What Would You Do?

Mostly curiousity. Our own WelfareQueen and Sherry met here and are getting married this spring I believe.
Well, we are both married so it remains a "friendship" for the time being.....
I would say that I really enjoy having their friendship and do not want to do anything to jeopardize that. Also, as a married person I need my friends to respect that boundary.
Defcon..what if the OP is about her having second thoughts about YOU? Did you already inform your wife you met someone else? Or is it still on the downlow..just in case?

Yeah, I know. I'm nosey. But curious too.
As always, I love many of you in an internet anonymous general noncommittal way. It doesn't even include a lunch.
Interesting. So you both may leave your spouses and hook up? Fascinating. Scarey too.
No, we have no such plans. Our spouses do not deserve such a betrayal.
So..it's just an online affair then? Neither of you plan to leave your spouses, but just enjoy cybering with each other?
You know I have the next question and what it will be, doncha? No judgement...just wondering mainly:
Do you not consider that cheating? And...what if your spouses were doing the same thing with someone else? Would it hurt you?
Defcon..what if the OP is about her having second thoughts about YOU? Did you already inform your wife you met someone else? Or is it still on the downlow..just in case?

Yeah, I know. I'm nosey. But curious too.
Heck no. I never hurt anybody intentionally especially not my wife, my companion, best friend, the mother of our children.
I don't judge this because I have little crushes on people I meet online now and then. But leave MrG? Oh hell no. Cyber sexing with someone else? Oh hell no. I'd feel.....weird. Then again....I have never done that or let it go that far since its just a small crush thing that the guy doesn't even know, so....who knows how I would react if he caught on and was interested. Which is why I am careful on what I say and how I react. Its just a crush thing. Nothing sexual about it.
So..it's just an online affair then? Neither of you plan to leave your spouses, but just enjoy cybering with each other?
You know I have the next question and what it will be, doncha? No judgement...just wondering mainly:
Do you not consider that cheating? And...what if your spouses were doing the same thing with someone else? Would it hurt you?
We are not cybering. That's artificial.
Cheating has a different meaning to me than for the rest. If you look where "cheating" is coming from you will see in the context that it is NOT intended for sexual interpretation.
Mr.? (yes I'm still here... I'm just a crazy junkie)
So..it's just an online affair then? Neither of you plan to leave your spouses, but just enjoy cybering with each other?
You know I have the next question and what it will be, doncha? No judgement...just wondering mainly:
Do you not consider that cheating? And...what if your spouses were doing the same thing with someone else? Would it hurt you?
We are not cybering. That's artificial.
Cheating has a different meaning to me than for the rest. If you look where "cheating" is coming from you will see in the context that it is NOT intended for sexual interpretation.
Then what are you doing? 'Splain, cuz I don't get it.
What does cheating mean to you?
I don't judge this because I have little crushes on people I meet online now and then. But leave MrG? Oh hell no. Cyber sexing with someone else? Oh hell no. I'd feel.....weird. Then again....I have never done that or let it go that far since its just a small crush thing that the guy doesn't even know, so....who knows how I would react if he caught on and was interested. Which is why I am careful on what I say and how I react. Its just a crush thing. Nothing sexual about it.

I consider them flirtations, some people participate more than others... that's about it...
I do answer but no one ever believes me ... that's why I said for def to answer....
Friends are just too important to let some temporary infatuation ruin a marriage AND friendship. I am happy with what I have and not willing to risk any of it.
So..it's just an online affair then? Neither of you plan to leave your spouses, but just enjoy cybering with each other?
You know I have the next question and what it will be, doncha? No judgement...just wondering mainly:
Do you not consider that cheating? And...what if your spouses were doing the same thing with someone else? Would it hurt you?
We are not cybering. That's artificial.
Cheating has a different meaning to me than for the rest. If you look where "cheating" is coming from you will see in the context that it is NOT intended for sexual interpretation.
Then what are you doing? 'Splain, cuz I don't get it.
What does cheating mean to you?

anything involving a sex act - be it cyber or otherwise

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