When Democrats tell the truth, it devastates them


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Oct 31, 2012
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On Saturday, billionaire Co-Owner of the Golden State Warriors Chamath Palihapitiya told a podcast audience that he doesnā€™t care about Chinaā€™s enslavement and genocide against its minority Uyghur population.

During his All-In podcast interview, Palihapitiya waved off concerns about Chinaā€™s ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs, saying, ā€œNobody cares about whatā€™s happening to the Uyghurs.ā€

Palihapitiya, the CEO of Societal Capital which boasts that its call is ā€œsolving the worldā€™s hardest problems,ā€ shocked podcast host David Sacks when he dismissed concerns about the enslavement of millions of Chinese Uyghurs because he feels no one cares about them. Palihapitiya went on to add that he has other priorities to worry about.

Owner of the @warriorsį¼¼ says he doesnā€™t care about the Uyghurs.
The conversation goes downhill from there.@chamathā€¦
ā€“ questions whether a genocide is actually happening
ā€“ says the CCP isnā€™t a dictatorship
ā€“ says the US is no better than the CCP pic.twitter.com/qAwi7hUPvo
ā€” Michael Sobolik (@michaelsobolik) January 17, 2022

ā€œNobody cares about whatā€™s happening to the Uyghurs, OK? You bring it up because you really care, and I think itā€™s nice that you care. The rest of us donā€™t care. Iā€™m just telling you a very hard, ugly truth. Of all the things that I care about, yes, it is below my line. Of all the things that I care about, it is below my line,ā€ Palihapitiya exclaimed.

To the podcast hostā€™s shock, Palihapitiya continued.

ā€œI care about the fact that our economy can turn on a dime if China invades Taiwan. I care about climate change. I care about Americaā€™s crippling and decrepit health care infrastructure. But if you ask me, do I care about a segment of a class of people in another country? Not until we can take care of ourselves will I prioritize them over us,ā€ Palihapitiya added.

ā€œAnd I think a lot of people believe that, and Iā€™m sorry if thatā€™s a hard truth to hear, but every time I say that I ā€˜care about the Uyghursā€™, Iā€™m really just lying if I donā€™t really care and so I rather not lie to you and tell you the truth. Itā€™s not a priority for me,ā€ Palihapitiya said dismissively.

During the exchange, Palihapitiya also claimed that China wasnā€™t a dictatorship and was no worse than the United States.


I find this sort of attitude with China from pretty much all left wingers who adore China in terms of the money they can make from them and the fact China is a Marxist dictatorship, something they all admire.

In fact, I'm sure Diaper Joe will allow Americans to go to the Olympics in China, even though Atlanta was boycotted by the Left in regards to moving the All Star game for their voting laws, as if they are somehow worse than the Chinese dictatorship that has open genocide and just released the worst Pandemic to the rest of the world in modern times while trying to cover it all up.
Co-owner of the Golden State Warriors said that?

You don't say.

What did their towel boy say?
Silicon Valley and the NBA are corporate cesspools of Leftism and the DNC, so this sort of thing should not be surprising.

And I'm sure this will come as no surprise for most either, Palihapitiya has tried to brand himself as a socially conscious investor, constantly commenting on Left wing causes such as BLM. And just like Lebron James, he seems to praise blacks for speaking out against perceived oppression while chastising those in Hong Kong for speaking out against their Chinese comrades.
Co-owner of the Golden State Warriors said that?

You don't say.

What did their towel boy say?
This sort of thing is common think among democrats

Take Mike Bloomberg, for example, who ran for President on the DNC ticket

Michael Bloomberg told Firing Line host Margaret Hoover that Chinese president Xi Jinping is "not a dictator" and insisted the Chinese Communist Party listens to its constituents. The comments come in the wake of the former New York mayor's announcement of an economic forum in Beijing this November.

Bloomberg defended China's ruling communist regime citing its handling of pollution and environmental policy, claiming that it is responding to the needs of citizens. The billionaire's comments come amid months of violent protest in Hong Kong and international outcry about the oppression of Chinese Muslims.

"The Communist Party wants to stay in power in China and they listen to the public," Bloomberg said. "When the public says ā€˜I can't breathe the air,' Xi Jinping is not a dictator. He has to satisfy his constituents, or he's not going to survive."

"He's not a dictator?" Hoover asked. "He doesn't have a vote, he doesn't have a democracy. He's not held accountable by voters. Is the check on him just a revolution?"

"No, he has a constituency to answer to," Bloomberg responded. "You're not going to have a revolution. No government survives without the will of the majority of its people."

.@MikeBloomberg tells @FiringLineShow that China's leader is addressing pollution to satisfy constituents & secure his political future.
"The Communist Party wants to stay in power in China and they listen to the public," he says. pic.twitter.com/B9SoAXJwrM
ā€” Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (@FiringLineShow) September 27, 2019

For months Hong Kong has been engulfed in sometimes violent protests about a bill that would have allowed for the extradition of criminal suspects to mainland China. Protesters have argued the bill represents a violation of Hong Kong's rights as a semi-autonomous region of China.

When Hoover pointed this out, Bloomberg insisted the Chinese Communist Party is responsive to its constituents.

"There's always in government, even governments that aren't what we call a democracy, there are lots of stakeholders who have vested interests and they have an impact," he said.

China has forced more than 1 million Chinese Uyghur Muslims into what the Chinese government described as "reeducation" internment camps. The United States, along with 30 other countries, condemned China's treatment of its Uyghur minority as a "horrific campaign of repression." John Sullivan, the U.S. deputy secretary of state, invited other countries "to join the international effort to demand and compel an immediate end to China's horrific campaign of repression."

This week, a human rights lawyer accused the Chinese government of murdering members of the Uyghur minority and the Falun Gong religious group to harvest organs. The lawyer called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to investigate the claims.
Co-owner of the Golden State Warriors said that?

You don't say.

What did their towel boy say?
You don't care?

The hell you say

You must be a democrat

Meanwhile, we are cancelling people for saying All Lives Matter as they lose their jobs?

I think China is the model democrats want for America.

In fact, the global warming alarmists are on the verge of "putting on hold" democracy to fight global warming.

Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change from radically impacting on our lives over the coming decades. This is the stark conclusion of James Lovelock, the globally respected environmental thinker and independent scientist who developed the Gaia theory.

It follows a tumultuous few months in which public opinion on efforts to tackle climate change has been undermined by events such as the climate scientists' emails leaked from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the failure of the Copenhagen climate summit.

"I don't think we're yet evolved to the point where we're clever enough to handle a complex a situation as climate change," said Lovelock in his first in-depth interview since the theft of the UEA emails last November. "The inertia of humans is so huge that you can't really do anything meaningful."

One of the main obstructions to meaningful action is "modern democracy", he added. "Even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while."
When a democrat tells the truth, it means he/she fucked up and strayed from the party line.
When a democrat tells the truth, it means he/she fucked up and strayed from the party line.
The truth slips out every now and again, which is why he had to back track and apologize about his genocide supporting rant.

But this is no different than when FDR down played the genocide in Nazi Germany

Historically, democrats are Ok with genocide it seems. After all, these are National Socialists who hated Jews like FDR did, so how bad could they be?

The United States and its allies confirmed in late 1942 that the ā€œcold-blooded extermination" of Europe's Jews was underway but insisted nothing could be done to help them except win the war. Jewish activists, by contrast, were convinced that if there was a will, ways could be found to save lives. They were backed by members of Congress who, in the autumn of 1943, introduced a resolution urging the establishment of a rescue agency. The Roosevelt administration, trying to head off pressure to take rescue action, sent Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long to Capitol Hill to testify against the measure.

Long's prevarications ignited a firestorm of criticism in the press and galvanized the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to unanimously adopt the resolution. Meanwhile, a handful of Treasury Department officials discovered the State Department had been suppressing news about the mass murder and blocking rescue opportunities. They persuaded Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. to confront the president with a plea to create a rescue agency before Congress embarrassed him by passing the resolution.

Erbelding acknowledges this sequence of events but cannot imagine the presidentā€™s positive response to Morgenthau reflected anything but the purest of motives. FDR ā€œneeded no convincing" from his Treasury secretary, she claims. In fact, he needed quite a bit of convincing, in the form of a looming full Senate vote that would show him up on the rescue issue, a potential election-year scandal over the State Departmentā€™s actions, and a rising clamor among Jewish and refugee advocacy groups. Thatā€™s why Roosevelt, who was against rescue before he was for it, suddenly reversed himself and created the War Refugee Board through an executive order. According to Erbelding, the presidentā€™s action was ā€œaltruisticā€ā€”not a motive commonly found among seasoned politicians.

What the board achieved in its brief 15-month existence was remarkable. By financing the hiding of Jews and the bribing of Nazis, moving Jewish refugees out of the way of the retreating German armies, and sponsoring Raoul Wallenbergā€™s rescue mission in occupied Budapest, the board played a major role in saving some 200,000 Jews, mainstream historians estimate. Erbeldingā€™s description of this work as ā€œFranklin D. Rooseveltā€™s little-known effort late in the war to save the Jewsā€ is contradicted by the fact that the president and the rest of his administration obstructed or ignored much of the boardā€™s work.
FDR actually prevented Jews from escaping Germany and it's Holocaust on the excuse they may be spies for HItler

The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually ā€” but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants. For example, starting in 1941, merely leaving behind a close relative in Europe would be enough to disqualify an applicant ā€” on the absurd assumption that the Nazis could threaten the relative and thereby force the immigrant into spying for Hitler.

FDR, the idol all democrats worship, thought the Jewish question could be settled around the world by "spreading them thin". That way the world might be able to tolerate them.

However, in the interim, killing them in the ovens of Nazi Germany would have to do.
Nobody cares about the Uyghurs. Heā€™s right.

They also donā€™t care about the Tibetans.
They donā€™t care about Darfur.
They donā€™t care about the Kurds.

And before you think this is something terribly different, we didnā€™t care about European Jews in the 30s either.

Well, some people did, but few who were actually willing to pay the price to do something about it.
FDR actually prevented Jews from escaping Germany and it's Holocaust on the excuse they may be spies for HItler
Just like Republicans love preventing Muslims from escaping the Middle East because they might be terrorists.
Nobody cares about the Uyghurs. Heā€™s right.

They also donā€™t care about the Tibetans.
They donā€™t care about Darfur.
They donā€™t care about the Kurds.

And before you think this is something terribly different, we didnā€™t care about European Jews in the 30s either.

Well, some people did, but few who were actually willing to pay the price to do something about it.
And there it is everyone.

The truth for all to behold.
Just like Republicans love preventing Muslims from escaping the Middle East because they might be terrorists.
It seems to me that Biden did a swell job preventing people from Afghanistan from leaving. No problem with that, right?
And there it is everyone.

The truth for all to behold.
You know itā€™s true. You going to deny it?

FFS, how many Americans do you think would have the slightest idea what a Uyghur is?
You know itā€™s true. You going to deny it?

FFS, how many Americans do you think would have the slightest idea what a Uyghur is?
Human genocide is evil, so is ignoring it.

Which his why people like you support abortion as well

Out of sight, out of mind, that is, what little brain function you actually have.
5ā€™6ā€ 160 lb unarmed woman crawls through a broken window and a 6ā€™ 225 pound armed guard has fears so he just shoots her dead on video and libs say itā€™s not murder
No hope to work on reasoned outcomes with ā€œpeopleā€ like that
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