When are the Guardians of the 2nd Amendment going to Act?


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.
It will be too late then.
Suggestions? If one speaks out in a venue online they are very apt to get a knock at the door or worse. That is just playing into the hands of the tyrants in DC. The Federal government has completely outed itself as corrupt and tyrannical. There can be NO doubt on this any longer. What they CANNOT do, is suppress half of this nation forcibly, especially by using alphabet agencies. Their ruin is interwoven into what they think of as their unassailable power.
It really is a quirky combination of arrogance and stupidity, IMO. The FBI has around 20,000 agents nationwide. In short, they can only oppress people who are willing to obey the laws that the Left just ignore with impunity. The numbers of that group shrank during Trump's presidency and it will continue to shrink as the Marxists in DC overreach and attempt to crush opponents publicly.

The states that still want to be ruled by the Constitution need to join together and forge bonds of security, commerce, entertainment, you name it. IOW, a totally separate economy. DC CAN be ignored and short of them sending in the sturmtruppen, there is nothing they can do about it on the macro scale.
My guess is that the massive push to generate hate and division among Americans based on color, economics, and even sex, isn't an end unto itself. It's just preparing the ground for violent chaos once the economy collapses. It wouldn't surprise me if that happened this year, maybe this summer.

After the shooting of Ashli Babbitt on the 6th of January 2021 it's time to enact a new Constitutional Amendment establishing Castle Doctrine throughout the United States.

If shooting a unarmed protester, without warning or the use of non-lethal force, is good enough for our legislators then it's good enough for all home and business owners.


I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.

There is no evidence Biden is losing it because some nut said he was. Taking advice from his minders is what trump should have done.

The RWNJ have justified their weapons by saying they will be used to dislodge tyrants from the white house. If ever there was a solid reason, it was trump the fascist tyrant needed removing.
Then there was Obama. Apparently not even a US citizen, a Muslim and terrorist who completely destroyed th er country and you guys never fired a shot.
Lots of big mouths but no guts.

So don't rattle on with your rubbish about anyone taking your guns. If they did it would be because you have no use for them when two chances presented themselves and you did nothing.

Furthermore, the threat to take you precious little guns always comes up during a Democrat government. How coincidental.
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Ho hum. Another thread of right-wing terrorists encouraging more right-wing terrorism. It must be a day ending in "y".

What makes in worse, in my opinion, is that it is another person pushing for others to start the fighting. The OP will not be involved in the bloodshed or the dying. He wants others to do it for him.
Act? What do you propose? Armed revolution?
I am not asking anyone to do anything for me, except to campaign for a three-level charter convention series to reorder the erroneous charter system.

My point is that the argument that the Second Amendment is composed to provide the citizens to rebel a tyrannical government has been deteriorated to inert, or moot. So arguments suggesting that the problem is that "they are not following the Constitution," cannot be resolved. What are you going to do?
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.
You have a First Amendment and it is first not second.
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.
You have a First Amendment and it is first not second.
And I'm doing that. I am the one who is writing the guide to a three-level constitutional convention series.
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.

If you were smarter, maybe you would stop posting such nonsense and would be able to afford to buy a gun.
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.

If you were smarter, maybe you would stop posting such nonsense and would be able to afford to buy a gun.
87,000 posts and you bother to comment on a discussion that you think is nonsense, because you think you have good advice?
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.

If you were smarter, maybe you would stop posting such nonsense and would be able to afford to buy a gun.
87,000 posts and you bother to comment on a discussion that you think is nonsense, because you think you have good advice?

No, I'm just commenting on so many of you in the Trump cult.

You feed off grievance 24/7, and you are willing to destroy the sovereign will of the people and the American experiment because you are scared of the world changing around you.

That's why you embrace an anti-democratic demagogue, and willingly believe the lies you are told because you can't handle the changes of the world around you.
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.

They won't. They prove it over and over.
There is no line the rabid Left cannot cross. Hell, they have called for "Killing They Babies" (King Samir Shabazz)
And they're doing it.....not a peep.

The Marxist Left has NOTHING to worry about. They'll talk...they be ITG's....but they will do nothing.
Both men below will ultimately receive full pardons and become national heroes.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.
You have a First Amendment and it is first not second.

Yes, we do have a First Amendment. I would love to see your evidence that the amendments in the Bill of Rights are in order of importance. But I won't hold my breath.

But we do have a First Amendment. The gov't cannot establish a state religion or prohibit the free exercise of your religion. It cannot limit your speech or the press. It cannot stop you from gathering peaceably. Nor can it stop you from petitioning the gov't for a redress of grievances.

And none of that has anything to do with the topic of this thread.
I cannot afford a gun, ammunition, or shooting range time. If I could, I would.

But here we are. Everybody has a complaint about the government. Conservatives saw the Obama Administration deploy the IRS to harass conservative organizations, Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton neglect for the Benghazi ambassador who was hiding weapons and munitions for someone, and then she was also sharing classified information on an unsecured internet server. All of which was not prosecuted.

The liberals described Trump to be a tyrant.

Both sides are making the same complaint - one side is correct. Neither side can do anything about it.

And here we are, and it should be obvious to gun owners that Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to conduct the powers of the presidency. Obviously, he is the "puppet president." His handlers were/are negligent with the immigration flow at the southern border, and nobody is doing anything to correct the inhumanity. This emboldens the Biden handlers.

The tyranny is upon us. They are going to dismantle a bunch of other things before they enact gun confiscation.

It will be too late then.
You have a First Amendment and it is first not second.
And I'm doing that. I am the one who is writing the guide to a three-level constitutional convention series.

You Do Not want a constitutional convention.

First of all, our politicians are bought and paid for.
Second, by the time the lawyers finish writing it in legal jargon, most citizens will not understand it. And they will let others tell them what it means.
Third, so many voters cast their vote on an emotional level, and that will be bad for the 2nd amendment.
And I'm doing that. I am the one who is writing the guide to a three-level constitutional convention series.

You Do Not want a constitutional convention.

First of all, our politicians are bought and paid for.
Second, by the time the lawyers finish writing it in legal jargon, most citizens will not understand it. And they will let others tell them what it means.
Third, so many voters cast their vote on an emotional level, and that will be bad for the 2nd amendment.
You are just jealous that you were not able to figure the problem and solution.

If you were not jealous, you would tease me by asking me how you can help - to see if I have the next step.

You're not doing that. You're determined to discourage me - why would you care???

Fuck it - what do you care if I make a fool of myself??? You don't like me, here.
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