what's the GOP"s plan?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
We need to keep in mind when McCain was running for president the GOP was beating the war drums over Iran. Today the GOP is buddying up with netinyahoo who wants to war with Iran too.

Imagine the jihad we will have if jeb bush or any republican wins the presidency.

What would the GOP do about Isis Afghanistan Iraq Jordan palastine Iran Pakistan etc? I think they would make things worse. I think their military contractors love it.
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

lol, along with Jon (lurch) Kerry, who is nothing but a career frikken politician who's only claim to fame is serving 100 days in Vietnam and then coming home and selling out his men he served with
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

lol, along with Jon (lurch) Kerry, who is nothing but a career frikken politician who's only claim to fame is serving 100 days in Vietnam and then coming home and selling out his men he served with

Sorry for wanting out of that great war Viet nam
We need to keep in mind when McCain was running for president the GOP was beating the war drums over Iran. Today the GOP is buddying up with netinyahoo who wants to war with Iran too.

Imagine the jihad we will have if jeb bush or any republican wins the presidency.

What would the GOP do about Isis Afghanistan Iraq Jordan palastine Iran Pakistan etc? I think they would make things worse. I think their military contractors love it.

The right thrives on boots-on-the-ground-war, lines their pockets with the profits and then ignores the veterans. If RWS had their way, vets would not get any help at all, including food stamps.

That has always been the GOP's "plan".
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

Yea like creeping the woman prime minister of Germany out like bush did. And no one threw a shoe at Kerry.

omg, go grow up somewhere

So what are you going to demand from Iran and what will you do if they say no? How soon into the job presidency will this begin? Are you going to defeat Isis first? How you gonna do that with a surge?
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

lol, along with Jon (lurch) Kerry, who is nothing but a career frikken politician who's only claim to fame is serving 100 days in Vietnam and then coming home and selling out his men he served with

Sorry for wanting out of that great war Viet nam

You have no clue what a TRATOR is or do you care. as for what's going to happen now. you dems/libs get to sit in the back and WATCH. Just like Obama told Republicans they could do when he won. Or sit around and poo poo in your diapers worrying over it
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

lol, along with Jon (lurch) Kerry, who is nothing but a career frikken politician who's only claim to fame is serving 100 days in Vietnam and then coming home and selling out his men he served with

Sorry for wanting out of that great war Viet nam

You have no clue what a TRATOR is or do you care. as for what's going to happen now. you dems/libs get to sit in the back and WATCH. Just like Obama told Republicans they could do when he won. Or sit around and poo poo in your diapers worrying over it

I'd rather have the white house than congress. Veto pen. Hillary 16.

I notice you aren't addreesing that the GOP want to war with Iran. Admit it or lie.
I'm sure according to libs like you , we are all sitting around going: bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

and if they do aint shit you can do about it. just like how we got OshitCare rammed down our throats
I'm sure according to libs like you , we are all sitting around going: bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

and if they do aint shit you can do about it. just like how we got OshitCare rammed down our throats

Are you claiming the GOP and Israel don't want to bomb Iran?

Just like wed love to have Saddam back don't fuck with Iran unless you want Isis in Iran too.
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

Man! The people in this administration are beyond laughable. They are stupid and they are a laughing stock to the rest of the world.
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

Man! The people in this administration are beyond laughable. They are stupid and they are a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

that's been their plan. Make us weak militarily and a laughing stock to the world. and then sit back and watch our people be beheaded and burned alive
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

Man! The people in this administration are beyond laughable. They are stupid and they are a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Bush literally was what you claim about us. He was an embarrassment

you're the embarrassment. you can't accept you party went down with the people in the country. your problem not ours
We need to keep in mind when McCain was running for president the GOP was beating the war drums over Iran. Today the GOP is buddying up with netinyahoo who wants to war with Iran too.

Imagine the jihad we will have if jeb bush or any republican wins the presidency.

What would the GOP do about Isis Afghanistan Iraq Jordan palastine Iran Pakistan etc? I think they would make things worse. I think their military contractors love it.
Umm..... I seem to recall hearing The Obama balking at the evil republicans' mention of broadening sanctions against Iran
How about this, let's make sure the next President was actually born in America and doesn't go around apologizing for our greatness and saying he'll stand with Jihadists
For one thing, we'd use better diplomacy than that provided by James Fucking Taylor.

Man! The people in this administration are beyond laughable. They are stupid and they are a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Bush literally was what you claim about us. He was an embarrassment

you're the embarrassment. you can't accept you party went down with the people in the country. your problem not ours

The american people disagree. You'll see in 2016.

The american people aren't smart enough to show up to midterms. That and gerimandering are the only reasons you have control. People didn't vote for you. They didn't vote because your party convinced them it doesn't matter.

Luckily enough show up for general elections.

Don't forget your president caused the great recession of 07 and it would have been a lot longer of an official recession if he hasn't have sent you a $300 crumb a couple times. You forget he just borrowed that from the debt so loaned you your own money and now charges you interest. You are too dumb babe.

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