What's really going on


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020

Yes, it's a riot not a protest.

No, it's not right wingers and white supremacists.

Yes, Antifa are terrorists.

Yes, there is an organized effort to replace law-and-order prosecutors with activist DAs who will only prosecute people who oppose the agenda.

Go to the link and read the whole thing.

Organized criminals are using the cover of the crowd to run looting crews and raid expensive shopping areas, and many others are using the fact that cops are busy elsewhere to make power moves and launch offensive against rival cliques, hence the spike in murders in many gang infested big cities. Cops watch criminals and criminals watch cops; in Baltimore during the riots a few years ago, one enterprising crew took advantage of the distraction to LE and brought in literal truckloads of heroin..... word is, the street price of H dropped 50% due to the market being flooded.
The reason violent crime is spiking in many large metro areas isn't just because of less cops on patrol, it's because the entire shift is dealing with protests and that gives the bangers an opening to make some moves, because they're running a business, bottom line, and businesses are either expanding or contracting.
Noooo, dontcha know it's Climate Change, all caused because Trumps in office. Those aren't protesters and definately not rioters, they're just happy people on an extended picnic..............or so they want you to believe.
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There is an organized, diligent effort being made to keep people from being aware of what is really happening, and how things really work..... because without that info, it's very hard for us to stop all the shenanigans and fuckery that's going on.
It's always better to know who's who, what's what, and who is doing what and to whom.

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