What's the difference between

I like boards that are loosely moderated.

In my opinion, the worst thing on a message board is spam. As long as that is stopped (as well as really, really vile shit), then all is good.

Are you calling my moderators loose?:eusa_eh:

Have you ever spent any time over at the Forum-Not-To-Be-Named?

If so, you'll know from where I am coming.

TMI , dude. And no, I would NOT spend even half a second at a forum with Hannity's name in it . The dude is a whiney-assed punk. I'd like to plant a right cross right in his kisser. My 9 months old granddaughter has more balls than that mealy-mouthed POS.
How bad?
The power of flight? That do anything for ya? That's levitation, holmes.
How 'bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away... with mind bullets!

Have you yet received your cape and scepter from Dio?

How gay. I have a big fucking sword and I ive the moderators slightly less-big fucking swords.:evil:

A scepter is a sex toy.:lol:

Oh my.... And so many designs to choose from! :eusa_drool:
I got no idea, bud.

If you have a red-sox player in your avatar you are the SUPEREST moderator eva :D


Oh. Guess you and Crimson White and Article 15 will be best buds,

You need ot be a Texas Rngers fan to appreciate baseball. They can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory no matter what.:lol:


Article is the one who told me about this forum

I'll have to find crimson white in my posting travels to find out :D
If you have a red-sox player in your avatar you are the SUPEREST moderator eva :D


Oh. Guess you and Crimson White and Article 15 will be best buds,

You need ot be a Texas Rngers fan to appreciate baseball. They can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory no matter what.:lol:


Article is the one who told me about this forum

I'll have to find crimson white in my posting travels to find out :D

don't forget del...............

Crimson is more of a Packers fan....and Roll Tide.............
If you have a red-sox player in your avatar you are the SUPEREST moderator eva :D


Oh. Guess you and Crimson White and Article 15 will be best buds,

You need ot be a Texas Rngers fan to appreciate baseball. They can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory no matter what.:lol:


Article is the one who told me about this forum

I'll have to find crimson white in my posting travels to find out :D

Just so ya know, referrals get no special consideration around here.... :lol:

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