What's Bibi's point in addressing congress?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
I think it's the potential of an Iran nuclear deal. I think it was inevitable Obama and Bibi would reach loggerheads over this, and frankly a goper administration pre-the neo-cons might of as well

It appears Obama will compromise and let Tehran keep enough centrifuges to move back to enrichment for a bomb in exchange for the inspections Obama, and out international allies, insist upon. That is fundamentally unacceptable to Bibi.

Of course Obama and Bibi literally hate each other, and Bibi poisoned the well with settlements, as well as with personal insults to Rahm (go figure cause the guy's dad was a Zionist rabbi) and Biden (go figure cause the guy's never cast a anti-Zionist vote in his life).

But, fundamentally, Bibi has always wanted war with Iran to prevent even a possibility of a bomb, and Obama has no intention of attacking Iran unless Iran is actually gassing up a plane to drop the nuke.

Fundamentally Freund Barack H. Chamberlain and Iran - Opinion - Jerusalem Post
A Bibi tool who has to personally insult the president

Obama warns Iran nuclear deal may not be reached World News
A mainstream AFP report

Obama warns Iran nuclear deal may not be reached World News
And fox
obama is essentially a liar. He has already been noted for using Tehran's talking points. Netanyahu was invited to speak before Congress so that Congress can get some sense of truth, not just obama's ass kissing.
Yes...Bibi is man protecting his country. Obabble is a community organizer protecting his legacy.
hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.
The point is do we want them to have the capability to hit us? Plus it is in our interest to protect Israel.

Israel can take care of themselves, we owe them nothing, certainty not more American lifes. Israel has nukes and Obama knows what he is doing along with the P5+1 , and Israel is not included.
Yes...Bibi is man protecting his country. Obabble is a community organizer protecting his legacy.
hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.

Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.
The point is do we want them to have the capability to hit us? Plus it is in our interest to protect Israel.
Why is it in our interest?

If we abandon our only real ally in the M.E., the remaining Allies worldwide will lose any confidence they have in the US keeping their word. They already know Obama got the "Liar of the Year" award.
The point is do we want them to have the capability to hit us? Plus it is in our interest to protect Israel.
Why is it in our interest?

If we abandon our only real ally in the M.E., the remaining Allies worldwide will lose any confidence they have in the US keeping their word. They already know Obama got the "Liar of the Year" award.

What word, that we stand behind Israel no matter what. Israel enemies should not be ours, maybe we need new friends. Israel has done nothing for us, nothing but grief, if they want to fight let them , but keep us out of it. Everyone is their enemy. At least Obama is not trigger happy.
Brinksmanship. Only Iran isn't bluffing. As soon as they have a bomb they're going to use it. Meanwhile Israel parks the Dolphins offshore of Iran, her Popeye Turbo cruise missiles at the ready with 200 kiloton nuclear warheads, each possessing the destructive yield of 13 Hiroshima bombs. If they're fired, they're going to end 3000 years of Persian culture in a flash. What an insane asylum our planet is become. All in the name of "God."
Yes...Bibi is man protecting his country. Obabble is a community organizer protecting his legacy.
hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.

Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.
The point is do we want them to have the capability to hit us? Plus it is in our interest to protect Israel.
Why is it in our interest?

If we abandon our only real ally in the M.E., the remaining Allies worldwide will lose any confidence they have in the US keeping their word. They already know Obama got the "Liar of the Year" award.

What word, that we stand behind Israel no matter what. Israel enemies should not be ours, maybe we need new friends. Israel has done nothing for us, nothing but grief, if they want to fight let them , but keep us out of it. Everyone is their enemy. At least Obama is not trigger happy.

Enjoy your jew-hatred, but this is not what it's about.
Brinksmanship. Only Iran isn't bluffing. As soon as they have a bomb they're going to use it. Meanwhile Israel parks the Dolphins offshore of Iran, her Popeye Turbo cruise missiles at the ready with 200 kiloton nuclear warheads, each possessing the destructive yield of 13 Hiroshima bombs. If they're fired, they're going to end 3000 years of Persian culture in a flash. What an insane asylum our planet is become. All in the name of "God."
Iran knows it too. Israel scares me more than Iran, as Bibi wants it so bad.

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