When and when not to use silence in your thought process


Gold Member
Nov 24, 2015
Everyday boredom depression starts with thoughts and silence. Keeping really silent in thought, eventually your mind will involuntarily begin thinking for you. It's easier to just let it run. But if you're not meditating then you probably just let thought run in your mind until its to emotional and you stop your thought at which point you may suffer physical symptoms of anxiety. I think when a thought or thoughts give you anxiety its better to manually overdrive your mind and have a minute of controlled thinking in your head as opposed to sitting in silence like its the only thing that helps with the mind. In other words the old meditation trick of stopping your thoughts is kind off inappropriate letting your mind go silent when you start feeling anxiety. You might choose a word to a subject you like as sort of a go to word to swing your thoughts in a different direction.
Emotional code for cure to anxiety: Thoughts to fear/anger to silence in thought to anxiety to voluntarily slow thinking for an appropriate time to dissolve the anxiety to feeling fine.

By putting pauses between short thoughts...you...can generally...dissolve anxiety much quicker then starring out the window after you start to get anxiety.
There are a few other common reasons you might go silent in thought other then fear and anger. Looking for answers to something comes from a deep silence in thought, as well as listening to someone speak you go silent in thought to interpret them.

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