whats wrong with blow hole Joes rally's ?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2020
Spce coast Florida

blow hole Joe had 30 people in attendance while trump was having a rally at the same time with over 11,000.

this is a common occurrence Bath house Barry O bung hole had 250 cars show up for a motor rally for him in Florida while trumps rally had thousands and thousands show up .

why are the democrats not shwing up for these events ?
its the same story every where joe goes, O bung hole recently had 4 people show up at one efent
Vice President Biden is really embarrassing, the way he lies. His entire tone of voice is insincere, people can tell.

If I were advising Sleepy Joe, I'd tell him to retreat into the Biden Bunker until after the election.
No need for Biden voters to go to rally's, they know how there going to vote. Why would you need to keep going to rally's you know how your going to vote? Is it just to keep being pumped up with anger & hate for your neighbor? who just happens to preference a different political party.
No need for Biden voters to go to rally's, they know how there going to vote. Why would you need to keep going to rally's you know how your going to vote? Is it just to keep being pumped up with anger & hate for your neighbor? who just happens to preference a different political party.

I'd say people enjoy the rally's. It has nothing to do with anger or hate. They enjoy going.
Vice President Biden is really embarrassing, the way he lies. His entire tone of voice is insincere, people can tell.

If I were advising Sleepy Joe, I'd tell him to retreat into the Biden Bunker until after the election.

His vascular dementia has also returned!

blow hole Joe had 30 people in attendance while trump was having a rally at the same time with over 11,000.

this is a common occurrence Bath house Barry O bung hole had 250 cars show up for a motor rally for him in Florida while trumps rally had thousands and thousands show up .

why are the democrats not shwing up for these events ?
its the same story every where joe goes, O bung hole recently had 4 people show up at one efent
Well to be honest about Biden and friends aren't holding rallies. To have a rally you have to have people and their gatherings don't have any people to speak of in attendance.
Suppose they gave a party and nobody came, was it really a party at all?

blow hole Joe had 30 people in attendance while trump was having a rally at the same time with over 11,000.

this is a common occurrence Bath house Barry O bung hole had 250 cars show up for a motor rally for him in Florida while trumps rally had thousands and thousands show up .

why are the democrats not shwing up for these events ?
its the same story every where joe goes, O bung hole recently had 4 people show up at one efent

Because outside of the BubbleMedia the Dems are little more than a regional party.
I'm shocked Low IQ Joe went back to NH.

They met him during the primary...

Low IQ Joe started as the frontrunner with The Bern.

Low IQ Joe ended up in 5th place...

The more the people in NH got to know Low IQ Joe, the lower Low IQ Joe fell in the polls....
No need for Biden voters to go to rally's, they know how there going to vote. Why would you need to keep going to rally's you know how your going to vote? Is it just to keep being pumped up with anger & hate for your neighbor? who just happens to preference a different political party.

Zero Anger
Zero Hate
At a Trump Rally.
I'm shocked Low IQ Joe went back to NH.

They met him during the primary...

Low IQ Joe started as the frontrunner with The Bern.

Low IQ Joe ended up in 5th place...

The more the people in NH got to know Low IQ Joe, the lower Low IQ Joe fell in the polls....

It's exactly like Hillary
The more these people are known - the less that they are liked.
Comparison between an Obama and Biden rally:



blow hole Joe had 30 people in attendance while trump was having a rally at the same time with over 11,000.

this is a common occurrence Bath house Barry O bung hole had 250 cars show up for a motor rally for him in Florida while trumps rally had thousands and thousands show up .

why are the democrats not shwing up for these events ?
its the same story every where joe goes, O bung hole recently had 4 people show up at one efent

Because they're not super spreader events like Trump's are. They're kept low key and follow CDC guidelines so as not to spread the virus around.
And just a note for you, not everyone who goes to a Trump rally is a supporter. Some just like going so they can say they were there. :)
Lets get it this way... What is the point of rallies in modern Presidential elections...

Are there undecided voters going to Trump or Biden rallies?

What is the reason to have 5,000 people in a rally during a pandemic?

blow hole Joe had 30 people in attendance while trump was having a rally at the same time with over 11,000.

this is a common occurrence Bath house Barry O bung hole had 250 cars show up for a motor rally for him in Florida while trumps rally had thousands and thousands show up .

why are the democrats not shwing up for these events ?
its the same story every where joe goes, O bung hole recently had 4 people show up at one efent

The Obama rally in Orlando reminds me of the last week of the 2016 campaign. That shithead Crooked Hillary had about 300 show up for her rally in Orlando while Trump had ten thousands show up for his rally in Tampa the next day.

I only see a few signs for that Biden asshole here in Central Florida while seeing many many Trump signs.

Florida is going for Trump as are many other swing states.
Lets get it this way... What is the point of rallies in modern Presidential elections...

Are there undecided voters going to Trump or Biden rallies?

What is the reason to have 5,000 people in a rally during a pandemic?

It was perfectly safe as President Trump dispensed with the shaking of greasy hands and kissing of ugly babies. Further, the President had the people sign an agreement that they wouldn't get sick from the rally.

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