What's Your TRUE Calling?

They didn't have mine listed.

Wealthy Philanthropist is my true calling.


I agree completely.

I would love being able to just give away money. Problem is, I lack the most important qualification. Darn.

This is what it said for me: In a way, the same thing except that I would remove the word "yet" and it wouldn't be limited to children.

You are kind, caring, and self-less. You also take pride in protecting and taking care of those who can't take care of themselves yet. Your true calling in life is to be a pediatrician!
They didn't have mine listed.

Wealthy Philanthropist is my true calling.


I agree completely.

I would love being able to just give away money. Problem is, I lack the most important qualification. Darn.

This is what it said for me: In a way, the same thing except that I would remove the word "yet" and it wouldn't be limited to children.

You are kind, caring, and self-less. You also take pride in protecting and taking care of those who can't take care of themselves yet. Your true calling in life is to be a pediatrician!


The problem with a quiz like this one is that it only has a handful of "callings" when many people can be more than one. Life isn't limited to only one vocation. In essence you can be whatever you want to be at any stage of your life.
What were you mean to be?

What Is Your True Calling QuizDoo

Freaking Philosophy.

And one of my favorite quotes is from a philosopher.....and when I leave this world I want that quote on the bottom of my tombstone.

“Non est ad astra mollis e terris via" =

"There is no easy way from the earth to the stars”

Bonzi - Two GREAT minds think alike. :)

Shadow 355
I'm not a rabid RW.
I take full responsibility for what I say, and, even admit when I'm:
1) Wrong
2) Have no clue what people are talking about...

You can't move forward or increase your knowledge if you already think you know it all.
Grand Undisputed Invulnerable Un-Deposable Benevolent Dictator Of Planet Earth.

It wasn't listed. :laugh2:
They didn't have mine listed.

Wealthy Philanthropist is my true calling.

Well, you could always pretend to be one.

Be like John D Rockefeller, stand on corners giving away dimes, and a lecture on savings.

(You might get a weekend pass to vote in the 2018 midterms)
I'm not a rabid RW.
I take full responsibility for what I say, and, even admit when I'm:
1) Wrong
2) Have no clue what people are talking about...

You can't move forward or increase your knowledge if you already think you know it all.

I wasn't referring to you.

You didn't trash and derail your own thread.

Yeah I know, but I was just throwing that out there...
I am known to be RW on here.... :)

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