wised up are castigated as “Uncle Toms” by racist leftists, including blacks.
Yet non white people or other ethnic backgrounds account for only about 30% of the voting numbers
. So quite a few white people do vote democrat. Yet they are not uncle toms. Its like looking in a mirror.
Most people still not buying it that republicans care more about black people. But hey keep trying as some may buy into it. Still you run the risk of alienating the factions of the republican party who use race as a banner.
Why is anyone buying Democrats care about Black people?
What your hero forgets to mention is 'why' these crimes are now spreading to 'safe' neighbourhoods.
Because White Libs are letting these violent animals go. Prison is an equal opportunity employer.

Heather Mac Donald is a national treasure. She is Ann Coulter without the flamethrower. It would do everyone who follows this forum good to read this entire column, which describes in painful detail how the Left and the Media convinced Blacks and other Democrats that the crime crisis was a fiction.

A sample...

"But the core of the post–George Floyd crime spike has been drive-by shootings, and they occur overwhelmingly between blacks and, to a lesser extent, between blacks and Hispanics. (In New York City, for example, blacks and Hispanics made up 96.4 percent of all shooting victims in 2020; blacks and Hispanics made up nearly 97 percent of all known shooting suspects in 2020. "

Read it.
Heather MacDonald is a racist windbag that's full of crap. New York is not the only city in America and her numbers are defintely wrong.

Again, the problem with this jibberish is that far more blacks die of other causes. Shootings are a very small number and one of the largest if not the number 1 killer of blacks are stress related illnesses caused by white racism. MacDumb---- won't begin to touch that as she's too busy race baiting.
Heather MacDonald is a racist windbag that's full of crap. New York is not the only city in America and her numbers are defintely wrong.

Again, the problem with this jibberish is that far more blacks die of other causes. Shootings are a very small number and one of the largest if not the number 1 killer of blacks are stress related illnesses caused by white racism. MacDumb---- won't begin to touch that as she's too busy race baiting.
Anyone who makes any kind of sense is a racist windbag to you. Have you done anywhere near the research she has done?
Anyone who makes any kind of sense is a racist windbag to you. Have you done anywhere near the research she has done?
First off, I have a lifetime of experience being black. Not being white, racist and writing bs articles as an employee of a right wing think tank. MacDonald has a long list of incorrect racially biased writings, and yes I have done the research. She makes no sense to the black people who live with the racism she practices. Only whites with a similar mentality think she makes sense.
First off, I have a lifetime of experience being black. Not being white, racist and writing bs articles as an employee of a right wing think tank. MacDonald has a long list of incorrect racially biased writings, and yes I have done the research. She makes no sense to the black people who live with the racism she practices. Only whites with a similar mentality think she makes sense.
So you think being Black makes you special? You got problems.
So you think being Black makes you special? You got problems.
No, that's your weak comeback when you can't offer a rebuttal. What I think is that my being black makes me more knowledgeable about what blacks face than someone who isn't.

Heather Mac Donald is a national treasure. She is Ann Coulter without the flamethrower. It would do everyone who follows this forum good to read this entire column, which describes in painful detail how the Left and the Media convinced Blacks and other Democrats that the crime crisis was a fiction.

A sample...

"But the core of the post–George Floyd crime spike has been drive-by shootings, and they occur overwhelmingly between blacks and, to a lesser extent, between blacks and Hispanics. (In New York City, for example, blacks and Hispanics made up 96.4 percent of all shooting victims in 2020; blacks and Hispanics made up nearly 97 percent of all known shooting suspects in 2020. "

Read it.
Welcome to the drug war on the streets.

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