When is the planet going to burn up, damn it is cold outside?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Vortex to bring episodes of chilly air, frost to northeastern US into next week
The weather pattern responsible for unseasonably chilly conditions, and in some cases frost, will continue over the northeastern United States into part of next week.
We keep hearing that the polar ice caps are melting, +32 degrees, then we get hit with a vortex that can bring freezing conditions -32 degrees, but where is this freezing coming from, if the ice caps are above freezing?
Vortex to bring episodes of chilly air, frost to northeastern US into next week
The weather pattern responsible for unseasonably chilly conditions, and in some cases frost, will continue over the northeastern United States into part of next week.
We keep hearing that the polar ice caps are melting, +32 degrees, then we get hit with a vortex that can bring freezing conditions -32 degrees, but where is this freezing coming from, if the ice caps are above freezing?
Other than the fact that you are a dumbass, what else are you trying to prove?

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Vortex to bring episodes of chilly air, frost to northeastern US into next week
The weather pattern responsible for unseasonably chilly conditions, and in some cases frost, will continue over the northeastern United States into part of next week.
We keep hearing that the polar ice caps are melting, +32 degrees, then we get hit with a vortex that can bring freezing conditions -32 degrees, but where is this freezing coming from, if the ice caps are above freezing?
Other than the fact that you are a dumbass, what else are you trying to prove?

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I laugh my ass off every time you post that womans videos up! I love how they always have her mouth open too! That being said Squaw Valley is stating there is enough snow that they will be open through AUGUST! Holy shit batman! That's a lot of SNOW!

Squaw Valley in Tahoe to remain open past July 4 for first time

Squaw Valley in Tahoe to remain open past July 4 for first time | TahoeDailyTribune.com
Vortex to bring episodes of chilly air, frost to northeastern US into next week
The weather pattern responsible for unseasonably chilly conditions, and in some cases frost, will continue over the northeastern United States into part of next week.
We keep hearing that the polar ice caps are melting, +32 degrees, then we get hit with a vortex that can bring freezing conditions -32 degrees, but where is this freezing coming from, if the ice caps are above freezing?
Other than the fact that you are a dumbass, what else are you trying to prove?

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I laugh my ass off every time you post that womans videos up! I love how they always have her mouth open too! That being said Squaw Valley is stating there is enough snow that they will be open through AUGUST! Holy shit batman! That's a lot of SNOW!

Squaw Valley in Tahoe to remain open past July 4 for first time

Squaw Valley in Tahoe to remain open past July 4 for first time | TahoeDailyTribune.com

They could potentially never close this year, depending on the polar jet.. It remains 2X average size today and is showing no signs of summer time waning. IF it remains strong (as is now being predicted) a very cool summer could be what we have in the US..
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Europe is about to learn how the Thames river froze over.. The hard way..

Because your ice age cult says so?

Are there any deniers here who aren't part of the ice age cult? I can't find any. They all believe the HolyIceAge is arriving RealSoonNow. They've been saying that for 40 years straight, and the ice age never gets here, but their faith is undiminished.
The thing of it is that unusually cold days in May even south of the Mason Dixon line ain't unusual. The problem is that the radical left can't enjoy a spring morning or a summer afternoon on the beach without trying to extort taxpayer money in a gigantic scam originally developed by a disgruntled loser democrat. Al Gore had no scientific background and he lived in a compound that used more energy than a small city while he was developing ways to make a buck by selling "carbon credits".
Vortex to bring episodes of chilly air, frost to northeastern US into next week
The weather pattern responsible for unseasonably chilly conditions, and in some cases frost, will continue over the northeastern United States into part of next week.
We keep hearing that the polar ice caps are melting, +32 degrees, then we get hit with a vortex that can bring freezing conditions -32 degrees, but where is this freezing coming from, if the ice caps are above freezing?
Other than the fact that you are a dumbass, what else are you trying to prove?

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I laugh my ass off every time you post that womans videos up! I love how they always have her mouth open too! That being said Squaw Valley is stating there is enough snow that they will be open through AUGUST! Holy shit batman! That's a lot of SNOW!

Squaw Valley in Tahoe to remain open past July 4 for first time

Squaw Valley in Tahoe to remain open past July 4 for first time | TahoeDailyTribune.com

Jennifer Francis of Rutgers University is a Phd Meteorologist, a real research scientist. something that you are not. And, by your posts, I doubt you are a scientist, period.

So, you have a bit of snow. Good for you. In the meantime, by Dr. Spencer's work, April was at 0.27, and there were only 3 months prior to 1997 warmer than that.


The AGW folks don't seem to get it........its as if they treat human beings as if they had no senses. Its fascinating. They really think people are home looking at temperature data on the compute every night and are forming their opinions. HOLY FUCK........you cant make this stuff up.

Some haven't missed the memo like the climate k00ks........Yale University for example, which did a study on human perceptions on temperature and weather and its relation to global warming attitudes. Very real..........except for the k00ks. But it certainly explains why in 2017, voters couldn't give a rats ass about climate change............its barely on the radar. Why? Because when all across the country, people are waking up to frigid temperatures in mid-May, global warming concerns fall lower and lower and lower on peoples priority list. Except in the world of the k00ks.



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