Coal is up and Green is down


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Green is the lefts easy money, and a lot of them tied up big money with silly carbon banks and so on, remember Solyndra scandal...

Coal is up and Green is down.
May 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



Or saving dead tree copies of Climate of Hope from their inevitable destination in the Green landfills of tomorrow. But at least Bloomberg had found something that he hates even more than large sodas.

Around the same time that Michael Bloomberg was peddling this claim in the dead tree pages of the Washington Post, Bloomberg, his own site, was reporting that “Coal country is back”.as the “market value of publicly traded U.S. coal companies” had doubled to $15 billion.


Who is conning whom again?

Bloomberg, the man, is rather invested in Big Green. Bloomberg New Energy Finance is built around it. There’s the businessman and the activist. And, coincidentally, they share the same agenda.


Burning coal is as natural as any other form of energy production. The Burning Mountain in Australia, a coal seam fire, has been going for some 6,000 years. It’ll be going when the archeologists of the far future are puzzling over fossilized copies of Climate of Hope and trying to understand why the men of the distant past thought that the sky was about to fall. And the answer is a mix of stupidity and greed.

Bloomberg’s Green vs Coal Miners
Gods. Is the OP a miner rube for Trump? Seems like he's bought the snake oil. Even the Weakly Standard has not such an appetite.

A large swath of the population—mostly on the left—thinks the American coal industry is dead or dying. But another large portion of the population—mostly on the right—thinks the coal industry is primed for a comeback.

Neither group is correct. The coal industry isn't going anywhere any time soon; but it will almost certainly continue to contract for the foreseeable future (regardless of President Trump's rhetoric or policy shifts). The reason isn't stringent environmental regulations—it's low natural gas prices, which make that fuel a lot cheaper to burn than coal. April 3, 2017
All you have to know is that in the last mid-term elections, every candidate that ran on a green platform got their clock cleaned...............lmao............after 85 million in contributions, by the way, from that environmental k00k's group ( forget his name )
China and US lead way with wind power installations, says global energy report

China and US lead way with wind power installations, says global energy report

Last year saw 54.6 gigawatts (GW) of wind capacity installed across the planet, with global installed capacity now standing at almost 487 GW, according to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

China installed 23.4 GW of new capacity, a 42.7 percent share of the market. A distant second to China in terms of new capacity was the U.S., where 8.2 GW was installed.

The potential of wind power in China is significant. Last June, an MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) study said that wind power could – if certain adjustments were made – supply 26 percent of China's "projected electricity demand" by the year 2030.

In the U.S., wind energy provided 4.7 percent of the entire electricity generated in 2015, according to the American Wind Energy Association.

While China, the U.S., Germany and India continued to show a strong appetite for wind, the 54.6 GW of new capacity added in 2016 was still less than the 63.6 GW added in 2015, the GWEC said.

"Wind power continues to grow in double digits; but we can't expect the industry to set a new record every single year," Steve Sawyer, GWEC Secretary General, said in a statement at the end of last week.

Looks like wind is doing alright, not contracting as is coal.
Solar Industry Facts and Figures

Solar Growth and the ITC

The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) has provided industry stability and growth since its initial passage in 2006. In the last decade, solar has experienced a compound annual growth rate of more than 60%. To learn more about the ITC and its impact on the solar industry, visit our ITC Policy Page.

Solar as an Economic Engine
Nearly 260,000 Americans work in solar - more than double the number in 2012 - at more than 9,000 companies in every U.S. state. By 2021, that number is expected to increase to more than 360,000 workers

More people working in solar than in coal. And they are not getting black lung, or polluting the area in which they live.
Green is the lefts easy money, and a lot of them tied up big money with silly carbon banks and so on, remember Solyndra scandal...

Coal is up and Green is down.
May 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield



Or saving dead tree copies of Climate of Hope from their inevitable destination in the Green landfills of tomorrow. But at least Bloomberg had found something that he hates even more than large sodas.

Around the same time that Michael Bloomberg was peddling this claim in the dead tree pages of the Washington Post, Bloomberg, his own site, was reporting that “Coal country is back”.as the “market value of publicly traded U.S. coal companies” had doubled to $15 billion.


Who is conning whom again?

Bloomberg, the man, is rather invested in Big Green. Bloomberg New Energy Finance is built around it. There’s the businessman and the activist. And, coincidentally, they share the same agenda.


Burning coal is as natural as any other form of energy production. The Burning Mountain in Australia, a coal seam fire, has been going for some 6,000 years. It’ll be going when the archeologists of the far future are puzzling over fossilized copies of Climate of Hope and trying to understand why the men of the distant past thought that the sky was about to fall. And the answer is a mix of stupidity and greed.

Bloomberg’s Green vs Coal Miners

Yes, without environmental safety, the coal companies will continue to make millions for a while longer, but automation will prevent any noticeable return of all those lost mining jobs. So who are you really cheering for? Multimillionaire coal companies? Destroying our environment so big coal companies can remain profitable for a few more years does nothing to help our country or the workers in it.

About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040, report says

If you were thinking that the rise of long-range electric vehicles, like the forthcoming Chevy Bolt or Tesla Model 3, might lead to the demise of gas-burning cars, think again. According to Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 94% of the global car fleet will still run on fossil fuels in the year 2040.

In its annual World Oil Outlook report, OPEC estimates that EVs will represent a mere 1% of the global car market in 2040. Hybrids, however, which the organization considers mostly gas-powered due to their onboard gas-burning engines, will command 14% of the market by the same date.
The Great California Scam! Wind Turbines Prove to be a Huge Flop!

"California had the “big three” of wind farm locations — Altamont Pass, Tehachapi, and San Gorgonio, considered the world’s best wind sites. California’s wind farms, almost 80% of the world’s wind generation capacity ceased to generate even more quickly than Kamaoa Wind Farm in Hawaii. There are five other abandoned wind farms in Hawaii. When they are abandoned, getting the turbines removed is a major problem. They are highly unsightly, and they are huge, and that’s a lot of material to get rid of.

Unfortunately the same areas that are good for siting wind farms are a natural pass for migrating birds. Altamont’s turbines have been shut down four months out of every year for migrating birds after environmentalists filed suit.

It’s a flop folks. It’s been a flop and California taxpayers have been paying for it. Worse, federal dollars have subsidized so YOU are paying for it. YOU will continue to pay for up keep, replacement, and cleanup."

LOL kick in the teeth to Old Fraud and his wet dream windfarms...
So who are you really cheering for? Multimillionaire coal companies?


Then quit lying and pretending you care about what is best for the country, the economy, and the workers here.

Successful companies aren't good for the country? Maybe in North Korea.

Successful companies are only good for the country if they supply a good product at a competitive price (gas is all around cheaper, cleaner, and better) or by supplying jobs for the people. (The jobs just aren't there) Making rich people richer doesn't help anyone but the rich people..
So who are you really cheering for? Multimillionaire coal companies?


Then quit lying and pretending you care about what is best for the country, the economy, and the workers here.

Successful companies aren't good for the country? Maybe in North Korea.

Successful companies are only good for the country if they supply a good product at a competitive price (gas is all around cheaper, cleaner, and better) or by supplying jobs for the people. (The jobs just aren't there) Making rich people richer doesn't help anyone but the rich people..

Actually... coal and gas are priced competitively each supplying an equal amount of the US power needs.

However, the last couple of years have seen a rise in coal over gas because of rising gas prices ($16 / MwH for coal vs $23 / MwH for gas)

The coal jobs of the first half of the 20th century have been gone since the sixties. Today's coal workers are highly paid and well educated.

Whether we use gas or coal, the best needs of the country is only served when that decision is based solely on the economics with no interference by partisan political hacks.
So who are you really cheering for? Multimillionaire coal companies?


Then quit lying and pretending you care about what is best for the country, the economy, and the workers here.

Successful companies aren't good for the country? Maybe in North Korea.

Successful companies are only good for the country if they supply a good product at a competitive price (gas is all around cheaper, cleaner, and better) or by supplying jobs for the people. (The jobs just aren't there) Making rich people richer doesn't help anyone but the rich people..

Actually... coal and gas are priced competitively each supplying an equal amount of the US power needs.

However, the last couple of years have seen a rise in coal over gas because of rising gas prices ($16 / MwH for coal vs $23 / MwH for gas)

The coal jobs of the first half of the 20th century have been gone since the sixties. Today's coal workers are highly paid and well educated.

Whether we use gas or coal, the best needs of the country is only served when that decision is based solely on the economics with no interference by partisan political hacks.

You are dead on correct....:rock::rock:......and that's the way it works in the real world. The alarmist k00ks missed the memo. The decisions in the end are always based upon economics in every developed country......which is why the science isn't mattering outside the internet science clubs.:popcorn:



Graph looks almost exactly the same for 2017.........and btw, will look basically the same in 2040 ( well, at least according to the Obama EIA report in 2016 :lmao: )

Who's not winning?:fu:
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