Whats More Anti-American?

So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.

No one is talking about taking an entire bottle of Tylenol.

They have made a discovery that Aceteminophen and Ibuprophen affect different pain receptors. Taking them together is as effective as opiods in treating MOST pain. This is the most common pain treatment in most of Europe.

ONE study found an increase in internal bleeding with such a mixture. Use your discretion.

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Combination Risks

What is "most" pain?

I've had toothaches that 800 mg of ibuprofen + 400 mg of acetaminophen did nothing for, but a 200/5 mg pill of Norco cleared right up.
That is what we call an anecdote and is easily dismissed. Why? Well the placebo effect silly.

You are all also completely ignoring the deliberate hiding of the risk of addiction by big pharma. Deliberate to the point of spending hundreds of millions to hide it. Perhaps, there are cases where opioids are needed. I dont doubt it. But understanding the addictive risks would have mitigated the amount of unnecessary prescriptions and thus those who died. Mainly, soldiers.

Who are you a sock for? You have refused to provide any supporting reliable sources or links for your phony allegation.

Why are you lying?
Once again, I do not see a responsible source and link with your allegations. You are also changing your original statement. Probably the reason you refuse to provide any support.

Why won't you provide your source?
Second time providing loser:

A grim tally soars: More than 50K overdose deaths in US
Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever

Basic pain pills are as effective as opioids, study finds

Don't take them. No one is forcing you or anyone to take any medication.
Now that we know the harmfulness, we aren't taking them in as high numbers anymore. But thats after tens of thousands have died.

But how many millions are suffering because of it?

At some point, people are going to have to stop taking these pills, stop shooting up. They are going to have to stop being addicts. No one can stop being addicts for them. Addicts are a class of people who will not take responsibility for themselves. They will not take responsibility for their own addiction. When they say they need "help", what does that mean? To the non addict it might mean medical support, therapy. Two weeks in a counseling center. That's not help to the addict. They come out the other end just as addicted. Help to them means Make Me Stop Being An Addict. Make me stop wanting to get high. If I still get high, it's YOUR fault. It's BIG PHARMA'S fault. It's the doctor's fault. Fuck all, it's the television's fault that's where I saw the commercials.

I have no sympathy.

I guess you have to walk in anothers shoes to make that call. As I just stated, different drugs work on different people.

I actually feel sorry for people that couldn't kick it. I've known several that went to prison for years, came out, and started all over again.

I'm a smoker and I'm addicted. I've known plenty of people who quit. Some said it was the easiest thing they ever done. I've known some people that quit for over ten years, and started up again because they couldn't take it. Everybody is different.

Kind of reminds me of a true story. My sister always hated tobacco products. If you pulled out a cigarette in front of her, she started to cough before you even lit the thing. She always preached to me and my mother about quitting yet neither of us were able to.

One time we went over her house for a holiday, and she praised me on the weight I lost. My sister has fought with obesity all her life. Even though she's a dietary technician, she asked me what my secret was?

I told her the secret is to stop eating. She thought I was kidding and said "well no shit!" But then she realized I was serious. So she asked me how I could tolerate the empty feeling, the hunger, the resistance when I see food or food commercials? I told her it was difficult, but it's not nearly as bad as not having a cigarette for a long period of time.

She stopped and just stared out into space with her mouth open for several seconds as if Jesus walked in behind us. She could never relate what me and my mother go through to stop smoking, but after what I told her, she finally was able to understand.

Since that day, she never preached to me or my mother again about quitting cigarettes.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.

No one is talking about taking an entire bottle of Tylenol.

They have made a discovery that Aceteminophen and Ibuprophen affect different pain receptors. Taking them together is as effective as opiods in treating MOST pain. This is the most common pain treatment in most of Europe.

ONE study found an increase in internal bleeding with such a mixture. Use your discretion.

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Combination Risks

What is "most" pain?

I've had toothaches that 800 mg of ibuprofen + 400 mg of acetaminophen did nothing for, but a 200/5 mg pill of Norco cleared right up.
That is what we call an anecdote and is easily dismissed. Why? Well the placebo effect silly.

You are all also completely ignoring the deliberate hiding of the risk of addiction by big pharma. Deliberate to the point of spending hundreds of millions to hide it. Perhaps, there are cases where opioids are needed. I dont doubt it. But understanding the addictive risks would have mitigated the amount of unnecessary prescriptions and thus those who died. Mainly, soldiers.

Who are you a sock for? You have refused to provide any supporting reliable sources or links for your phony allegation.

Why are you lying?
People are discussing the five sources weirdo.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.

No one is talking about taking an entire bottle of Tylenol.

They have made a discovery that Aceteminophen and Ibuprophen affect different pain receptors. Taking them together is as effective as opiods in treating MOST pain. This is the most common pain treatment in most of Europe.

ONE study found an increase in internal bleeding with such a mixture. Use your discretion.

Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen Combination Risks

What is "most" pain?

I've had toothaches that 800 mg of ibuprofen + 400 mg of acetaminophen did nothing for, but a 200/5 mg pill of Norco cleared right up.
That is what we call an anecdote and is easily dismissed. Why? Well the placebo effect silly.

You are all also completely ignoring the deliberate hiding of the risk of addiction by big pharma. Deliberate to the point of spending hundreds of millions to hide it. Perhaps, there are cases where opioids are needed. I dont doubt it. But understanding the addictive risks would have mitigated the amount of unnecessary prescriptions and thus those who died. Mainly, soldiers.

Who are you a sock for? You have refused to provide any supporting reliable sources or links for your phony allegation.

Why are you lying?
I am a sock for soliders used by big pharma, dying so some copr can make billions.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.
Tylenol should be outlawed. It damages people's livers.
You know how you know that? Its right on the package. However, big pharma deliberately hid the addictive dangers of opioids. See the difference?

Also, Tylenol, if taking properly will not damage your liver. Opioids, if taken properly, still can cause you to be addicted and spiral to death.

Unbelievable, how quick people are to defend corporate power, just like their partisans masters have tricked them into doing for so long. Both parties I might add.

You are anti-American, and your patriotism lies to the corporate overlords.

Has nothing to do with defending corporate power being a patriot or anti-American.

It does have to do with you providing false information and then lying and attempting to deflect in order to HIDE your lie.

Who pays you to throw-up such nonsense?

Tylenol should be outlawed. It damages people's livers.
You know how you know that? Its right on the package. However, big pharma deliberately hid the addictive dangers of opioids. See the difference?

Also, Tylenol, if taking properly will not damage your liver. Opioids, if taken properly, still can cause you to be addicted and spiral to death.

Unbelievable, how quick people are to defend corporate power, just like their partisans masters have tricked them into doing for so long. Both parties I might add.

You are anti-American, and your patriotism lies to the corporate overlords.

Has nothing to do with defending corporate power being a patriot or anti-American.

It does have to do with you providing false information and then lying and attempting to deflect in order to HIDE your lie.

Who pays you to throw-up such nonsense?

Yeah sure, nobody else who read the sources called it a lie. Just you.

You hate America so leave the country and go live int he Cayman islands and you are complicit in killing our soldiers.

Oh and what was the lie boy?
Tylenol should be outlawed. It damages people's livers.
You know how you know that? Its right on the package. However, big pharma deliberately hid the addictive dangers of opioids. See the difference?

Also, Tylenol, if taking properly will not damage your liver. Opioids, if taken properly, still can cause you to be addicted and spiral to death.

Unbelievable, how quick people are to defend corporate power, just like their partisans masters have tricked them into doing for so long. Both parties I might add.

You are anti-American, and your patriotism lies to the corporate overlords.

Has nothing to do with defending corporate power being a patriot or anti-American.

It does have to do with you providing false information and then lying and attempting to deflect in order to HIDE your lie.

Who pays you to throw-up such nonsense?

Yeah sure, nobody else who read the sources called it a lie. Just you.

You hate America so leave the country and go live int he Cayman islands and you are complicit in killing our soldiers.

Oh and what was the lie boy?

You sure are walking way out on a plank that an asshat is standing on to counter-balance your weight, newb.\

My advice: tread carefully.
Tylenol should be outlawed. It damages people's livers.
You know how you know that? Its right on the package. However, big pharma deliberately hid the addictive dangers of opioids. See the difference?

Also, Tylenol, if taking properly will not damage your liver. Opioids, if taken properly, still can cause you to be addicted and spiral to death.

Unbelievable, how quick people are to defend corporate power, just like their partisans masters have tricked them into doing for so long. Both parties I might add.

You are anti-American, and your patriotism lies to the corporate overlords.

Has nothing to do with defending corporate power being a patriot or anti-American.

It does have to do with you providing false information and then lying and attempting to deflect in order to HIDE your lie.

Who pays you to throw-up such nonsense?

Yeah sure, nobody else who read the sources called it a lie. Just you.

You hate America so leave the country and go live int he Cayman islands and you are complicit in killing our soldiers.

Oh and what was the lie boy?

You sure are walking way out on a plank that an asshat is standing on to counter-balance your weight, newb.\

My advice: tread carefully.
No clue what you wrote. I stand up for Soldiers. I will not back down from that. You ANti-Americans dont scare me.
Tylenol should be outlawed. It damages people's livers.
You know how you know that? Its right on the package. However, big pharma deliberately hid the addictive dangers of opioids. See the difference?

Also, Tylenol, if taking properly will not damage your liver. Opioids, if taken properly, still can cause you to be addicted and spiral to death.

Unbelievable, how quick people are to defend corporate power, just like their partisans masters have tricked them into doing for so long. Both parties I might add.

You are anti-American, and your patriotism lies to the corporate overlords.

Has nothing to do with defending corporate power being a patriot or anti-American.

It does have to do with you providing false information and then lying and attempting to deflect in order to HIDE your lie.

Who pays you to throw-up such nonsense?

Yeah sure, nobody else who read the sources called it a lie. Just you.

You hate America so leave the country and go live int he Cayman islands and you are complicit in killing our soldiers.

Oh and what was the lie boy?

You sure are walking way out on a plank that an asshat is standing on to counter-balance your weight, newb.\

My advice: tread carefully.
No clue what you wrote. I stand up for Soldiers. I will not back down from that. You ANti-Americans dont scare me.

Oh! oh! So now newb is calling someone who's people settled America well before it was America (Like a century) "ANti-American" Okay, where you from, boy?
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.


You don't know shit about me, clown shoes.

You should read what my posts say, rather than reading what you want to see into them.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.

Let's cut to the chase right here: what is it you want to see done with opioid products exactly?
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.


You don't know shit about me, clown shoes.

You should read what my posts say, rather than reading what you want to see into them.

Here's what I think 'bout ya:

You lean leftish.

However, you see things for what they are and don't allow leftist bias in yoar modding.

I do not believe you've ever given me an infraction, even. :eek:

Seriously, this place is pretty good!
Does the newb want a ban on Oxys n Roxys? I'm all for that.

Probably seen 5-6 people I've known died from that.

Mexican brown is safer. :uhh:
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.

Let's cut to the chase right here: what is it you want to see done with opioid products exactly?

I want an investigation into how much information was covered up in terms of how much they knew about the addictive effects. Since we already know they deliberately hid some information I think criminal charges should be considered for those involved. I think they should be responsible for paying to help fix the problem, not us taxpayers, and I think the Ceos should offer an apology to any soldier killed as a result.

As for there continued usage, they should only be relegated to cases where there is no other possible pain reliever and any further profits made from them should be donated to charities that deal with addiction, and most importantly VETERANS.

Those people died for me and I'll be damned if Ill ever turn my back on them.
Gotta stop you right there.

This is incredibly not true - and dangerous.

It's easier to die of a Tylenol overdose than it is to die of a opiate overdose.
Um....what the heck are you saying? 980 overdoes from basic pain compared to 500k opioids?? Most of the opioid related deaths are due to developing addiction and moving to heroin.

Please dont respond to my threads if you are going to be obtuse.

So let me stop you right there, and dont bother with me unless you would like to be serious.

There are 100,000 acetaminphen overdoses per year in the US.

And the vast majority of opiate overdoses don't come from heroin, they come from prescription synthetic opiates like fentanyl.
Behind the Numbers — ProPublica

1500 deaths in ten years from tylenol. Yes, lots of people go to the er after taking too much cause its unpleasant. Also many are just suicide attempts.

500k dead from opioid. Want to count the er visits by them as well when they lived? In a few years? Well be in the millions.

People like you are either trolls or really dumb.

You are anti-american. Just a patriot of corps.

Let's cut to the chase right here: what is it you want to see done with opioid products exactly?

I want an investigation into how much information was covered up in terms of how much they knew about the addictive effects. Since we already know they deliberately hid some information I think criminal charges should be considered for those involved. I think they should be responsible for paying to help fix the problem, not us taxpayers, and I think the Ceos should offer an apology to any soldier killed as a result.

As for there continued usage, they should only be relegated to cases where there is no other possible pain reliever and any further profits made from them should be donated to charities that deal with addiction, and most importantly VETERANS.

Those people died for me and I'll be damned if Ill ever turn my back on them.

Okay, so what you are saying is that nobody knew of the addicting properties of opioid products? I'm sorry, but I'm 57 years old, and we knew about such addiction possibilities since I was a kid. Although rare, we had heroin addicts back in the 70's just like we have today. So I don't buy that anything was covered up. Even back then, anybody that was not aware of addiction to those drugs was a complete idiot.

Given the fact that most addicts resulted from recreational use of those products, I can't see holding the manufacturers of those products liable. And even if we did, all that would do is increase the price of those products or make them unavailable to those who really need them. It's a lose-lose situation and still won't solve one problem we have today. All that would really do is make millions suffer more.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Pharma companies have made billions of dollars marketing a drug they knew was highly addictive. 50K Americans a year are now dying a hear due to the crisis. Meanwhile we discover that Pharma companies are stashing their money overseas to avoid paying US taxes leaving the US public to pay to try and stop the crisis. Of course some of these costs find their way into public healthcare. Pharma also lobbies money to keep pot illegal, though it is a much safer alternative than opioids.

7 Police officers have been killed this year fighting resurgent heroin dealers who have seen their power grow due to the opioid crisis.

So whats more anti-American? Developing a drug you made billions off, putting money overseas to avoid pay taxes on said profits, forcing the US taxpayer to pay to try and resolve crisisi you created, leading to 7 police officer deaths due to rise in Heroin you created, taking no blame for it OR kneeling for an Anthem?

Why is kneeling disrespectful.

It's what Catholics do in church.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Pharma companies have made billions of dollars marketing a drug they knew was highly addictive. 50K Americans a year are now dying a hear due to the crisis. Meanwhile we discover that Pharma companies are stashing their money overseas to avoid paying US taxes leaving the US public to pay to try and stop the crisis. Of course some of these costs find their way into public healthcare. Pharma also lobbies money to keep pot illegal, though it is a much safer alternative than opioids.

7 Police officers have been killed this year fighting resurgent heroin dealers who have seen their power grow due to the opioid crisis.

So whats more anti-American? Developing a drug you made billions off, putting money overseas to avoid pay taxes on said profits, forcing the US taxpayer to pay to try and resolve crisisi you created, leading to 7 police officer deaths due to rise in Heroin you created, taking no blame for it OR kneeling for an Anthem?

Why is kneeling disrespectful.

It's what Catholics do in church.

Yes, that is what Catholics do in church, but not to disrespect anything.

Kneeling in front of our flag or during our anthem is saying F-you to all Americans particularly our police. So when those people say F-you right back, don't be too surprised.
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Pharma companies have made billions of dollars marketing a drug they knew was highly addictive. 50K Americans a year are now dying a hear due to the crisis. Meanwhile we discover that Pharma companies are stashing their money overseas to avoid paying US taxes leaving the US public to pay to try and stop the crisis. Of course some of these costs find their way into public healthcare. Pharma also lobbies money to keep pot illegal, though it is a much safer alternative than opioids.

7 Police officers have been killed this year fighting resurgent heroin dealers who have seen their power grow due to the opioid crisis.

So whats more anti-American? Developing a drug you made billions off, putting money overseas to avoid pay taxes on said profits, forcing the US taxpayer to pay to try and resolve crisisi you created, leading to 7 police officer deaths due to rise in Heroin you created, taking no blame for it OR kneeling for an Anthem?
Is there any difference between Big Tobacco and Big Pharma? I do think so.

At this point yes, we know the harm of tobacco products. The opioid issue was hidden by big pharma initially much like early denying of danger of tobacco.

Back then, the cig companies at least didn't shelter their profits overseas.

What are you huffing you pharma hating lib halfwit everyone knows opioids are addictive, HELLO. :rolleyes:
So whats more anti-American? We have discovered that a combination of Tylenol and Aspirin is just as effective for treating pain as opoids.

Pharma companies have made billions of dollars marketing a drug they knew was highly addictive. 50K Americans a year are now dying a hear due to the crisis. Meanwhile we discover that Pharma companies are stashing their money overseas to avoid paying US taxes leaving the US public to pay to try and stop the crisis. Of course some of these costs find their way into public healthcare. Pharma also lobbies money to keep pot illegal, though it is a much safer alternative than opioids.

7 Police officers have been killed this year fighting resurgent heroin dealers who have seen their power grow due to the opioid crisis.

So whats more anti-American? Developing a drug you made billions off, putting money overseas to avoid pay taxes on said profits, forcing the US taxpayer to pay to try and resolve crisisi you created, leading to 7 police officer deaths due to rise in Heroin you created, taking no blame for it OR kneeling for an Anthem?

Why is kneeling disrespectful.

It's what Catholics do in church.

Yes, that is what Catholics do in church, but not to disrespect anything.
The protesters are kneeling because they beleive it will help in their cause for social justice.

Big pharma is lying and killing tens of thousands of Americans, mostly soldiers, to make billions of dollars and then stash the money overseas.

Their is no parallel. If you care about soldiers and the police you should be a billion times more pissed at big pharma then football players.

You are manipulated to focus on kneeleing cause it distracts you from a tax plan about to raise tazes on the middle class to give more wealth to the rich.

Its that simple. Non violent kneelers verse companies killing soldiers. Its not even close.

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