Zone1 White Neo-Nazis calls black guy Uncle Tom


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Look here a white neo-nazi says to a black man "i had enough of this Uncle Tom trying to be a white man", but the black guy didnt appear at all trying to be a white man, they just discussed racial topics. The black guy was just black. look at the video it is only a few seconds long. Maybe he says that to the black guy, because the black guy sits in the show with suit and tie, and talks as equal, maybe he thinks "the nigga is uppity thinks he is equal to whites trying to be a white man"... but that nazi is a big asshole.

On TA users all the time say to me "im trying hard to be a white man" but im just myself? That reminded of myself. Even on usmessageboard some said "why dont you stick with being a gypsy" "why do you try to be a white man"... well im just myself im neither trying or not trying hard to be a white man. Im just myself, Mortimer, Iam who Iam.

Oh fer fucks sake.
Other blacks call blacks who try and make it in a white mans world uncle Toms.
In other words blacks who try and succeed despite being black.
It's the same as when blacks call other blacks who are actually trying to do well in school not real blacks.
The intent is to shame them into becoming ******* rather than being successful like white people.
Oh fer fucks sake.
Other blacks call blacks who try and make it in a white mans world uncle Toms.
In other words blacks who try and succeed despite being black.
It's the same as when blacks call other blacks who are actually trying to do well in school not real blacks.
The intent is to shame them into becoming ******* rather than being successful like white people.

Are you sure blacks call them Uncle Toms just for doing well in school or similar? What do IM2 and the few other blacks here say?
Are you sure blacks call them Uncle Toms just for doing well in school or similar? What do IM2 and the few other blacks here say?

Yes I'm absolutely sure it happens.
Why dont you ask him? But I'll say right now that he's a full blown racist and he may deny the obvious.
You can see just how racist he is by looking at his posts....they're always in race relations.

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